This section of our website is intended for you to keep in touch with all of your fellow colleagues who have served in the Bermuda Police. We started this column by putting all entries on one post but soon realized that it would stretch for far too long so we are doing it by each year- and this one is for 2024.
We welcome news, however brief, and would also encourage you to send us recent photos. Sadly we sometimes have to report "bad" news such as illnesses - or worse - but we are always delighted to receive positive news! We can be contacted through our email address at or through the comments column at the bottom of each article, including this one.
We are starting this year's "Keeping in Touch" column with an entry about those 30 men and women, many of whom will hopefully be celebrating their 50th Anniversary Year since joining the Bermuda Police back in 1974. Scroll down to our first entry of the year on 1st January regarding the 50th Anniversary.
12th December
Three musketeers - How many of our members can identify the “three musketeers” in this photo?
Philip Bermingham, Peter McNulty and Dave Cooper
Our threesome are Phil Bermingham, Peter McNulty, and Dave Cooper and they recently held a get together here in Bermuda at Rosewood where Phil stays whenever he’s on Island. The trio all joined the Bermuda Police in the same group who arrived here in July 1972, with Phil and Peter stepping off the plane on 11thJuly, and Dave arriving two days later. According to our reports on their ghet together they had a great time reminiscing about the good old days in Bermuda.

CLICK HERE to read our report on Peter’s arrival on Island – not for the first time - when he and his son Sean who presently resides here, met up with group of old friends at the Mariners Club on 21st November.
Dave Cooper, who retired from the BPS in 2004 is still living on Island, and Phil Bermingham, who served here from 1972-1978 and worked in Scenes of Crime as a budding photographer, left Bermuda with his American born wife Ann, and Philip went on to become an internationally acclaimed professional photographer who has photographed dignatories from members of the Royal Family, to Presidents, Prime Ministers and many other famous personalities.
CLICK HERE to view our article about Philip in the “Then and Now” column of our website.
14th November
Young P.C.Peter McNulty
Get Together with Peter McNulty - We recently heard the news that former P.C. Peter McNulty who served here in the Bermuda Police for 6 years, from July 1972 – September 1978, is returning to Bermuda for a holiday with his son Sean, who now resides on the Island. Peter played for the Police Football team and was one of the players featured in our latest “Who Where and When” photo CLICK HERE to view it.
Peter made a name for himself when he donned boxing gloves to fight in our annual Evening of Boxing in 1976 against Bob Mitchell. Peter defeated his opponent in what was then the quickest knockout in our boxing tournament, for which he received the “Most Stylish Boxer” award.
Peter will be on Island from 17th - 27th November staying with his son Sean and he’s very keen to meet up with any of his old friends and colleagues. He was hoping to visit the Police Club to meet up with the Thursday afternoon crew, but as most of you will know, the Police Club is presently closed for renovations as is the Officers Mess. As an alternative we are inviting anyone who would like to meet up with Peter to Mad Hatters at 4pm next Thursday 21st September.

Peter came out in July 1972 with a group of 18 guys with previous police experience in the UK. It was very rare for Localisation Courses to have a group photo taken while in Training School but the course Peter attended in 1972 was an exception as seen above. We know for sure that two members of this course are still here in Bermuda after retirement - Dave Cooper and John Skinner. We would be very interested to know how many of their colleagues are still with us, wherever they may be.
12th November

BERMUDA BASH IN BIRMINGHAM - We were delighted to hear that the “Bermuda Bash in Birmingham” organised my our old friend John Price, went off very well when they met up and stayed at the Premier Inn in Exchange Square on Wednesday 6th November 2024.
Angus Brown wrote to say “it was great to catch up with old pals and exchange news bites, sadly too often about ex-colleagues who have ‘gone through de trees’ since our last reunion. As usual there was a lot of reminiscing and a lot of laughs, mainly at the expense of each of us in turn, but it was all good."
Angus offered the following advice, “One small tip for anyone thinking of another reunion in Brum. At all costs avoid driving in the centre of the city. I followed my satnav which announced with great authority that I had arrived at my destination, a few minutes after entering a tunnel! It had taken a little over an hour to drive from Broadway up to the centre of Brum, but then another hour and a half to find the hotel, even when I could see it in the distance!! Happy days.”
We are aware that our food friend “Coco” Eve was very keen to attend the Birmingham Bash but was unable to do so because of some health issues that required continued treatment. We wish him a speedy recovery and an improvement in his Potters team performances now they have a new manager, That would cartainly be the tonic he needs!
EDITORS NOTE - Sadly, we are all getting older and our list of colleagues who are no longer with us has to be constantly updated these days. CLICK HERE to view our list and please write and let us know if you find that any names are missing,
We would far rather report on positive news, such as gatherings and get togethers, and if you have any interesting news about yourself please write and let us know what you’ve been doing, and where you’ve been going! We hear of quite a few of our members who occasionally take to the sea and go off on cruises. One such person is our good friend Dave Cart who, based on his travels with Sylva, should be officially designated as our “ ExPo cruise adviser” if you’re seeking advice on what to do and where to go - or not to go!
17th October

