This section of our website is intended for you to keep in touch with all of your fellow colleagues who have served in the Bermuda Police. We started this column by putting all entries on one post but soon realized that it would stretch for far too long so we are doing it by each year- and this one is for 2023.
We welcome news, however brief, and would also encourage you to send us recent photos. Sadly we sometimes have to report "bad" news such as illnesses - or worse - but we are always delighted to receive positive news! We can be contacted through our email address at or through the comments column at the bottom of each article, including this one.
We are starting this year's "Keeping in Touch" column with an entry about all those men and women who will hopefully be celebrating their 50th Anniversary Year since joining the Bermuda Police back in 1973. Scroll down to our first entry of the year on 1st January regarding the 50th Anniversary.
15th November

Charlie Mooney, Roger ‘Shoes” Needham and Steve Peterson - We’ve received this photo of 3 of our colleagues and their wives at a Get-Together lunch in Brighton on 6thNovember.
Charlie and Anne-Marie Mooney
Charlie Mooney, Roger “Shoes” Needham and Steve Peterson are all ex MCPS and they stay in weekly contact with each other via a WhattsApp group. During a recent visit to the UK, Charlie and Anne-Marie met up with "Shoes" and Steve for lunch , accompanied by their wives Sue, and Liz. Liz used to work in the X-Ray Department at KEMH.
Great to see they’re all still on the move and managing to stay in touch through the marvels of modern technology. I have to wonder how many of our former colleagues are managing to stay abreast of using mobiles, WhattsApp, Facetime, Zoom and whatever other means there are of us staying in touch with each other now we no longer have to resort to “long distance telephone calls” that cost a fortune!
Since his retirement Steve Peterson has written an excellent article for our Then and Now” column. CLICK HERE to view it.
There was a time when we were having problems mixing up a trio of Needhams who had served here in the Bermuda Police. The first was Dave “Big Joe” Needham who served here from 1966-1970; next was Raymond “Ray” Needham who served from 1973-1976, and who sadly died in 2018; and finally we had Roger “Shoes” Needham who served here from 1977 - 1982 before returning to the UK where he re-joined the Sussex Police.
We finally decided to solve the problem by publishing an article “Three Needham’s Sorted”which you can CLICK HERE to view.
We are always delighted to hear news from our colleagues wherever you are, and particularly if it positive news.
If you’re reading this and we havn’t heard from you for a while, or maybe since you left Bermuda, then please feel free to get in touch and let us know how you are, and what you’re doing these days. A recent photo would also be appreciated. You can contact us as
25th September
Liz Hanlon
Visit to Bermuda by Liz Hanlon - It was a complete surprise to receive a call from Mrs. Liz Hanlon a few days ago to say she was on Island with a relative, staying at Rosedon Hotel opposite the Hamilton Princess. Liz was married to retired Assistant Commissioner Jim “JCP” Hanlon who served in the Bermuda Police from February 1952 – 1985. Jim arrived in Bermuda as one of 10 recruits from the “Emerald Isle”. JCP as he was known, started his career in Central Division and quickly became Station Constable and within a year was transferred to the Administration Office. He worked in a wide variety of departments including a spell in CID (CRO), in Prosecutions where he was promoted to Sergeant; in Special Branch where he was promoted to Inspector; in 1963 he was appointed OIC of Western Division, and as he rose through the ranks he worked mainly in “A” Department, then as Superintendent OIC “A” and “B” Departments, and in 1981 he was promoted to Assistant COP (Crime), retiring in February 1985, after 33 years service.
Assistant Commissioner Jim "JCP" Hanlon
Jim played a major role in creating and organising the Police Magazines where he was Editor for many years.
Sadly, Liz advised that Jim passed away in 2002 after a lengthy illness.
Liz had fond memories of Bermuda, where she worked for many years as a nurse at King Edward Memorial Hospital, in Memorial Ward, and was directly involved in the setting up over 50 years ago of the first Alcohol Treatment Unit headed by Vaughn Mosher.
Among the highlights of her visit have been meeting up with old friends such as Vaughn Mosher, members of the family of the late Barrie and Allison Elliott, and Carleen Currie who was Unit Coordinator in Cooper Ward When asked about her impressions of Bermuda during this visit, Liz was sad to see some of the major Front Street stores have closed, but says, “I’ve been overwhelmed by the politeness and kindness of everyone I’ve met. Bermuda should be very proud of the simple good manners of Bermudians, sadly lacking In other countries.“
7th August
Young Constable Higham at Traffic
Barry Higham Visit in September - Barry’s been in touch again to confirm he’ll be on Island from 10th – 20th September, along with Keith Pellow.
Berry is keen to pay a quick visit to the Traffic Department while he’s here and we’re making arrangements to do so on Thursday afternoon 14th September, along with another “Traffic” man, Roger Kendall, before heading up to the Police Club to meet up with old friends during Happy Hour. If permissable will try to take some photos so you can compare the new with the old!
While here Barry is also keen to have a round of golf, probably at Belmont with the Senior Golfer’s Group.
In the meantime he’s sent us this photo taken when he was working in Traffic in the “good old days”!
6th August
Ian Morrison
Sad death of Ian Morrison - We recenty reported on the sad death of our former colleague, retired Assistant Commissioner Ian Morrison who passed away on 20th July 2023 at the age of 96. We have now published an article about Ian in our Hall of Fame column CLICK HERE to view the article. If you check the article you'll see the attached photo of young P.C. Morrison on his Triumph motor cycle alongside another policeman also riding a motor cycle. We are trying to ascertain the identty of this officer. If you have any idea who he might be please contact us at
Young P.C. Ian Morrison is on the left. Can you recognise the young man on the right.
1st August

