This section of our website is intended for you to keep in touch with all of your fellow colleagues who have served in the Bermuda Police. We started this column by putting all entries on one post but soon realized that it would stretch for far too long so we are doing it by each year- and this one is for 2022.
We welcome news, however brief, and would also encourage you to send us recent photos. Sadly we sometimes have to report "bad" news such as illnesses - or worse - but we are always delighted to receive positive news! We can be contacted through our email address or through the comments column at the bottom of each article, including this one.
Athough entries in this column are usually in chronological order, the article highlighted in blue below about the 50th Anniversary Year for those who first joined the Bermuda Police back in 1972, will remain at the top of the column. Just scroll down below the blue artice for the rest of our news for the year.
Is 2022 your 50th Anniversary Year?
According to our records we had a total of 34 police officers recruited in 1972, some of whom are featured in the two Course Photos below.

If you are one of the 34 young men or women who joined the Bermuda Police during 1972 we would be delighted to hear from you and to know where you are and what you are doing these days.
CLICK HERE for more information on those officers who joined the Bermuda Police in 1972.
5th July
Get Together in Whitby - We just heard from Paul Cranage, about meeting up with Ian Coyles who is over in England from Australia, and Gerry Benson who resides in Yorkshire.
Paul Cranage and Gerry Benson
Ian Coyles and Paul Cranage
Paul met up with both Ian and Gerry in Whitby, North Yorksire on 5th July, but did so a few hours apart due to Ian and Gerry having other commitments.
Paul assures us that all three enjoyed a drink and a bite to eat in the lovely northern fishing village of Whitby, with lots of reminiscing about years gone by.
CLICK HERE to views Paul’s excellent “Then and Now” article in which he mentions his previous get together with Ian Coyles pre-pandemic in Sydney, Australia, in 2019.
CLICK HERE for our “Like Father – Like Son” article on Gerry Benson and his son, Gordon, who is following in his father’s footsteps as an outstanding international athlete.
29th June

Sad Passing of James "Jim" Mackay - We were saddened to read in the Royal Gazette (27th June 2022) about the death of our old friend and former colleague, James “Jim” Mackay, at the age of 87.
Born in Glasgow in 1935, Jim spent 3 years in the Royal Engineers prior to joining the Bermuda Police in July 1957 He would have attended the Mill Meece Police Training College in Staffordshire prior to arriving on Island.
Jim was first posted to Central Division (Hamilton) and transferred to Operations (Traffic) in 1959, before becoming a member of the Dog Section in 1960 for which he attended a Dog Handlers Course at Hendon. Following a further spell in Central Division he was posted in 1966 to Operations in the Police Garage.
Jim was popular and efficient member of the Police with a good sense of humour, and our good friend, Mike Burke, who worked with him in Central Division when Jim was duty driver, recalls that whenever they attended domestic complaints, Jim would always prefer Mike to knock on the door first, no doubt because with his strong Scottish brogue Jim would have difficulties making himself understood!
11th June
Young D.C. Philip "Phil" Bermingham
Royal Gazette article - Ex-Bermuda policeman photographs rich and famous - Today’s Royal Gazette (CLICK HERE to view) features an excellent article about one of our former colleagues, Phil Bermingham who has gained an outstanding reputation as an international photographer, taking photos of the rich and famous and interesting people from all walks of life
Phil joined the Bermuda Police in 1972, and after spells in Central (Uniform), on Mobile Reserve, and the Murder Room, he was transferred to CRO where he developed a great interest and lifelong passion for photography. Phil met his wife, Ann, an American, while here in Bermuda and following their marriage Ann worked as a nurse at KEMH. Phil and Ann eventually decided to settle in the US and left Bermuda in 1978.
The Royal Gazette article provides a fascinating insight into Phil’s life and career, You can also find an extensive article about Phil in the “Then and Now” column here on our ExPo website. CLICK HERE to view it.
7th June
Trying to contact Danny Brogan - We have been asked by John Cissel, a retired Montgomery County, Maryland police officer if we could put him in touch with Danny Brogan who served here in the Bermuda Police for 2 years, from June 1971 – September 1973.
John has written to say he was a close friend and roommate of Danny’s back in the early 1980’s and lost touch with him over the years, but bumped into him one night in a diner while on his beat in Bethesda. Danny was on his way to work with the British Embassy in Washington DC.
Now retired, John would love to get in touch with Danny again and while searching the internet trying to trace Danny he came across our ExPo website where we list Danny as one of our former officers.
Young P.C. Danny Brogan
According to our records Danny came out to Bermuda with Colin MacInnis, Clive Owen, Robert “Bob” McDonagh, George Hannah, Phil Lupson, Jeff Baker, Louis D’Olivera, Brian Parkin, Roddy Barclay, Chris Wilcox, Kenneth Wright, Martin Bowe and Gordon Farquhar at the beginning of June 1971
If anyone has any information about Danny’s present whereabouts or how to contact him we would be delighted to pass on John Sissel’s details to him. We can be contacted at
6th June