Get Together for Dave and Orasa "Sar" Walker in Bermuda - We just received this great photo of a recent reunion of a group of “footballers” and their wives who had a get-together at Peter and Pam Borland’s home on the occasion of a visit to the Island by Dave Walker and his lovely wife, "Sar". Dave was a regular member of our Bermuda Police Football team from 1972-1979, and all the guys in the photo also played for the Police team.
While in Bermuda Dave worked for the Bermuda Press and the old Castle Harbour Hotel where he handled all their printing needs. He played both football and cricket for our Police teams while on Island. Dave moved to Thailand 23 years ago, and he and Orasa live in Chaing Mai in Northern Thailand, and they have two teenage children.
The happy group all enjoyed a delicious Thai meal prepared by Sar, and had a fabulous time reminiscing about the good old days! We understand that Dave and Sar have thoroughly enjoyed catching up with old friends and acquaintances. Dave also says he would welcome visitors from Bermuda to Chaing Mai.
For the information of those of our readers who no longer live here, everyone other than Dave and Sar are still residing on Island although Iain and Jennifer Morrison tend to spend much of their time in Scotland.
Ernie McCreight was keeping himself busy recently after kindly volunteering to take the photos for a new series of those Police Sports Superstar cards we produced in 1986 and 1987. The latest series are of Sports “Superstars” and “Legends”, and Ernie has again done a superb job with the photos. CLICK HERE to read all about this latest project, and Ernie’s involvement in it, on our ExPo website.
As you can see from the group photo, those “footballers” seem to keeping in good shape - no doubt due to their wonderful wives.
CLICK HERE for an article about Dave in our "Then and Now" column 10 years ago at which time Dave vowed to return to Bermuda some time in the future. He finally made it!
28th September

We wonder how many of our readers can recognize this couple who bumped into John Price on 29th July 2024 while John and his wife Ann were walking through the grounds of Upton Court, a National Trust property near Banbury. John happened to be wearing a Bermuda T-shirt, and as they passed by the lady in the photo exclaimed, “Oh Bermuda, we used to live there.”
The couple turned out to be Clive and Jenny Owen. Clive served here in the Bermuda Police from 1971-1978 and he met and married his wife Jenny while they were living here. Although John had never met the Owens they mentioned they had been great friends of Davie Kerr and several other policemen who John didn’t know. Clive was first posted to Central Division (Hamilton} and went on to serve on Mobile Reserve, in MCPS and in Eastern Division. Clive and Jenny married here in 1972 and their daughter Christie was born here in 1975.

Clive and Jenny returned to Bermuda on a vacation in 2015 and attended our annual Summer BBQ at the PRC. It’s good to see they are still getting out and about.
1st September
Paul and Angela in the Algarve
Paul and Angela Wright - We just had occasion to write to Paul Wright at which time Paul was asked how he’s doing these days, and he kindly sent this reply:-
My wife Angela and I are very much enjoying our retirement to Portugal where we have been for five years now. We also divide our time between England and Bermuda where our son and daughter live. We lived for three years in Porto which is in the north of the country. A lovely city and beautiful part of the country.
Two years ago we relocated to the Algarve in the south of the country. The Algarve is famed for its beaches which are lovely but not so lovely as in Bermuda! The landscape is not as lush and mountainous as in the north but the weather is much drier and warmer and the social life is quite vibrant.
The region attracts retirees and vacationers from all over the world. We spend our time trying to stay active, visiting and learning about historical places - mainly by car in Portugal and Spain. We also enjoy day trips out on the motorcycle, hiking and cycling. The Portuguese community are very friendly and welcoming in spite of our limited language skills. They listen patiently as we mangle their language horribly and then they usually smile and reply to us in English!
22nd August