Barry Higham visits Steve and Liz Peterson - We just heard that Barry Higham recently paid a visit to his old “B” Watch mate, Steve Peterson and they swapped stories of the good old days in Traffic and Bermuda.
We also hear Barry is planning a vacation here on Island next month, arriving on 10thSeptember for 10 days, and he’ll be accompanied by another former colleague, Keith Pellow.
There’s a very good chance Barry and Keith will be heading up to the Police Club for Happy Hour on Thursday 14th Setpember!
CLICK HERE for our “Then and Now” article about Barry
CLICK HERE for our “Them and Now” arcicle on Steve
31st July
ANNUAL EXPO SUMMER BBQ - We held our annual ExPo BBQ at the Police Recreation Club on Saturday 22nd July 2023, with no thanks to the weather! Unfortunately, we endured very heavy rain during the day so our event had to be moved into the Main Hall of the PRC.
ExPo President Cal Smith with Lisa Rivas

The event was well attended but without some of our regular attendees, a few of whom were on summer vacation, which seemed to include a few taking holidays on cruise ships! We should start an ExPo blog where our cruise ship ‘experts’ can pass on advice and critiques for the benefit of those who have yet to take the plunge!
CLICK HERE for a full report and photos taken at this event in our Interesting Articles column, along with a conversation with Adrian King about his cricketing days and how much he earned to play the noble game.
30th July
Young P.C. Kevin Hamilton
Kevin Hamilton - Nasty Fall We’ve just heard that our good friend and former colleague, Kevin Hamilton, has had a nasty accident at his home in Birkenhead when he fell while taking out the trash bin and sustained a broken hip.
His wife, Julie has reported that Kevin was operated on yesterday and he’s likely to be in hospital for a while.

Kevin came out to Bermuda in December 1970 along with Roger Kendall and “Bob” Allen and was quickly posted to CID where he spent most of his time in Bermuda until 1984 when he left the Island and returned to the UK.
We wish him a speedy and complete recovery
27th July

Get Together in Manchester - We have just received this photo from John Headey of a group of our "old" PRC footballers and friends meeting up in Manchester last week. We hear that a few beers, tall tales and an Indian lunch contributed to a few very enjoyable hours together. Pete Borland was on "holiday" in the U.K. and Iain Morrison made the trip down from Edinburgh.
I must apologize for being off Island and also having technical difficulties on my computer for an extended period of time Hopefully, now back in action and hope to here from our members here and around the world.
ARE YOU A CRUISER? My wife and I were on a cruise to Alaska from Vancouver and I have to say that Alaska was fascinating from start to finish. We cruised up the Inner Passage so no major ocean swell and every port we stopped in was unique and beautiful. We were lucky enough to see a black bear with 3 cubs on our first stop, together with loads of wildlife during the cruise, from sea lions, seals, otters and endless humpback whales, to bald eagles in abundance. A highlight of our trip was to row in a kayak to a glacier through ice flows – a really cool experience! We were also extremely fortunate to have great weather throughout – in stark contrast to the constant high winds and heavy rains encountered here in Bermuda.

After having now taking three holidays on cruise ships, the first from Edinburgh to the Norwegian fiords, the second from Dover to Barcelona visiting ports in France, Portugal, Gibraltar & Spain, and now the cruise from Vancouver to Alaska, this sure is the ideal way to travel in our "mature" years, and to visit places I never dreamed of visiting,
But I know for a fact that there are others of our colleagues who have done far more cruises than we have, and I would like to run an ongoing article with input from any of our colleagues who have taken cruise ship holidays, especially Dave and Sylvia Cart, and Dave and Jan O’Meara who I think it would be fair to describe as veteran cruisers. If you have taken a cruise please consider sending us your insights and a few photos and I’ll start a cruise ship “blog” which might be very useful for those who are thinking of, or planning on taking a cruise.
Reese Bartley - On a very sad note, we have lost two of our old friends and colleagues just in recent weeks, including Reese Bartley who passed away suddenly on 26th May. CLICK HERE for our Latest News article published just before I went away. Reese’s funeral was held at Christchurch in Warwick on 12th June 2023, and we will publish further details of the tragic loss of our dear friend in the near future.

