I recently received a note from a young lady about the fact that the Late W.P.C. Latasha Gibson was not included in our List of Deceased Police Officers. This was a serious error on my part and Latasha has now been added to our List.
Latasha was a serving police officer when she passed on 26th June 2017. She joined the BPS in January 2005, and by all accounts was a credit to the Service. In a Royal Gazette article published shortly after her passing, it was reported that, “Because of her warm nature and cheerful personality, 'Tasha' quickly became a well-loved and respected member of the Bermuda Police family, especially in the Western Division where she spent most of her career.” You can view the Royal Gazette article at http://www.royalgazette.com/news/article/20170630/tributes-to-respectful-friendly-officer

Sadly, Latasha died of breast cancer, and in order to celebrate her life and her contribution to the BPS a group of volunteers joined together to create a “Tribute Vehicle” to honour Latasha’s memory. The beautifully painted pink car was displayed in front of City Hall in November 2018 during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, with men and women in uniform from both the BPS and the Fire Service standing in solidarity with M.P’s and members of the public to support cancer awareness.
A full report on the Tribute Vehicle in honour of Latasha can be found in the Royal Gazette at http://www.royalgazette.com/health/article/20181031/breast-cancer-tribute-car-unveiled
Latasha will be fondly remembered by all who knew her and her name has been added to our List of Deceased Bermuda Police Officers which can be viewed at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/deceased