Request for information and photos of P.C. Malcolm "Malcy" Tarte - We recently received a request from Mr. Tom Tarte, the son of one of our former colleagues, P.C. (Robert) Malcolm "Malcy" Tarte, who is seeking more information about his father's time here in Bermuda and any photos that we might of of his dad while he was serving here.
We had a photo of Malcy along with some of the boxing team and officials circa 1970 which Tom had found on our website, and we also had an excellent photo of Eastern Division taken in 1970 from which we enlarged the head and shoulders shot of Malcy which apears above. We do know from Rex Osborne that Malcy and Rex fought in our annual Police Boxing Tournament, and that the two of them were awarded the "Fight of the Night".
If you can provide information about Malky or any photos please contact us either through our website at or through our ExPo Facebook page at
3rd June
Ron Wallace helps out a fellow Bermuda Police Officer - On 11th May we reported on the sad news that Ron Wallace had passed away in Perth, Scotland (see entry below) and we have since received an email from our old friend Colin Mackenzie about how Ron went out of his way to help him out in a difficult situation some 40 years ago. The incident occurred in the 1970's 70’s when Ron was a Sergeant in Travel Control at the Airport.
Colin Mackenzie
After receiving the above information from Colin Mackenzie about how Ron helped him out all those years ago, we asked Colin to let us know hoe he's doing in Canada these days, and he sent us this photo of him with his dog Duke, who passed away a couple of months ago at the age of 15. He was a Schnoodle, a cross between a poodle and a schnauzer.
Colin has written to say that had Duke was a therapy dog at one of the local schools and the students loved him. “We would go once a week for about a year and spend time with the students, aged from 6 to 10, who always looked forward to Duke coming to see them. I would get Duke to do some tricks, such as rolling over a few times, sitting up on his back legs and pawing the air... all for a treat.
“I also made the visit an educational one for the students by telling them 5 things they may not know about dogs and why they do the things they do.
Duke visited three classes. I knew the Vice Principal at the school but after a year she was transferred to another school and that ended the therapy visits and then COVID arrived.
“Some of the students came from broken homes, a mother or father missing in the household and the students were struggling on a daily basis so Duke’s visit was so good for their well being. Also, as a Rotary member, a bunch of us cooked breakfast at the school for the students who often came to school without a meal in their belly. So they always looked forward to breakfasts, as did the teachers because after a while they noticed the mood and behaviour of some students improve and everybody was much happier.
“Will we cook breakfasts again or have a therapy dog at the school again? I hope so, but since COVID has changed things in how we do things, we have to wait, but there is hope for the 2022/23 school year that we can go back and look after the welfare of some of these students. If you ask teachers the same questions, they would say without a doubt that they would love to have a therapy dog in the school and for us to cook breakfasts again. We have to wait and see what happens. “
2nd June

Paul Hendrick and John Headey - What on earth are this pair of Huddersfield Town football fans doing at Wembley – looking so apprehensive!
These two inveterate HT supporters are Paul Hendrick, who flew in from Spain especially for the occasion, and John Headey who travelled down to London from Yorkshire to see their “Terriers” playing against Nottingham Forest in a vital playoff match to decide which team would be promoted to the Premiership next season.
The closely fought match no doubt had Paul and John on tenterhooks from start to finish especially when the referee controversially turned down two Huddersfield penalty appeals in the second half, but although the only goal of the match was scored by Huddersfield’s, Levi Colwill, it was an own goal, and Nottingham Forest will now be playing Premiership football next season.
John reports that athough the Terriers lost, it was an excellent trip even though the beer cost £7 a pint!
31st May
Funeral Arrangements for Dave Lunn - We have been advised that a memorial service for Dave will be held at St Mark's Church, Smiths Parish at 4.00pm on Thursday June 2, 2022. This will be followed by a celebration of his life at the Police Recreation Club, from 5.00 pm until 7.00pm. Please wear colour. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the Bermuda Heart Foundation at Suite 1189, 48 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11 or online direct deposit to HSBC Bank A/C #010791689011In accordance with COVID-19 restrictions, attendees are requested to wear face Masks.
24th May
Sgt Dave Lunn