Randy Vaucrosson - We heard on 6th June that our dear friend and former colleague (Michael) “Randy” Vaucrosson passed away after a serious illness. Randy served in the BPS from November 1984 – August 2006. We understand that a graveside service was held for Randy on 7thJune. We offer our sincere condolences to his family. CLICK HERE for Randy’s obituary in the Royal Gazette which includes kind comments from many of his friends and colleagues in the BPS. CLICK HERE for the many comments posted about Randy on our ExPo Facebook page,

Richard “Rocky” Ironmonger - We’ve just heard from our old friend “Rocky” Ironmonger that he and his wife Maureen are presently on holiday here in Bermuda and we understand that they often visit the Island whenever they have the opportunity
Rocky was keen to be here on at the beginning of May to join six of his colleagues who were celebrating their 50th Anniversary of arriving in Bermuda in May 1973. CLICK HERE for our article about Neil Anderson, Roger Brydon, Howard Cutts, John Dale, Iain Morrison and David Smith, who celebrated the occasion at Harry’s at the Waterfront” restaurant where a good time was had by all.
Rocky served here in the Bermuda Police from May 1973 to March 1980 before heading back to England with Maureen, where he joined the Hampshire Police. Rocky is now retired and he and Maureen are residing in the historic town of Bishops Waltham near Winchester in the Hampshire countryside. The Ironmongers will be here until next Tuesday.
29th May
Reese Bartley
Sad passing of Reese Bartley - We are deeply saddened to report that our very good friend, close colleague and long-serving member of our ExPo Committee, retired Inspector James “Reese” Bartley, passed away suddenly on Friday 26th May 2023.
This has come as a shock to us all, and we offer our sincere condolences to his wife, Gilda, and to their family.
CLICK HERE for a full report on this tragic news in our Latest News column.
We also reported on Reese’s sudden passing on our ExPo Facebook page CLICK HERE to view it. At the moment the Comments column on our ExPo website is out of action but many of our readers are passing on the comments about Reese on our Facebook page.
Ray Sousa
Catching up with Ray Sousa - Following the publishing of our article “Rubbing shoulders with Royalty” (CLICK HERE to view it) we received a Royal “bedtime story” from our old friend and colleague Ray Sousa in Australia, about an incident at Government House just prior to the visit of HRH Prince Charles in 1970, in which he found what at first seemed like a highly suspicious package “hidden” in a bed specially brought to Government House for the Prince.
We have added Ray’s account of the Royal bed to our article.
Ray and his wife Pat and family are still living in Western Australia and Ray reports:-
“We are still "retired'; but keeping busy with volunteer work. Among other things Pat coordinates the daily welfare calls for the local Vinnies [St. Vincent de Paul Society]. I just completed 5 years service as President of the local conference, and am now the "temporary" secretary.
I am still a member of an Emergency Support Brigade. Although mostly we deal with bushfire, we assist with storm damage and searches in winter. Our job is to go anywhere we are needed to set up and help run a Command Centre during an Emergency.
Before retirement I would be making decisions; now I make sure younger leaders have the most updated information to make informed decisions. In some cases I am working with my 3rd generationfamilies of Emergency Services Staff and Volunteers. I am happy and enjoy mentoring future generations. As mentioned before I have a number of service medals, including an AFSM [ Australian Fire Service Medal].
On the home front I still celebrate 24th May, in reverse. In Bermuda it would be the first day I wear shorts, the start of summer. In Australia I pack away the shorts, and put on the long pants. The timing has been right because we have had some near freezing mornings. Officially in Australia winter starts 1st June; but I am happy to keep Queen Victoria's traditions alive.
Health wise I am reasonably fit for an old man, and still walk 40 minutes, just over 4 KMs each day.
It is quickly approaching midnight, so I better get a few hours of sleep before my long busy day tomorrow.
Again stay safe, give my regards to all.

CLICK HERE for the article Barry wrote for our "Then and Now" column.
Barry was one of the five of our former colleagues who got together in Glasgow a few weeks ago as reported in this column in the entry dated 3rd May.
Barry has had a tough time during the last 3 years, with his lovely partner, Lynne passing away last July, and his brother is seriously ill as are two of his nieces, so he’s been spending much of his time taking family members to hospital for treatment. On the positive side Barry is keeping reasonably fit (he was never fitter than when he took up rugby here in Bermuda) although his knees are in need of repair, and he is still getting around the golf course, but as with many of us these days his handicap has “gone off the Richter scale!”
He's certainly looking forward to his trip here to Bermuda.