Sad Passing of retired Inspector Anthony "Tony" Smith - We were deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of our good friend and colleague, retired Inspector Anthony “Tony” Smith, here in Bermuda on 11th August after recently undergoing treatment abroad for a serious illness. CLICK HERE for our report on Tony's passing.
We have been advised by Liz Smith that "A Celebration of Life" for her husband, and our good friend and colleague, Anthony “Tony” Smith will be held at the Police Recreation Club on Thursday, August 29th from 3-5pm. Attire: Casual and Colorful.
6th August

David Inwood, Tony Diggins and Dave Hodgkins - It’s always a pleasure hearing from our old friends and colleagues, no matter where in the world they are, and our latest news comes all the way from Australia, where Dave Inwood and his wife Elaine have settled. As Dave explains, “I recently caught up with Tony Diggins in Bali for a week! We joined the BPS together in December 1968 and have been close friends since then. I was escaping the Oz Winter and Tony was escaping the English Summer!"
Both had served in UK Police Forces prior to coming to Bermuda, Dave in the Oxford City Police and Tony in the Essex Police. Dave served here in Central Division (Hamilton) in Eastern Division and in Administration at Police HQ prior to leaving for fresh pastures.

Tony also started his time in Bermuda on the beat in Hamilton, and went on to postings in “E” Department (Special Branch), in Admistration at Police Headquarters, and in “F” Department where he played an important role is the setting up of the Police Outward Bound programme at Paget Island. Attached is a report from Mr. A.R. Johnson, Director of the Outward Bound Trust, who I believe was P.C. Richard “Dick” Johnson father, paying tribute to Tony Diggins and Lynn Hall for their hard work in setting up the Bermuda OB programme.
A few days after his visit to Bali, Dave was on the move again, this time flying to Queensland to surprise Dave Hodgkins on his 80th birthday. Dave, who was an active member of our PRC football team during his time here, recalls that Dave Hodgkins was an integral part of the PRC football team who won promotion to the first division back in 1970. He later went on to play for Hotels and will no doubt be fondly remembered by many of the police footballers.
As Dave says, it’s always great to catch up and reminisce about those Bermuda memories. We always enjoy hearing from our former colleagues and are happy to let our members know where you are and what you’re doing these days. So don’t hesitate to write to us.

Front from L:- Bob Porritt, Brian McManus*, Bob Durman,
7th July
Iain Morrison and Ian Ganson - It sure is a small world when it comes to bumping into unexpected people! A prime example occurred last Wednesday when our good friend, Iain Morrison, was walking through a B & Q store in Edinburgh, Scotland, wuth his wife and bumped into someone from the distant past. As Iain described it, “As we walked in, I saw a guy coming towards us who looked very familiar. We crossed and looked at each other without saying anything. I immediately thought it looked like Ian Ganson, ex-Bda Police officer who was my uniform sergeant for a while in St. George's around 1976/77 era.

“Moments later, I went back and asked if he was Ian Ganson .........and lo and behold, it was Ian with his wife, Claudia. We chatted for a few minutes, exchanged phone numbers & will hopefully meet up again before we return to Bermuda in September.
“Ian left Bermuda in 1978 and joined the Peel Regional Police in Canada. He returned to live in Edinburgh about 5 years ago. Quite amazingly, I hadn't seen Ian since he left Bermuda 46 years ago. What are the chances of that??? It was one of those days when I thought ........ wow, I should have bought a lottery ticket!!!!”
Editors note - Unfortunately, neither Ian or Iain thought to take a photo of their encounter.
Ian Ganson joined the Bermuda Police in July 1967 and was an outstanding detective who was involved in the arrest of Buck Burrows on the night Burrows was spotted, and despite being heavily armed was pounced on and arrested without any injury to himself or anyone else. D/Insp Clive Donald and D/Sgt Larry Smith had tackled Burrows as he was riding his motor cycle. D/Sgt Ganson was at the scene and on realizing that Burrows still had a rifle strapped around him during the struggle, Ian took out a knife and quickly slashed the leather strap so he could take possession of the rifle.

We were made aware that Ian Ganson attended a small ExPo group gathering in Glasgow in April 2023 after we received the above photo of their group but had no idea that he moved from Canada to Scotland until we just heard from Iain. We would be delighted to hear from Ian who can contact us through our website at
Our good friend Iain Morrison keeps in touch with us from time to time, and after retiring from the BPS in March 200, he and his wife Jennifer have spent most of their time living in Scotland (Banchory, Aberdeenshire and Edinburgh) with annual visits to Bermuda, but more recently they have been spending more time back in Bermuda and less in Scotland - they love Bermuda during our warm winters, but escape to Scotland during our hot humid summer season. Sounds like the perfect combination!
3rd June
Sad Passing of Graham Alderson - We are deeply saddened to report that we have heard from Graham Alderson’s daughter, Sarah Robinson, that her father passed away in the UK two days ago after a long illness.
Graham joined the Bermuda Police on 4th February 1975 and moved quite quickly into SOCO. an area where he had previous experience.