12th May
William "Bill" Bryan
Sad Passing of William "Bill" Bryan - We regret to report the death of our friend and former colleague, retired Superintendent William “Bill” Bryan at the age of 93 on Sunday 1st May 2022. Bill had been in poor health and had been in a care home for some time but until then he was a regular attendee at our ExPo functions.
Young P.C.'s Bill Bryan and Tom Oliver in Traffic -circa 1959
An excellent administrator, Bill moved to Headquarters “B’ Department in 1966, was promoted to Inspector in 1971, then to Operations as 2nd in charge in 1978. Following promotion to Chief Inspector in 1980 , Bill took over as the OIC “B” Department, and in April 1980 as OIC Central Division until his promotion to Superintendent, resulting in him taking over as OIC “A” and “B” Department until his retirement in December 1984.
As a young P.C. Bill received two Commissioner’s commendations, together with a Magistrate’s commendation for his work investigating various cases of cycles thefts resulting in convictions. Bill was awarded the Colonial Police Medal in 1974, the CPM for Meritorious Service in 1970, and the CPM clasp for 25 years service in1981.
We extend our sincere condolences to his two sons, Patrick and Christopher and their family.
CLICK HERE for an obituary in the Royal Gazette advising that a graveside service will be held in early July at the Prospect Cemetery.
11th May 2022
Sgt. Ron Wallace
Sergeant Ron Wallace - We have just heard the sad news that our good friend and former colleague, retired Sergeant Ron Wallace passed await this last weekend in Scotland.
We last heard about Ron during the summer of 2021 after our Government Pensions (Benefits) Department called us seeking information about Ron’s whereabouts as they wanted to confirm that he was still eligible to receive his pension because they had not heard from him for some time.
We put our an "all points bulletin" for Ron, and we were finally able to track him down with the aid of Ken Van Thal who managed to trace Ron to a nursing home in Perth, Scotland, and Ken obtained more details from Ron’s partner. Ken contacted us yesterday 10th May 2022 to advise that Ron’s partner had called him to report that Ron had passed away over the last weekend. We have no further details of funeral etc but will report any information as soon as we receive it. CLICK HERE to view our previous article about our efforts to trace Ron.
Born in Perth, Scotland, Ron served in the Bermuda Police from 1963-1990 having previously been a Cadet and Constable in the Perthshire Constabulary and the Brempton Police Dapartment. He was initially posted to Central Division (Hamilton) and also worked at Operations (Traffic), and as an Aide in CID, after which he worked mainly in CRO until 1975 having attended a Forensic Laboratory Course in Nottingham which included training in the identification of handwriting. In the latter part of his career Ron served in uniform at Cental Division, Operations, Airport Security and Eastern Division.
He was awarded the Colonial Police Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1981, and his clasp for 25 years service in 1985. Ron retired to Scotland after his retirement.
We will further report here on funeral arrangements as we receive them.
8th May 2022

GET TOGETHER DOWN UNDER - Two former officers, both now living in Australia, caught up for lunch on 7th May at Surfers Paradise in Queensland, Australia. Ian 'Geordie' Coyles, who lives on the Gold Coast, just north of Surfers Paradise and Don Urquhart who lives in Sydney and was visiting Queensland had a a good lunch and a good laugh or two.
CLICK HERE to read an article about Don in our "Then and Now" column.
Vernon Young
Sad Passing of former P.C. Vernon Young - We are deeply saddened to report the passing of former P.C. Vernon Young.
Vernon served in the Bermuda Police for 7 years from August 1990 - August 1997, having attended Basic Training Course #44.
After leaving the Police Service Vernon worked at the Bank of Butterfield, and also at the Transport Control Department.
We offer our sincere condolences to Vernon's family.
28th April

PRC Get Together - Davie Kerr - Davie Kerr and his wife Jean have been having a great time on their 3 week holiday here in Bermuda with Davie driving them around the Island in a Twizy. For those of you not aware of Twizy’s they are a small electric car that can be hired by visitors, and despite our serious doubts, Davie was able to squeeze into his Twizy AND have Jean in the back seat.

Davie sitting comfortably in his Twizy
Davie reports they’ve thoroughly enjoyed cruising all over the Island, and have had get togethers with Malcie and Diane Smith, and Alex McDonald, and this afternoon Davie paid a visit to the Police Recreation Club at Prospect and met up with some of his former colleagues on the outside patio on a beautiful afternoon. Unfortunately, Jean had a mishap several days ago and cracked a bone in her foot and was not able to attend. We wish her a speedy recovery.

In attendance were former and retired officers Bob Stewart (served from 1959 – 1964), Roger Sherratt (served from 1964-1992), Pete Shaw (served from 1971-1999), “Moby” Pett (served from 1971-2000), Charlie Mooney (served 1974-2004), Pete Borland (Served 1974-1982), Norman Wilson (Served from 1978-2003), and Jeff Piggott (Served from 1980-1991).

This gathering had to be unique because all the attendees sat or stood outside on the patio and not a drop was consumed!! “The Mars Bar Kid” lived up to his reputation, and for those not aware of it, Davie, who served from 1966 - 2000 probably aquired more nicknames during his 25 years service than anyone else we can think of. CLICK HERE to view our list of "Nicknames - A Bermuda Tradition".
The Covid pandemic has seriously curtailed gatherings at the PRC but life is getting back to normal and the club is now open just about all day and every evening.
On this occasion a good time was had by all, and Davie still clearly showed that he has retained his prodigious memory. We wish him and Jean a safe flight back to Scotland next week.
Former PRC Footballers Get Together in Leeds - Earlier today we heard from our good friend Bob Kinnon who wrote to report that there was a reunion today in Leeds with some of the guys who played football for the PRC First Division Team in the 1970s. Bob organised the get together at "Whitelocks" in Leeds City Centre although he was the only one present who didn't play in the team.