Dennis Gordon, Dave Cooper and Franz Williams - We’ve just received this photo from Franz Williams taken outside St. Paul’s Church on Court Street on 4th May 2023 after the funeral of Major Randall “Randy “Butler who I’m sure many of our colleagues will remember from his time in the Bermuda Regiment especially as ADC to His Excellency the Governor, and as an excellent cricket umpire.
Franz and Dennis were standing on Court Street outside St. Paul’s after attending Randy’s funeral, and they were reminiscing about the days when they used to pursue criminals in the Court Street area, when along came Dave Cooper and his wife in their car. Dave stopped to chat with his old friends and his wife kindly took the photograph. Franz comments that Dave was his mentor when he was a detective in CID commencing in 1978. Franz also reports that he sees Dennis sporadically at funerals (a sign of the times!) and Dennis still keeps in good shape as a regular walker.
Between them these three colleagues have a total of close to 90 years in the BPS. Dave Cooper served from 1972-2004, Dennis served from 1972-2005, and Franz served from 1976-2004. Great to see all three of them looking so well.

Roger Sherratt and John “Coco” Eve - These two Staffordshire lads met up in Coco’s home town of Leek a couple of weeks ago while Roger and his wife Marian were on a holiday in England to see their two grandchildren playing violin with the British National Children’s Orchestra.
“It was great catching up with Coco and his lovely partner Kath for dinner at a local restaurant in Leek, which is just a few miles from my home town of Biddulph in North Staffordshire. We caught up on gossip about our colleagues who served with us in the BPS and even discussed the viability of having a special "private" section of the ExPo website where we could tell some of those stories that we could never openly publish!
We also reminisced about our days playing in the North Staffs Cricket League juniors, Coco for Leek and me for Knypersley. As members of North Staffs cricket clubs we had the privilege of watching some of the world’s greatest cricket players at a time when fabulous West Indian cricketers such as Frank Worrell, Gary Sobers, Sonny Ramadhin, Wes Hall, Charlie Griffiths, and Roy Gilchrist were not allowed to play County Cricket because of residential rules so they played weekend cricket in leagues such as ours and the Lancashire League until the County Cricket teams eased their residential restrictions in 1968. They were no doubt paid minimum wages but if anyone scored more than 50 runs, or took more than 5 wickets, the hat was passed around the ground for donations, and with players such as Gary Sobers that might occur twice in a match!
3rd May

Get Together in Glasgow - It was great to receive the above photo from Ian Graham who advises that he met up with four former Bermuda Police colleagues in Glasgow last Saturday night 29th April 2023.
Young P.C. Ian Graham
Ian served here from October 1973 - November 1979 serving in Central (Uniform) Eastern (Uniform) and Operations (Traffic)
Ian says, “The brief story is that Dick Coulthard is in the UK at the moment from Australia (Adelaide?) and met up with Barry Higham and the two of them drove to Glasgow to meet up with Andy Lavery and Ian Ganson. I don’t recollect Andy Lavery or Ian Ganson (who now lives in Edinburgh) but Dick knew them both well as the three of them served together both in Bermuda and also Peel County, Canada. Dick and Barry are staying a few nights at Andy’s house in Glasgow and Ian Ganson travelled through from Edinburgh.
I met up with the four of them last night and we had a beer and a blether Bermuda style!
Quo Fata Ferunt
Ian Graham 449
Young P.C. Andy Lavery
Andy Lavery - We have since heard from Andy Lavery who served in the Bermuda Police from October 1970 – June 1974, mainly in Central Division but also had spells in Murder Squad and later in Marine Section.
Andy wrote, “it was great meeting up with Barry Higham , Dick Coulthard, Ian Ganson & Ian Graham. Who would have thought that we would all be back in Scotland after 50 years! Anyway, Bettyann and I have 3 sons and 6 grandchildren. They, like us, live all over the world ( Bermuda, Scotland and Australia) so we get a chance to meet old friends when we travel to see them. Long may that be. Best regards to all my old colleagues. CHEERS."
Andy Lavery