He later transferred to Western Division where he was promoted to Sergeant. Graham served there both as a Watch Sergeant and as Western Division Club Manager. Following his retirement in 2003 Graham and his wife Jean moved to the UK.
We send our sincere condolences to Jean, Sarah and her husband Dana Robinson Jnr, and their two children Kaliq and Ashton.
We will also publish more details including funeral arrangements as soon as we receive them.

Gathering in Derbyshire - There was a ‘Meeting of the Minds’ in Biggin, Buxton, Derbyshire, when the trio of John “Coco” Eve, Peter Shaw, and Maurice “Moby” Pett and family members gathered at the Waterloo Inn, run by Alan Pugh’s widow, Debbie and son Steve. We hear they had a lovely lunch and shared many fond memories. There was no mention in our communique about beers!
Peter was accompanied by his wife Beverley, Coco by his wife Kathy, and Moby by his brother Richard and Richard’s wife Christine.
Their gathering was held on 2nd June (Coronation Day for the Late Queen Elizabeth 11) and it was clearly a hot sunny day because Pete is wearing his Bermuda shorts!
27th May

Liverpudlian Cadets Get Together - We just heard from our good friend and former President of ExPo, retired Sergeant Steve Taylor , about a very special function he recently attended in Liverpool celebrating the 75thAnniversary of the formation of the Liverpool City Police Cadets, which was held at The Liner Hotel in Liverpool City Centre.
Steve was surprised when he bumped into another former Bermuda Police officer, Alf Hagar, who he remembered seeing for a short time after Steve’s arrival in Bermuda in 1971 although at that time neither realized that they had both been Cadets in the Liverpool Police.
Young P.C. Alf Hagar
Alf served here in the Bermuda Police from November 1965 – November 1972 during which time he was initially posted to Central Division (Hamilton) for about a year, and was then transferred into Dog Section where he remained until he left the Island in late 1972.
Alf was a popular member of the BPS who had joined our Police Drama Group and acted in the classic First World War play, Journey’s End, performed at City Hall Theatre. CLICK HERE to view an excellent article about the History of our Police Drama Group
Cast Members of Journey's End
Alf also played some squash at the Prospect Court. It’s great to hear from Alf after all these years.
Steve wrote to us while at home celebrating his beloved Manchester United beating Manchester City in the FA Cup Final this last weekend. Steve had attended that VERY stressful semi-final against Coventry City at Wembley but wasn’t sure his heart could handle the stress again! For those who didn’t follow the FA Cup, Man United were coasting with a 3-0 lead in the semi-final until Coventry made a tremendous comeback to level the score at 3-3 after 90 minutes. The match was settled when Man United won the penalty shootout. Having scraped home against Coventrywho play in the Championship, they were up against the newly crowned Premiership League Champions, Manchester City and against all odds, United went on to defeat City 2-1.
Steve sends his best regard to all his old mates in Bermuda.
14th May

And here are some of the old stars of the PRC Team from way back in 1972 – over 50 years ago.

ExPo Football Fans on Tenterhooks - And while on the subject of football the past few weeks have been fraught with tension and “soccer stress” amongst a small group of ExPo football fans who stay in touch with each other through the football season, and who always hope for the best but can be treated cruelly by fate as the 2023-2024 season rapidly draws to a close.
Our group consists of Bob Kinnen, an avid Leeds fan, John Headey for whom hope almost always springs eternal as a strong supporter of Huddersfield Town’s “Terriers”, and Iain Morrison and myself as die-hard fans of the Potters, Stoke City. There’s a paucity of Stoke City fans here in Bermuda with the notable exception of our good friend Frankie Foggo who was converted to the Potters cause many years ago through his friendship with Iain. Frankie’s loyalty to his team is without question!