From left to right.are Dave Walker who now lives in Thailandand was on vacation in the UK, Graham Blackshaw, Bob Porritt, Steve Taylor, John Headey, Bob Kinnon, and John Riordan.
Bob explained that the group normally gets together every year but this was the first one for a couple of years due to the covid pandemic. A great day was had by all reminiscing about their time in Bermuda. They asked Bob to please pass on their best wishes to all that remember them. We are more than happy to do so.
We believe some of these guys might be smiling more than others based on recent football results. Bob Kinnon and Bob Porritt will be heaving a sigh of relief if Leeds can manage to stay in the Premiership, while John Headey will be hoping Huddersfield can finish the season with a chance to be in the playoffs for promotion to the Premiership. Steve Taylor keeps smiling despite Man United going through tough times although Christiano Ronaldo is still proving his prowess as a brilliant goal scorer as he did yesterday against Chelsea! We're not sure about Dave Walker's team but it could be Everton in which case he'll be worried about them down there in the Premier Division relegation zone.
20th April
Roger Sherratt "Back in Action" - Apologies to our readers for not having posted any articles during the past 2 weeks. I was away in England and had very little access to internet and I haven't yet learned how to post articles using only my mobile phone.

Very briefly, Marian and I took our granddaughter, Elizabeth, over to Dorset to a music camp with the National Children's Orchestra, and while she was in camp we explored the Dorset area and managed to visit Stonehenge - an unforgettable experience. Having seen photos of Stonehenge I had no conception of just how huge the stones are until standing up next to them!
Dwarfed by Stonehenge "stones"!
We visited Lyme Regis (twinned with St. George's) where we looked for fossils along the Jurassic coast, also visited Salisbury Cathedral, the Dorset Falcolnry Park with its magnificent array of birds of prey, plus a totally unique experience - having a hair cut and beard trim at a Turkish Barber's shop - which included having the hair in my ears removed using a "flame thrower"! We returned home on 19th April which also happened to be my 80th birthday.
21st April
P.C. Brian Nolan
Brian and Glynis Nolan making brief visit to Bermuda - We have just heard from Glynis Nolan that she and Brian will be paying a brief one day visit to Dockyard on Wednesday 27th April 2022 on the 'NCL Escape' as they cruise across the Atlantic finishing up in Rome, then they will be off to Scotland and also Newcastle for about a month before returning to their home in Canada.
Brian and Glynis both worked here for the Bermuda Police Service with Brian joining in 1973 after initially moving to Bermuda to work for Bermuda Motors. Brian served mainly in the Police Grarage at Prospect, while Glynis worked in the Accountant General's office before being transferred to Police Headquarters in "B Department in 1972. Brian and Glynis left Bermuda for the colder climes of Canada in 1980 - never realising just how cold it can be in Canada! No wonder they enjoy cruising! They would love to meet up with old friends during their brief stop off in Bermuda.
CLICK HERE to read more about Brian and Glynis in our 'Then and Now' column
6th April
Youworked for the ng P.C. Steve Dunleavy
Steve Dunleavy - We recently heard from our old friend and colleague Steve Dunleavy about his encounters over the years with legendary West Indies cricketers, first as a young lad in Bolton, then as a constable in the Lancashire Police, and more recently during a visit to Barbados to watch the 2nd Test Match between England and the West Indies. CLICK HERE to view our article about Steve coming "face to face" with these legendary West Indies cricketers.
Steve served in the BPS from 1968 until 1997, retiring as Sergeant, and he is still residing on Island as are his three children, Sean, Christian and Katherine, and their spouses and all seven of Steve’s grandchildren. Despite having been coached by the great Gary Sobers, Steve never took to cricket but he excelled as a snooker player for the Police team and later for Warwick Workmen's Club.
22nd March
Frank Foggo and Roger Sherratt
Frankie “Bill” Foggo - Our “not-so-old” friend Frankie Foggo doesn’t stray too far from his roots these days and I caught up with him at the St. David’s Island Gas Station yesterday afternoon which is just a short walk from his home. He’s Manager of the Gas Station and no sooner had I arrived than he took out his camera for a “selfie” after he explained that ever since he retired from the BPS and started working as Manager of the Blue Hole Hill Gas Station he has taken selfies of himself with any of his old colleagues from the Police Service who call at his gas station.

Frank first joined the BPS as a young cadet 1971, and he went on to serve in numerous departments including in Central Division, Western Division, Operations (Traffic), Central CID, ERT, the Child Victim Unit, Traffic Enforcement Unit (motor cycle/laser). and in the Intelligence Department, until he retired in 2011.
While working in Traffic along with Iain Morrison he still recalls visiting Iain's residence at Prospect to watch Stoke City playing on TV, and Stoke became his team in the late 70’s early 80’s. As a Potters fan myself I definitely approve of his choice of football team although when he took that decision we were in the Premier League, and have now slipped down to the Premiership and will hopefully stay there until re-promoted!