Richard "Dick" Coulthard - We were also delighted to hear from, Richard “Dick” Coulthard today (3rd May 2023) about his visit to England and last week's get-together in Glasgow. He writes:-
“It has been great catching up with old friends. I have met up with Clive Dewhurst, Bruce Bingley, Steve Taylor, Barry Higham, Andy Lavery, Ian Ganson and Ian Graham. Unfortunately a lot of the conversation was on who had died! I particularly enjoyed catching up with former Peel Police Fraud Squad partner Andy Lavery and our supervisor Ian Ganson. As Ian was also my supervisor at Central CID I decided that I should emigrate to Australia to get away from him! Two countries same boss - amazing!
I have lived in Adelaide for the past thirty years and love it there. I keep physically fit by playing lawn bowls three of four times a week and mentally fit playing pub trivia once a week with a team that also includes my oldest daughter and her husband.
My oldest daughter and son are members of the South Australian Police and my youngest daughter a member of the Royal Australian Air Force.
I have seven grandchildren aged between two and twenty one.
My best wishes to you and all our members.
EDITORS NOTE - I'm not sure how many of our readers are familiar with the KEEPING IN TOUCH column which contains dozens of articles written by our former colleagues about themselves. These articles usually include information about where you were born and raised, what are the circumstances in which you chose to join the Bermuda Police, which departments or Divisions you worked in during your service; listing interesting events during your time with us, and also letting us know what you have been doing since leaving the BPS. By coincidence, two of our former colleagues mentioned in the above article have written articles for our THEN AND NOW column. Richard "Dick" Coulthard (CLICK HERE to read his article) was one of the first to submit an article, and John "Barry" Higham has also written an excellent article (CLICK HERE to view it).
We would like to encourage YOU to write an article about yourself, and recommend that you read our rough outline of what might be included in these articles (CLICK HERE to view it).
18th April

Happy Birthday to Dave Garland - Congratulations are in order for our good friend, retired Inspector Dave Garland, who just celebrated his 86th Birthday and is seen here receiving birthday hugs from his two beautiful granddaughters. Dave is slowing down somewhat these days having been such an active sportsman for many years, but he is still an avid cricket fan who continues to follow his Yorkshire cricket team and will be glued to his TV to watch the Ashes Test Match series this summer.

Sad Passing of Reggie Ramjohn in 2012 - We recently received word that our good friend and former colleague Reginald “Reggie” Bliss Ramjohn passed away in St Alban’s, New York, back in April 2012.
Reggie hailed from Grenada and he joined the Bermuda Police in April 1974. He attended Basic Training Course #18 and was initially posted to Central (Uniform) and then to Operations (Traffic) in August 1975 where he served until resigning in May 1977.
We had lost contact with Reggie but one of the attendees on Course #18, retired Chief Inspector Charlie Mooney, has been checking into how many of his fellow recruits, and how many of the instructors from Course #18 are still with us. In doing so Charlie discovered an obituary notice for Reggie on Granadian (CLICK HERE to view the obituary) indicating that Reggie passed away on 20th April 2012. His funeral service was held in St. Albans New York and Reggie was subsequently interred in Grenada.
We belatedly offer our sincere condolences to Reggie’s family
During his enquiries Charlie also discovered a funeral notice for Cumlal Rampersad who had also attended Basic Training Course #18 having been recruited from Trinidad and had joined the BPS pn 1st May 1974. Following Training School he served for just a few months before leaving the Service. We have no further details of Cumlal but offer our sincere condolences to his family.
DCOP Alf Morris
Charlie was unable to trace John Kenyon who also attended Course #18, or Alfred “Alf” Morris who was serving as Deputy Commissioner when the Course photo was taken. We are interested in knowing how John Kenyan is doing these days. We were aware that DCOP Morris, from Staffordshire Police, who served here in the Bermuda Police from October 1973 – October 1979, had passed away on 30th May 2015.
Charlie has reviewed his old Training School attendees and staff (see above photo and caption), and he estimates that approximately 11 in the photo are still “wertical”! One of our problems with trying to keep a reasonably accurate list of our former colleagues who are deceased is that once they leave Bermuda we have very little chance of knowing of their passing unless our members hear the news and pass it on to us. For this reason it would be most appreciated if those of you who are reading this post can spend a few minutes reviewing our List of Deceased Former Bermuda Police Officers. CLICK HERE to view the list.
EDITORS NOTE - Those attendees of Course #18 in 1974 who are still with us next year will of course be celebrating their 50th Anniversary since joining the Bermuda Police. A quick look at our list of colleagues who joined in 1974 totals 31.
Brian Jones
Passing of Brian Jones - We are saddened to report reading in this morning’s Royal Gazette (18th April 2023) about the death of our old friend and colleague former P.C. (Kenneth) Brian Jones at the age of 93. Brian served in the Bermuda Police from 1953-1956 before leaving the Service to work at Butterfield and Vallis.
We mentioned Brian in article published back in 2010 when he and Ian Morrison, and George Hammond got together with William “Bill” Smith to reminisce about their time in the Bermuda Police. Bill was on a visit from Canada and the four met up at RHADC.
CLICK HERE for our article about the passing of Bill Smith in 2018.
2nd April
Young P.C. Angus Brown
Alistair “Angus”Brown - We recently heard from our old friend, former Detective Sergeant Alistair “Angus” Brown who stepped off a British Airways flight here on 14th October 1970, having previously served in the Gloucestershire Police. Angus wrote to enquire about the planned reunion being held in Newcastle later this year and we put him in touch with Keith Senior who is one of the main organizers of the event. CLICK HERE for more information on the planned GET TOGETHER scheduled for Tuesday May 16th 2023 in Newcastle.
Angus served here for 18 years in a wide variety of postings starting in Operations, Eastern Division (Uniform), Mobile Reserve, Headquarters “A" Dept., Cycle Squad, Central CID, including the Murder Room, in 1980 to Western CID as the Office in Charge before returning to Central CID.
After leaving the BPS over 34 years Angus set up BERMUDA RESEARCH SERVICES at the end of 1989. He has brought us up-to-date on his activities since then as follows:-
“Over the following years, it was frankly something of a roller coaster cash-flow wise, and not always plain sailing. I had a number of very successful investigations, both in BDA and internationally, but ironically with an obvious and over riding need for total confidentiality, we could never advertise our successes.
"Eventually, in order to create a more reliable and steady cash flow, I decided to close down the research business, and this is where CENTRAL FILING came into being. Happily, this eventually turned into a great success and after some fairly keen negotiations, I sold the company to A.F. SMITH TRADING.
Angus and Anne
Anne and I returned to England in 2007 and after almost a year of house hunting, we eventually settled in Broadway in Worcestershire at the top end of the Cotswolds and that is where we have remained to this day. Amazingly, considering we live in a village of less than 3,000 people, there is a fairly large number of people here who have strong connections with Bermuda, most of whom had various careers on the island over the last 50 years, and we are friends with most of them.
Home in Worcestershire
If any of my old friends and colleagues are coming over from Bermuda and they are hungering for a rum swizzle, just give us a call. You will be made most welcome.
Editors note - We have contact details for Angus which we are happy to pass on if you contact us at
10th March
P.C. Phil Starr
Phil Starr’s cruise ship passing us by! Our former colleague Phil Starr (1981-1983) had been really looking forward to stopping off at Dockyard for a quick visit on 11th March on the P&O cruise ship “Ventura” CLICK HERE to view the article we published a few weeks ago about Phil’s planned arrival.
Phil has contacted us to report that due to bad weather the scheduled call in to Bermuda by “Ventura” has been cancelled and they are sailing directly to the Bahamas. We hear they have experienced Force 8/9 winds which have really slowed down the ship. Phil wrote to say, "Unfortunately, we‘ve been experiencing exceptionally windy, blustery weather during the past week, and it’s set to continue hitting us with up to gale force winds through this coming weekend."
Phil is hoping to be able to return here for a visit some time in the not too distant future.
9th March

