We were deeply saddened to hear about the death of Raymond ‘Ray’ Needham who died in South Wales on 21st April 2018. Ray had served here in Bermuda as a young P.C. from October 1973 – 1976 during which time he worked in Central Division, Hamilton, and was an active member of our Police Rugby Team.

There was some confusion about whether or not Ray had the nickname “Shoes” so we offer this article to clarify that Ray was definitely not “Shoes” Needham.
Ray was actually the second of three “Needham’s” to join the Bermuda Police.
The first was Dave "Big Joe" Needham - who served here from September 1966 – June 1970, before moving on to Canada. Dave was also an excellent rugby player who served in Central Division and in Cycle Squad.

Dave came out with quite a group of new recruits with previous police experience (his was in the West Riding Constabulary) as you can see in this photo of them arriving at the airport fresh of the plane. The photo was featured in our ”Who, When and Where” column which you can view at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/who-when-where/163-whowherewhen4#comment-76
After leaving Bermuda in 1970, Dave settled in Canada. He still has fond memories of living and working in Bermuda, and he was one of a number of our former colleagues who attended a grand reunion of ex-Bermuda police officers back in 1997. You can view the reunion group here on our website at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/who-when-where/97-canadianreunion
Dave went on to set up his own very successful Productions Company in 1993 which he recently handed over to his lovely daughter, Ashleigh, although Dave and his wife are still involved in the business. They live just north of Toronto.

Dave recently sent us a photo of this “plaque” which makes it clear he still has still has the very highest regard for the Bermuda Police, and is proud of the fact that he served here as a police officer. He continues to stay in touch with us from time to time.
Our third Needham is Roger “Shoes” Needham who joined the Bermuda Police in December 1977, and served here until September 1982, first in Central Division (Hamilton) and then in Operations (Traffic).

We understand from Mike Caulkett, who served here from 1964-1970 that after “Shoes” Needham left Bermuda in 1982, he re-joined the Sussex Police as had Mike following his adventures on the ‘Fletcher Christian’ which you can read about in his article at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/articles/64-fchristian
I should add that Mike was one of the first of our ExPo members to write an article about his life story for our “Then and Now” column and it is, without doubt, one of the best we have ever received. You can read it at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/tan/239-mikecaulkett
Although we have not heard directly from “Shoes” we know he is regularly in touch with Bob Kinnon on Facebook, and we encourage him to write and let us know how he’s doing these days.
So, we had three Needham’s serving in the Bermuda Police at various times as follows:-
Dave “Big Joe” Needham from 1966 – 1970
Raymond “Ray” Needham from 1973 – 1976, and
Roger “Shoes” Needham from 1977 - 1982
If you have any comments about our three Needhams please fell free to make them below.
Editors note - We have no idea how "Shoes" came to acquire his nickname, but on checking our records we note that on joining the Bermuda Police his height was 6'5", while "Big Joe" was 6'2 1/2", and Ray was the shortest at 5'11".