Frank was recently appointed as a Justice of the Peace and he is just as cheerful and optimistic as ever, his future plans include retiring at some point soon and he and his wife, Esprainza then spending 6 month spells here in Bermuda with their daughter Rebecca and her husband who live with them at their home on Texas Road, and 6 months in England where his son, Daniel is now residing having graduated from the University of East Anglia (Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts), Can you guess which 6 months out of the year will be spent in the UK?!
16th March
New Commissioner Darrin Simons
We are delighted to report that Darrin Simons who has been serving as Acting Commissioner of Police for several months, has been officially appointed as our new Commissioner of Police as announced today, Wednesday 16th March, by H.E. The Governor, Rena Lalglie. This announcement was published in both the Royal Gazette and on Bernews earlier today.
In making the announcement, Governor Rena Lalglie stated: "I am confident that Mr Simons will serve Bermuda well in his role as Commissioner of Police, bringing to the job a breadth of skills and experience and a deep-seated passion for service to the people of Bermuda.
“I am pleased that the new commissioner has come from within the ranks of the Bermuda Police Service.
“Commissioner Simons is committed to further identifying and cultivating talent within the BPS and continuing to raise professional standards.”
Commissioner Simons said, "I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as Commissioner of Police and thankful to my family, friends and colleagues that have supported and encouraged me all these years.
“Raising trust and confidence in the police, both within the community, as well as the organisation, are critically important to me.
“Following 28 years of service, I am committed to leading the BPS and working alongside our amazing women and men to provide a service we can all be proud of."
CLICK HERE for the full report in the Royal Gazette.
CLICK HERE to read the report on Commissioner Simons promotion in Bernews
On behalf of all members of the Bermuda Ex-Police Officers Association we offer our hearty congratulations to Commissioner Simons, and look forward to enjoying an excellent relationship with him as we move forward.
Wliliam "Willie" Woods
Sad Death of William "Willie" Woods - We were deeply saddened to hear of the death of our good friend and former colleague, retired Sergeant William “Willie” Woods, in his 87th year, as reported in the today’s Royal Gazette, Wednesday 16th March 2022
Willie was born in Londonderry, Northern Island, and served in the Royal Ulster Constabulary prior to joining the Bermuda Police on 6th July 1959. He served in Eastern Division for his first 2 years, then in Central Division from 1961-1969 during which time he received a Commissioner’s Commendation for devotion to duty which resulted in the arrest of a man who was convicted of armed robbery. Willie went on to serve in Operations (Traffic), and Marine Section before being promoted to Sergeant in 1970 at which time he transferred to Central (Uniform) and later served as Sergeant in Eastern Division and Operations (Traffic). He was awarded the Police Long Service medal in 1977. Willie retired in 1984, but remained in Bermuda.
Willie was an unforgettable character with a dry sense of humour who will always be remembered by those who served with him.
We offer our sincere condoelences to his daughter, Cristina Wineinger, granddaughter Paige Conrad, grandson J. Forrest Wineinger, and all his family and friends.
We understand that a private family funeral will be held at a later date. CLICK HERE for the obituaries in the Royal Gazette.
5th March
60th Anniversary of the Fabulous Forty Thieves Club -
How many of our ExPo members who served in Bermuda Police during the 1960’s and 1970’s walked through the hallowed doors of the legendary Forty Thieves Club on Front Street in Hamilton?
Although it's no longer in existence having closed its doors in July 1988, the Forty Thieves Club will surely live on in the memories of all of us who spent time there watching many of the world's greatest entertainers, from Louis Armstrong to Tom Jones, Dionne Warwick to Cilla Black, Roy Castle to Lonnie Donegan, and a host of very talented local entertainers such as Ghandi Burgess, the Bermuda Strollers, Joe "Conchshell" Benjamin and many more. And on the subject of 'locals' who can ever forget the antics of Malcy Smith being hypnotised by Martin St. James with a snap of his fingers.
Would you believe it, March 3rd marked the 60th Anniversary of the official opening of the 40 Thieves Club in 1962, and Tony Brannon, son of Terry Brannon who ran the 40th Thieves Club has just posted an excellent article on Facebook (CLICK HERE to view it) Tony’s Facebook page provides a booklet of many of the famous artists, both local and interneationl, who appeared at the nightclub along with links to some of their albums.
We also have our own article here on our ExPo website about “The Fabulous Forty Thieves Club” which is one of the most commented on articles we have ever published. Please feel free to add your own comments, or send them to us at
Those were the days!
19th February

Sad passing of Roger Blades - We are deeply saddened hear of the passing of our good friend and former colleague, Roger Blades, in Barbados on 16th February 2022 after battling a serious illness.
Roger joined the Bermuda Police in March 1990, and served mainly in Eastern Division (St. George’s), in Eastern CID and also in Central CID. He resigned in May 1998 and returned to his home in Barbados.
Roger was an outstanding allround cricketer who played for the Police Cricket Team and also played in Cup Match for Somerset and in the Bermuda National Cricket Team representing Bermuda in the Red Stripe Bowl 50 Over competition in the Caribbean in 1997-1998, in the ICC Carlsberg Trophy 50 Overs competition in Malaysia in 1997. He played in the Police Team in the International Police Cricket Festival, 1996, in Worcester, UK, and in 1998 in his native Barbados where he was named Player of the Series. Roger was a key player for our Police Team during the decade of the 1990's during the domination of the Police Team in local cricket.