Steve Taylor visiting the Island - Our good friend and former ExPo President, Steve Taylor, is presently on Island for a short visit, and he paid a call to the 4 o’clock club at the PRC this afternoon where he caught up with “old” mates while keeping a watchful eye on the Manchester United game against Real Betis in the Europa Cup. Steve and his son Nick were all smiles when their team cruised to victory 4-1 against Real.
Steve and Nick Taylor all smiles after Man U win!
28th February
John "Coco" Eve and Steve Taylor

ExPo Cocktail Reception February 2023 - We were delighted to hold a well attended, very successful Reception at the PRC on Saturday 25th February, preceded by our AGM. It was a great relief to organize this popular social function, and our Committee is planning to hold more functions during the year including our annual Summer BBQ. CLICK HERE for our article on the ExPo Reception. CLICK HERE for our photo gallery of the Reception.
10th February

Barrie and Jenny Mancell meet up with Fiona Chandler - We just received this photo of Barrie and Jenny Mancell who got together a few days ago with Fiona Chandler in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Barrie and Jennie are on a driving holiday in New Zealand for 2 months, having started with the New Year’s fireworks display in Auckland. So far they’ve driven down the west coast and are now making their way up the east coast, and will be returning to the North Island in a few days time where they have tickets for the opening day of the first Test Match between New Zealand and England – weather permitting!
Barrie reports they’ve had really great weather - no flooding - and really enjoyed a couple of days on Stewart Island which is located south of South Island. As Barrie says, New Zealand is a fabulous country.
We were delighted to hear that Barrie and Jennie got together with Fiona, who for those of us who served here in the 1960’s will well remember her father, Chief Inspector Roy Chandler who came out to Bermuda in March 1962 with his wife and their children Roxina, Fiona and Robert, when Mr. Chandler was hired by Commissioner George Robins from the Cheshire Police to set up our first Police Training School which is still going strong today.