Our three teams started the season in the Championship and I believe it’s fair to say Bob was optimistic that Leeds had a good chance of regaining promotion to the Premiership, while John was somewhat pessimistic about the “Terriers” staying put, and Iain and myself had much the same feelings about the Potters surviving another season in the Championship.
As the season rapidly draws to a close the fate of John’s “Terriers” has already been decided and they’ll be dropping down to League One. We’ve even heard rumours that John’s grandson, Wylie, might have already transferred his loyalty to Arsenal! In fairness to John I should point out that my two grandson’s have long since abandoned the Potters, and one now supports Liverpool and the other Manchester City. Club loyalties are rare amongst the young who seem to have a penchant for switching their support to whoever happens to be top of the Premiership.
John Headey with grandson Wylie
Iain and myself are much relieved after Stoke City’s end of season form hit top gear with 3 wins in their last 3 matches to keep them in the Championship, and finishing slightly better than they did last season.
However, still on tenterhooks is Bob Kinnen. With Leeds failing to security automatic promotion by finishing in the top two, they are now battling it out in their play offs for the third promotion spot. Bob, if it’s any consolation, John, Iain and myself are all rooting for Leeds to make their return to the Premiership!
Of all our ExPo football supporters I reckon Keith Cassidy has had the most stressful season as Everton have been in all sorts of trouble having a poor run of form, and having points deducted for “irregularities”, but Keith must be feeling ecstatic as, despite points deductions, the Toffees have enjoyed a brilliant run of form in their last 5 matches, winning 4 and drawing one, to keep them well clear of the drop.
We’d be happy to hear from any of our ExPo members about ups and downs of your teams, whatever Division they play in, even if it’s in Scotland as is the case with Ernie McCreight, a lifelong Rangers fan who must surely have been hoping that his team might win the Scottish Premiership this season in one of the closest contests for years, only to finish second to traditional rivals Celtic. And our former ExPo President, Steve Taylor, must be tearing his hair out at the form of his beloved Man United.
10th April
Members of the Burke Family visit Bermuda - I’d recently been meaning to make contact with our old friend and colleague, retired Inspector Mike Burke and his wife Carolyn “Cam” who left Bermuda in 1982 after Mike retired and they settled in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, where Mike was born and raised.
Roger with Mark and Joanne on their moped
So, it was a very pleasant surprise to receive a call completely out of the blue from Mike’s son, Mark, who had arrived here on vacation with his lovely wife Joanne. Mark was born in Bermuda in 1968 and his sister, Sally was born 2 years later. The Burke family lived on Alexandra Road, Prospect, at a time when lots of the young married policemen and their wives were living at Prospect and raising children.

Mark bumped into Michael Sheehy, John Joe Sheehey’s son, at Divots Restaurant while doing something he could only have dreamed of doing when living here! Mark was 15 when his family moved to Jersey so he never had the opportunity to own and ride a Moby! He more than made up for it on this trip when he rented a moped and toured from one end of the Island to the other with Joanne as his pillion passenger. Bermuda traffic is infinitely more congested these days than it was in the 1960’s and 1970’s, but Mark and Joanne thoroughly enjoyed doing their sightseeing on two wheels although I should mention that Mark is an experienced motor cyclist on bikes far more powerful than those seen in Bermuda, such as his Kawasaki GPS 600 Ninga!
Acting Supt Arthur Glasford
Mark and Joanne also had a chance meeting with Acting Supt Arthur Glasford when they visited the Police Rec Club. Arthur introduced himself and then went on to give them a tour of the officer's club and museum. He then took them to the Police Memorial in the Prospect Cemetery, all in his own time. This was very emotional for Mark, seeing his old homes, Camp Lodge and 16 Alexandra Rd. and then visiting John Joe Sheehy's final resting place and seeing the names of others who he knew commemorated there. Mark says a better example of Bermuda hospitality would be hard to find and he is very grateful to Arthur for his time.
Mark and Joanne ready to hit the road
Mark had followed his father into the police profession and served in the Jersey Police for some 28 years before retiring as a Sergeant 6 years ago and becoming a funeral director. His sister Sally works in the Governor's Office as their Admin and Engagements Officer.
Mark and Joanne visited my wife and I at our home in Flatts Village and it was great to catch up on how the Burke family is doing in Jersey. Mike has really slowed down these days, but Cam keeps busy, and both are actively involved with their lovely grandchildren.