On behalf of the Bermuda Ex-Police Officers Association we offer our sincere condolences to Roger’s family, and will publish more information about funeral arrangements as soon as we receive them.
This is especially tragic news to our Police Cricket team fraternity and to all cricket lovers in Bermuda as it comes shortly after the passing of another of our great Barbadian cricketers, Tyrone Smith (see entry below dated 8th February). They will both be fondly remembered and sorely missed.
12th February
John HEADEY, Iain MORRISON and Lincoln “Linc” Pratt encounter “Double Trouble Down East.”

Just a few weeks ago I received this rather unremarkable, and slightly out of focus photograph of 3 “bobbies” in a police station. I was not all that impressed but I was made aware that the three young constables, from left to right, are John Headey, Lincoln “Linc” Pratt on the right, and Iain Morrison in the centre writing furiously! The photo might not be impressive but I was assured that the events of that evening were far from routine.
Sure enough, they recounted a story about a night back in August 1976 when they were all on duty in St. George’s they encountered “Double Trouble down East”! It’s one of those escapades that could only happen to ”the boys in blue” and you can CLICK HERE to read all about it.
We also took this opportunity to catch up with John, Linc and Iain to ascertain where they are and what they’re doing these days, as you can read in the article.
8th February

Sad Passing of Tyrone Smith - We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our good friend and former colleague, retired Chief Inspector Tyrone Smith this last weekend. We understand that Tyrone had been ill for some time.
Tyrone was born in Christ Church, Barbados in 1955, and after completing his education he served in the Royal Barbados Police for two year prior to joining the Bermuda Police on 6th August 1978.
After attending a Localisation Course, Tyrone was initially posted to Central Division (Hamilton) for a year before transferring to Eastern Division (Uniform) and in March 1981 he moved to Western Division (Uniform) and then to Operations (Traffic) where he was a regular member of MCPS for several years, a member of the Task Force, and two years as a Driving School Instructor.
Tyrone was promoted to Sergeant in May 1991, to Inspector in December 1998, and to Chief Inspector in November 2002.
In addition to being an excellent police officer Tyrone was also an outstanding cricket player who gained a reputatiuon as an "explosive batsman."
Tyrone retired as Chief Inspector on 25th November 2010 after 32 years in the Bermuda Police Service.
CLICK HERE to read more about Tyrone's service in the BPS, his cricket prowess, and a special Cricket Tribute to Tyrone O'Brien Smith, The Master Blaster, sent to us from our good friend Richard Austin "for the glory Tyrone brought to Police Cricket and the pride and joy he brought to all cricket fans in Bermuda."
3rd February
Steve Peterson - We recently featured former P.C. Steve Peterson in our "Then and Now" column. CLICK HERE to view the article. Steve mentioned his son James who was born here in Bermuda and who developed a love of speed when he clambered on board his dad's police motor cycle as a young lad. James is now a pilot in the RAF, flying Typhoons, and he was no doubt flying high today when he was invited to Windsor Castle to receive his MBE from HRH Prince Charles. Our congratulations to James - and to his proud parents.
James Peterson awarded an MBE
Roger "Shoes" Needham - Steve Peterson also advised us that Roger "Shoes" Needham and his wife Sue recently had Covid and were affected quite badly but they have recovered and are okay now. Several members of Steve's family have also had it but have had no side effects to speak of.
Mike and Cam Burke - We also heard from Mike and Cam Burke that several members of their family had Covid in the Fall, and that both Mike and Cam became positive on 1st January, probably while shopping in a supermarket after Christmas and after having the 3 vaccine injections (no doubt the Omicron variant). They both felt very ill for the first 5 days with lots of symptoms, but came out of isolation on 11th January,
29th January

Kerr’s keen on return visit to Bermuda – Our good friend Davie Kerr was just in touch with us to pass on the sad news about the passing of Dave “Rookie” Adams (see below), and he mentioned that he and Jean, are keen to return to the Island for a visit in April
Davie wrote, “Lochaber, (Perthshire in Scotland) is presently damp and misty, and not where one wants to go sightseeing just now, but on the bright side we've avoided the dreaded Covid and its relations, and all things being equal will get back to Bermuda in April for the first time in 7 1/2 years. I personally can't wait: I've been going through serious withdrawal since our last visit! We're lucky in that my daughter and son-in-law, who live on Rosemont Avenue, have got their wee guest cottage into habitable shape, so we'll be staying there: dates 13 April-04 May.