EDITORS NOTE - To the best of our knowledge there are five members of this historic first course here in Bermuda - Arthur Bean, Wentworth Christopher, Jeff Payne, "Brinky" Tucker, and Jean Vickers (Mattis).
27th January
Young P.C. Tony Laughton
Tony Laughton in Hospital - We have just heard the worrying news that our old friend and colleague Tony Laughton is very unwell and has been admitted to hospital in Chesterfield. Tony had recently mentioned to Dave Cart that he was planning a trip to Bermuda in May, and his daughter, Jen, has called Dave to let him know the situation regarding her father’s condition. We sincerely hope that Tony makes a full recovery, and if any of his friends would like an update on his condition they can reach Jen either by phone, text or WhattsApp at 07967 105294.
CLICK HERE to view our “Then and Now" article on Tony who served here from 1973-1980 before returning to the U.K.
EDITORS NOTE - We were deeply saddened to hear that Tony passed away on 8th February 2023 in the hospital at Chesterfield. CLICK HERE for more information in our Latest News column
17th January
Merv Dickinson visit - Our old friend (maybe not so old!) Merv Dickinson was back on Island over Christmas and paid a visit to the PRC on a Thursday afternoon where he met up with Charlie Mooney, Peter Shaw and or ExPo President Cal Smith. Merv is residing down in the West Indies these days but manages occasional visits home. Charlie and Pete are fully retired these days but play in a golf group together to keep fit. Covid had a negative impact on the Thursday afternoon gatherings up at the Police Club but things are picking up again - and long may it continue.
Pete Shaw, Merv Dickinson and Charlie Mooney at the PRC

16th January
Young P.C. Phil Starr
Phil Starr whirlwind visit - We’ve just heard from former P.C. Phil Starr, who served here from 1981 – 1983, in Eastern Division, St. George’s. Phil will be paying a brief visit to the Island on 11th March on the P&O cruise ship “Ventura” berthing in Dockyard, and he would be delighted to catch up with anyone who remembers him, especially the guys he worked with in St. George’s.
CLICK HERE to read more about Phil and his visit, what he did after leaving Bermuda, and what he's doing these days.
14th January
Dudley Swan's funeral held on 9th December - The funeral for our dear friend and colleague, Dudley Swan, was held at the 7th Day Adventist Church in St. George’s on Monday 9th January 2023, with burial following at the Richard Allen Cemetery.
13th January
Owen Marsh
Details of Owen Marsh's funeral in UK - Further to our report under Latest News (CLICK HERE to view the article) we can now confirm that Owen's funeral will be held at 11am on Wednesday 25th January 2023 at St. John the Baptist Church, Mayfield, and a wake will be held at The Royal Oak Pub, Mayfeld, Ashbourne.
11th January
7th January
"Who, Where and When"?
Ken Van Thal - We recently ran this photo in our “Who, Where and When” column and on our Facebook page and asked our readers if anyone could identity this “frightening” very long haired young man who turned out to be our good friend and former colleague Ken Van Thal who worked here from 1971-1973. CLICK HERE to view the article and to read Ken’s explanation as to why he looked like that when he was a young constable in the Hampshire Police.
Young P.C. Ken Van Thal
After publishing the photo we asked Ken how he’s doing these days and what did he do after leaving Bermuda in 1973. His reply is as follows:-
“I joined the Met Police in London when I left the Rock and retired after 20 years service. Basil Haddrell was my boss for a while. I then joined a Met Witness Protection unit to keep me occupied. Met some interesting witnesses to look after. It gave me an extra income and a pension when I finally stopped work.
I am living in Barnet north London and my son who lives near me works in a Met Firearms unit.
John Price who played rugby for the Bermuda Police lived not far from me and we both played rugby for a local team for a couple of seasons. Rugby days are now history but still try to get to the gym every day.
Sadly my wife Toni died in June last year after a long illness. I am still in touch with Mike Brown and very sadly his daughter Kendra died a couple of weeks ago in her very early 40's. Obviously Mike and Sue are absolutely distraught. Hope to see him in the spring.
Editors note - We are deeply sorry to hear about the death of Toni, and also about Mike and Sue Brown’s tragic loss of their daughter Kendra.
CLICK HERE to read more about Mick Brown in our “Then and Now” column.
6th January