Mark has been back to the Island several times over the years, and we understand that his sister Sally will probably be the next family member to pay us a visit.
You can read more about Mike and Cam in an excellent article in the “Then and Now” column of our website. CLICK HERE to view it.
20th March

Hanging Out at Divots - This group of "oldies" was spotted last week having lunch together at Divots restaurant located at Belmont Hills Golf Club. Bill Butterworth, Keith Cassidy and Moby Pett are all regular golfers and play together every week. They might also be found on Thursday afternoons getting together in the bar at the Police Club with some of our other old colleagues. The odd man out in the photo is Paul Field who has never been seen on a golf course although he used to be handy with bat and ball on the cricket field in the 1960's.
Keith is a member of the Senior Golfer's who plays at Belmont on Tuesdays and I seem to recall that he and a partner won a recent tournamen with the Seniors. Keith probably knows the course better than anyone as a Past President of Belmont who still patrols the course on a regular basis and still works tirelessly to make sure it's kept in good shape. And on the same subject, all four of these old colleagues are in generally good shape and are all staying active. Great to see them out and about.
4th March
A pensive John McQuaid
John McQuaid returning “Home”! We hear that our good friend and former colleague, John McQuaid, is returning to his second “home” here in Bermuda for a 2 week holiday, arriving on Sunday 10th March, and he’ll be staying with his friend Edward Harris.
John has been yearning for a visit to Bermuda for some time and is hoping to meet up with as many of his old friends as possible, especially his Somerset crew and also members of the Police Drama Group. Sadly, he isn’t able to bring his wife, Lynn, due to the fact that she’s very ill and not able to travel. In fact their children have urged John to take a well-earned break and visit the Island he fell in love with over half a century ago.

John served here in the Bermuda Police from September 1963 – September 1969, serving first in St. George’s and then in Somerset where he met his lovely wife Lynn in Somerset.
CLICK HERE to read the story of John McQuaid taken from his article ‘THE SIXTIES’ in which he wrote "My stay in Bermuda left an indelible mark, a love of the island and its way of life, which I have retained ever since."
Young P..C. Dennis Gordon

20th January

8th January
"Celebration of Life" for Steve Dunleavy - The family of the Late retired Sgt. Steve Dunleavy held a “Celebration of Life” reception for Steve at the RHADC in Paget on Sunday afternoon 7th January 2024. CLICK HERE to review our Hall of Fame article about Steve which was written with the assistance of his family who also kindly supplied some of the photos.
Here in Bermuda, and elsewhere, it‘s been traditional to hold a funeral service, usually at a church or chapel, or occasionally at the Police cemetery at Prospect, but the times they are a’changing. I have to say from the outset that not only was Steve’s “Celebration of Life” reception packed with his family, friends and former colleagues in attendance, but it also felt like an actual “celebration” of his life. There were touching moments when his children, Christian, Sean and Katherine shared some of their highly personal reminiscences of good times and amusing times with their dad, as did grandson Jay and nephew John. It should also be mentioned that Steve's snooker partner for many years, fellow policeman, Andy Wright, flew in specially for the reception and also gave a personal tribute to his good friend.
Please note that in accordance with his family’s wishes, wearing bright colours were the order of the day – except for the colour red! But why? Typical of curmudgeonly Steve, it was explained that he wouldn’t have wanted anyone turning up in anything even remotely resembling Manchester United’s colours!

Ty Smith, Wayne Perinchief and Cal Smith
If you check out the photo of items on display in memory of Steve, you will see that not only was he proud of his time in the Bermuda Police, he was also a Bolton Wanderers fan all the way. Judging by the unanimous comments of our ExPo members present – Steve had a great send off!

1st January
HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY - For anyone who joined the Bermuda Police during the year 1974 and is still chugging along, we salute you and congratulate you on this the 50th anniversary year since you first joined the Bermuda Police.
It appears from our Police records, that 1974 was a rather lean year for new recruits. In all, we have found 30 names in the old police registers at Prospect, and looking through our Training School Course photos we could only find one Basic Training Course held during the year, and that was Course No. 18 held from May – July 1974.
Basic Training Course #18

Looking at the above photo we're aware that a few of these recruits either failed to make it through training school or left shortly after the course, while others stayed on, some for several years and some who made their careers as police officers. Those who stayed in the Police include Eddie Edwards, Kendrick Shillingford, John Lynch-Wade, Charlie Mooney, Cathy Dorrington, Charlie Dorrington, Coralie Trott, Tracy Armstrong, Peter Borland, and Frankie Foggo. The only Training School instructor still with us is retired Inspector John McConnie. Those we have lost include John Kandjiorka, Eric Ingemann, Terry Lee, and Matthew Lindo.
CLICK HERE for our article about the 30 men and women recruited during 1974 and listing all of their names.