We're considering hiring a Twizy, but will check it out first to see if we can both get into it (and out again)! If not, I believe there's a place called Scooter Mart on Rural Hill which sells motorcycles and then buys them back afterwards, deducting I think about $100 a week for "wear & tear": it has to be more appropriate than a 50cc rental scooter for someone my size!
Cheers. Davie.
EDITORS NOTE - For those not familiar with the Twizy's mentioned by Davie they are fast becoming a very popular mode of transportation for visitors on rental, Electric powered they can hold two people and are considered to be much safer that the traditional livery cycles. However, Davie raises a point. He'll need to check out size of vehicle compared to size of driver!! It might be a very tight squeeze.
28th January
P.C. David "Rookie" Adams
Death of David "Rookie" Adams - We have received the sad news from Davie Kerr that former P.C. 105 David “Rookie” Adams died about 18 months ago. Davie had heard that “Rookie” had passed away and he wrote and asked “Rookie’s” brother to confirm the news. His brother has now confirmed that Rookie died on 17th May 2020 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
David, who was born in then Rhodesia in 1950, had previously served for 2 years in the British South Africa Police, and then for 2 years in the Kent Police before joining the Bermuda Police on 3rd February 1975. Our records indicate that he served in Western Division while in Bermuda and was transferred to Western CID as an Aide in August 1977. It’s more than likely he left the Island after 3 years here, but our records do not provide his date of leaving.
David was one of 15 recruits with previous police experience who joined the Bermuda Police in early February 1975, and who attended an Induction Course at the Police Training School. Also attending the course was Paul Dellanzo who wrote an article (CLICK HERE) for our "Then and Now" column, which includes a photo of the members of the course.
We offer our belated but sincere condolences to David's brother and family.
17th January
Trevor and Pauline Menzies
Trevor Menzies - The latest colleague to contact us is Trevor Menzies who served here from 1965-1985 mostly in St. George’s and later in Central, who has settled in a village near Grenta Green ib Scotland where he and his wife, Pauline, run a small guest house.
Trevor writes - “This bloody pandemic has been an ongoing nightmare for us all but I have to admit that we have been fortunate in staying clear of any problems so far. Luckily I am so far free from any major ailments other than feeling housebound.
Spoke to Tom Christie this morning. Both him and Margaret are doing well but suffering from the Covid restrictions that we have in place in Scotland. Amazing to think that it is more than 56 years since we became friends. (Edirors note – Tom was Best Man at Trevor and Pauline’s wedding
Just come off the phone with John Eve who, like us all, is making the most of the situation. He sends his regards.”
CLICK HERE to read Trevor’s article in our “Then and Now” column.
16th January
Young P.C. Bill Pritchard
Bill Pritchard - We just heard from our old friend and colleague Bill Pritchard who arrived here as a “new recruit” back in 1965, having already served in the Military Police, the Gwynedd Constabulary, and the Liverpool City Police prior to donning a Bermuda Police uniform.
Bill spent just a couple of months in Central Division before being posted to Operations (Traffic) where he was stationed until he decided to return to the UK and resigned in August 1969.
Bill has written to us as follows:-
Happy New Year to you and all our friends and ex colleagues. Yes, things have not been very pleasant, but its no use moaning as we are all in the same boat, and we just have to get on with it as best we can. At least I was able to get away a couple of times last year, with a cruise around the UK, and a trip to sunny Lanzarote, which helped both of us.
At the moment Sandra has been diagnosed with the dreaded virus, so is isolating. I am fortunate that I am still clear and able to get out and get some fresh air. I am still feeling pretty fit, except for a pair of dodgy knees. But I still manage a good 3-4 mile walk every day, weather permitting.
I am counting the days for when we go away to Lanzarote again in March, and a Mediterranean cruise in June to celebrate my 84th birthday. God willing.
I still check the EXPO website regularly as I like to keep in touch. Keep up the good work you and your committee are doing. Regards to all my ex colleagues, although they are fast diminishing unfortunately.
All the best,
Bill Pritchard, Ex 270 Operations, 1965 - 1969. Very happy days