TRIBUTE IN LOVING MEMORY OF HURON VIDAL - As many of our members will be aware, our good friend and colleague, retired Sergeant Huron Vidal, went missing at sea off the coast of Dominica on 11th August 2022. CLICK HERE for our report about Huron being reported missing. We had hoped and prayed for good news that he would be found safe and sound, but sadly Huron has never been found and it is presumed that he was lost at sea.
We have just received a poignant video of a Mass for Enlightenment and Peace for his family and friends held in Loving Memory of Huron at the Dublanc Catholic Church in Dominica on Sunday 4th December 2022. CLICK HERE to view the video.
Huron joined the Bermuda Police Service in April 1976, and served for 28 years as a popular first class police officer before retiring in January 2004, during which time he had been promoted to Sergeant and had worked for several years in Marine Section.
We again offer our sincere condolences to Huron’s family on their tragic loss.
5th January
Young P.C. Mark Vincent
"My wife, Debbie and I are still living in Lincolnshire and since retirement we have travelled extensively and have found cruising, which I was totally against and now we are approaching our next cruise in 5 weeks, our 6th one. I have been doing several ad hoc jobs which has included Border Force, PSD/Corruption Investigator, IT Consultatant for a software monitoring company, Census Officer and Travelling Geneologist.
I have just finished a contract with Border Force (Passport Control), and currently a PSD/Corruption Investigator with British Transport Police, working from home 3 days per week. I still do work for Finders International which is a geneology company tracing beneficieries and heirs to unclaimed estates and assets so the HM Treasury do not get the money. The jobs basically fund our travelling.
No grandchildren as yet, both boys Josh and Alex are doing well, luckily for them we managed to open the bank of Mum and Dad and get them in properties. Can you believe Alex my youngest is living in the cottage next door, so I am on tap for issues and maintenance, a full time job. Alex works for an online eBank as Business Advisor, Josh who was a Hi-Tech Investigator with Lincs Police has moved on and has gone into the private sector into Cyber Crime, he is not allowed to speak about his job he works in Gloucester!!
Gave up squash a number of years ago due to my knees, but am well into cycling regularly riding on Zwift for those who know the smart training program.
Have been to see Kevin and Sue Reeves on quite a few occasions house sitting for him in his house near Bergerac, they are both doing well, and I look forward to staying again this year, the wine is cheaper than water. Im regularly in touch with Gary and Jane Staines now that they have finally left Bermuda, both are doing well.
In respect of Covid, managed to avoid it for 2 years, but got it July 2022, not too bad just a rough cold. All Covid has done for me has given me opportunities to work from home (except Border Force) and put us ex-cops into employment where normally the roles required travelling, the job scene has changed allowing this hybrid working.
In respect of Border Force, one of my collegues is John Hughes an ex-Bermuda officer. He spends his time between UK and France, he has a place in a ski resort.
Our plans are to spend time abroad hopefully in Portugal, but this is on hold due to four cats and a mother-in-law.”
Editors note -
On checking our personnel files I see that Mark came out to Bermuda at the same time as three officers who made their careers here in the BPS. They are Gary Staines, Paul Towlson and Paul Wright.
Mark sent us this update in response to a request we made for any of our members to consider writing to us to let us know where you are, and what youlre doing these days. We would be delighted to hear from YOU!
4th January
DCOP Harold Moniz
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of retired Deputy Commissioner Harold Moniz early today, 4thJanuary 2023, at the age of 83. We understand that Harold had been in failing health for some time. He proudly served in the Bermuda Police for 40 years, from 1959 – 1999.
CLICK HERE for more details in our Latest News column.
Looking through our Training School Course photos we found two Basic Training Course photos , for Course #16 held between June and August 1973, and Course #17 held between October 1973 and January 1974.

Unfortunately, photos were seldom taken of Localisation Courses held at Training School, and to the best of our knowledge none were taken of the localization Course group who arrived on 1st and 3rd May 1973. This group comprised Neil Anderson, Roger Brydon, Paul Collins, Angus Craig, Donald “Howard” Cutts, John Dale, Stuart Donaldson, Andrew “Andy” Donaldson, Roger Hanley, John Harper, Stuart Innes, Richard “Rocky” Ironmonger, Anthony “Tony” Laughton, Malcom Martin, Iain Morrison, Christopher Moyse , Andrew Smith, David Smith, Francis “Frank” Thom, and John Walsh.
CLICK HERE for our special article about the 1973 Intake including a list of all those who joined the BPS during the year.
Young P.C. Steven Smedley
Steve Smedley - We were delighted this week to receive a link to an excellent video produced by the RCMP honouring one of our former police officers, Steve Smedley who served here in the Bermuda Police from 1975-1977 before heading off to Canada with his Canadian born wife, Peggy, who he first met here in Bermuda.
Several years ago Steve wrote an excellent article for our “Then and Now” column describing his life before, during and after his time here in Bermuda. Steve had previously served in the Surrey Constabulary, and after attending our Localisation Course he was first posted to Western Division and later to Marine Section where he was one of a trio of “Steve’s” - Steve Petty, Steve Rollin, and himself. Steve was a keen footballer and played for Western Division and Prospect Football Club. CLICK HERE to view his article.
After settling in Canada, Steve joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1982 and served with the RCMP until his retirement in 2011.

I have to say that the video interview, with Steve, part of a ‘Heritage in Scarlet ‘award winning collection of individual stories produced by Access Communications in Saskatchewan, is absolutely first class, and includes some of reminscences of Bermuda, and if you look carefully at the introduction you will see our Bermuda Police Ceremonial sword. CLICK HERE to view Part one of the interview, and CLICK HERE to view Part 2.