EDITORS NOTE - We hear on good authority that Bill is still an avid Liverpool City football fan so he’s no doubt relishing watching them in action every week as they fight to stay close to the top of the Premier Division. He’s always enjoyed going to matches but these days he loves watching them at home with his daughter Jane's husband Michael. He’s a proud family man, and doting grandfather to their 12 year old granddaughter, Chloe. We also hear that Bill and his wife Sandra love to travel and have a special passion for cruising. Hopefully, after Omicron has run its course, they can resume their travels.
10th January
John Price - We just received best wishes for the New Year to all of our members, including his old mates on the Police Rugby Team, from our good friend John Price. John came out to Bermuda with the Bank of Bermuda back in 1970 and was a good friend of Tom Gallagher who persuaded John to give up "the other game" to play rugby, so John became a regular member of the "Boys in Blue" at a time when we had an excellent rugby team. John was not only a regular member of the team; he also handled PR along with Johnny Williams.
John met and married his wife Ann, whilst in Bermuda, and after they returned to the UK in 1977, the two kept in touch with many of their rugby colleagues and have attended the Bermuda reunions held in the UK and also got together with old friends such as Moby and Bron Pett in 2015. After returning to banking in the UK, John retired at 57 and he and Pat now have a home in Spain where one of their daughters has also settled with family.
John has written to say "Ann & I are still flitting between Shropshire & Javea in Alicante province in Spain, though not as much as we used to, due to the pandemic restrictions.
We have both stayed Covid free, though our daughter in Spain, Emma and her oldest child, Amelie, both caught it quite badly last summer in Spain."
We wish John and his family All the Best in 2022. CLICK HERE to read John's article in our 'Then and Now' column.
7th January
Robert "Bob" Payne
Robert “Bob” Payne - In late December 2021, we received an enquiry from Mr. Terry Gould who had worked here at Cable and Wireless many years ago and had struck up a friendship with Bob and Pat Payne whilst in Bermuda. Terry lived in the same building in St. George’s as Bob and Pat, and he took part in their wedding ceremony some 50 years ago at which time he “gave the bride away” at their wedding. Having long ago lost touch with Bob and Pat, Terry wrote to our ExPo website in hopes of getting in touch with them.
Fortunately, we still have Bob’s contact details and were quickly able to put them in touch with each other. Within a matter of days we received this note from Bob:-
“During our dotage we do think of Bermuda a lot, in fact we spoke on the phone with our friends on Christmas Day. Dave Ashurst, Roger and Lita Kendall keep in touch as well, so we are well informed. You have floored us with the name Terry Gould, as we have been searching for him for many years (people do disappear). It seems contacts happen suddenly as you are the sixth Bermudian to contact us this Christmas, and now up pops Terry. His memory must still be good!! I will make contact today, as we have very little family, friends really matter. Thank your Mr Skinner for starting the ball rolling when I replied to his missive last week.
It is our 50th in October AND we were thinking of coming to Bermuda. This may be the spur, depending on COVID.
We wish you the happiest of New Years and may 2022 purge the plague, restore some sanity to the world and bring friends together.
Our very best wishes
Bob Payne and Pat
5th Januuary
Neal Richardson - we recently heard from our good friend and former colleague Neal Richardson who served in the BPS from 1974 to 1993 during which time he was first posted to Western Division, then Beach Squad (it's a tough life in the Bermuda Police!), followed by Operations (Traffic) and Cycle Squad, before spending several years in Fraud Squad, which eventually led him to a new career in New York working in anti-money laundering compliance for a financial institution.

CLICK HERE to view an excellent article in our "Then and Now" column written by Neal, which includes his encounter with catastrophe on 9/11 when he was working in one of the twin towers buildings in New York and witnessed scenes that will remain with him forever. He and his colleagues made it out of the building that fateful day but the whole building went down later in the day.
Neal wrote to us to say, "I decided to retire from work at Credit Suisse in New York earlier this year at the age of 62. I will be spending my time between homes in Metro NYC and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. The latter is my preferred place and where I spend more time. The photo is of me and my dog, Wolfie, on a recent hike above Lake Atitlan."
Neal with his dog Wolfie, on a hike above Lake Atitlan.
Nick Bolton - Remembering Chief Inspector Ernie Moniz - Our good friend Nick Bolton who now lives in Western Canada, has just sent us best wishes for the New Year and he also included his own "brief offering" on an article in our Hall of Fame about the Late Chief Inspector Ernie Moniz, CLICK HERE for the article.
Young P.C. Nick Bolton
"Ernie Moniz once met, never forgotten.
Mr Moniz was an Inspector by the time I got to Bermuda so I can not say much about his policing skills. I can say I considered him a first rate leader , an excellent administrator and a darn good officer.
Some considered him a disciplinarian, I don't think so. I think he just expected a high standard from his people. He ran a tight ship and he performed at a high standard himself.
He was never petty and he had a good sense of humour.
I remember one wet day when a number of us were hanging around the Motorcycle Patrol office and a new guy came in asking where he could get a ticket book. Someone said oh just go down to the end office and ask for Ernie, he will give you one. Off he went - we all laughed.
Some minutes later we saw him walking out of the yard happy as a clam with his ticket book. We all looked at each other . A few minutes later Mr Moniz came down the yard, walked into the office, looked at us very carefully, nodded and just walked out. We knew that he knew!
A little later we got to talk to Carol Royer, she told us that as luck would have it Mr Moniz was in the outer office, just in shirt sleeves, when the young fellow came in and asked if Ernie was there.
Everyone held their breath but Mr Moniz just looked up and said here I am and then proceeded to issue the ticket book, no fuss no muss!
I don't think that would have been the reaction of some others.
He told me, in an idle moment, a story of when he was a constable walking a Harbour Rd foot beat (of all things). It was a long story that I will shorten but basically he went to a noise complaint at one of the waterfront properties.
When he was invited in to the pool area he was met by a stark naked Noel Coward and a crowd of naked actors and actresses all lying around the pool. The matter was resolved informally.
I also served under him when he was promoted to Chief Inspector where he did a lot to improve the Operations Division. A good man I am surprised he did not go further in the BPS.
Best wishes to you all for 2022"
Editors Note - CLICK HERE to view an excellent article Nick wrote about his reminiscences for our "Then and Now" column

CLICK HERE to read Colin's excellent "Then and Now" article.
EDITORS NOTE - The rise in Covid infections from the new Omicron variant is certainly having a major impact on the current health situation around the world, although it seems that this latest varient is far less deadly than Delta, especially for those of us who are vaccinated and have had our booster shots. We would be very interested to hear from our members wherever you are, about the impact it is having on your lives, and how the situation is being handled in your part of the world.