This section of our website is intended for you to keep in touch with all of your fellow colleagues who have served in the Bermuda Police. We started this column by putting all entries on one post but soon realized that it would stretch for far too long so we are doing it by each year- and this one is for 2016.
We welcome news, however brief, and would also encourage you to send us recent photos. Sadly we sometimes have to report "bad" news such as illnesses - or worse - but we are always delighted to receive positive news! We can be contacted through our email address or through the comments column at the bottom of each article, including this one.

We offer our sincere condolences to Greg’s family, to his BPS family, and to his many friends.
For more information about Greg, together with a statement from Commissioner of Police, Michael DeSilva, please go to our Latest News column at
You can also find a tribute to Greg on our Facebook page at
We will post funeral arrangements as soon as possible.

"Ken Van Thal and I travelled to Swansea on Monday 14th November to attend the funeral service for John.

50 Year Anniversary

Davie Kerr wrote to us on 14th November to say that it was 50 years to the day that 6 young lads boarded a BOAC Boeing 707 at Heathrow Airport en route for Bermuda to join the Police. The 6 were Gerry Ardis, ex-RUC; Davie "Bones"Fraser, ex-Lanarkshire; Davie Kerr, ex-Dundee City; Barrie Mancell, ex-South Wales; George Rushe, ex-Met; and Malky Smith, ex-Glasgow City.
Davie says, “Not one of us initially planned to do more than one 3-year contract, and they're all still there except me. Sadly Davie Fraser and George Rushe are in cemeteries, but they're still there, in body if not in spirit..... Aye, it's been an eventful half-century!”
Davie kindly wrote a few personal notes about each of his fellow new recruits which you can read at

There will be drinks afterwards at the Vivien Arms, Sketty - see
It would be much appreciated if this information can be circulated to all of John’s old friends and colleagues who might be able to attend.

John Headey with grandson Wylie in Huddersfield Town kit
Wylie normally lives with his mum Lena in the U.S. where she has been playing a starring role in “Game of Thrones”, but Wylie is on an extending visit to his grandparents in Yorkshire. We gather John is wasting no time in converting young Wylie from American sports to football (or soccer as it’s called in the States), and where better than in Huddersfield where Huddersfield Town are currently top of the Championship.
Word has it that Wylie loves his kit so much he insists on sleeping in it!

We also just heard from Keith Senior who says life is going well in the UK. He and Julie are settled in Yorkshire which they are using as a base for travel and catching up with family and friends.
Keith has written to say, “The get together in the photograph was organised by Stuart Mason via social media, and we chose the York tap as a meeting place. It is a lovely Victorian pub inside York rail station so was easily accessed by all.
Stuart is an Inspector with a short time to go before retirement. John Clayton is retired and enjoying life. Martyn Davidson is also retired but works as a civvy traffic officer monitoring taxis.
Kevin Buxton also recently retired, and Alan Earl is still working in the Police specialising in cyber and hate crimes. Tim Winkelman is still a radio comms operator on oil rigs in the North sea, three weeks about. Glyn Brown is recently or almost retired, Billy Webster the oldest of the group, Is enjoying retirement and classic soul music.
Brian Russell is retired from Police and works as a social Services driver.
And Mark Richardson is out of the Police and is involved in private service with families and provides butler and chauffeur services.
Keith added that he is currently in Bermuda and plans to be up at the Police Club on Thursday evening for a few drinks with his old mates.

Join us for Police Week - This year’s Police Week is being held during the first week of October and although there are less events than in the past due to budget constraints there are two events in particular that we want to encourage all of our retired and former police officers to attend. These are as follows:-
This is a very special event at which we remember those of our former colleagues who are no longer with us. The Service itself is brief and includes the BPS Honour Guard, playing of the Last Post, the Laying of wreaths/flowers, with the Commissioner reading out a list of all of our colleagues who have died in the last 2 years (see below). It concludes with the playing of Reveille.
The Late Sergeant Cyril Plant
This year will be extra special because the late Sgt.Cyril Plant who passed away in May had requested his ashes be interred at the Police Cemetery. Deputy Commissioner Paul Wright is bringing Cyril’s ashes back to Bermuda and these will be interred during the Service. Attendees usually include H.E. the Governor, along with the families and friends of loved ones.
The Service is followed by a reception held at the PRC, including light refreshments, to which all attendees are cordially invited.
It would be much appreciated if as many of our members and their spouses can attend this most fitting event.
* If you would like to make a comment about any of these many officers - we have lost 30 officers in the last 2 years - you can do so in the Comments Section in our Latest News column at
Commissioner DeSilva has extended a very warm welcome to all of our retired and former police officers to attend this event which was held for the first time last year and was highly successful. By all accounts it is a great night.
Tickets are $20 each and this includes a buffet dinner and one free drink. A cash bar will also be available.
There will be a wide variety of “gambling games “to enjoy, and Casino Dollars can be purchased on the night at the rate of $2,000 Casino Dollars for $10 cash. Winnings can be used to bid on a wide variety of prizes that will be auctioned off.
Proceeds will be shared between two charities, The Family Centre and Special Olympics, Bermuda.
Please note that guests are most welcome but must be 18 years of age or older.
Charity Casino Night

The four former police officers arranged to have their 50th Anniversary get together during this year’s Annual Cup Match holiday, with Orson making the trip from his home in Barbados; Ralph and his wife Jennifer flew from their home in Willow Grove near Philadelphia; John still resides here in Bermuda; and Vendal would certainly have felt very much at home at the Hamilton Princess because he is still Director of Security at Princess which recently underwent major renovations and is a truly magnificent hotel complete with a splendid marina in perfect time for next year’s America’s Cup here in Bermuda.
For more information about their visit and their time in the Bermuda Police Service please see or "Interesting Articles" column at
Peter Brown - Bermuda also recently welcomed another former Bermuda Police Officer, Peter Brown (1970-1973) and his wife Sue who used to work at Strawberry Hill Nursery School.
Peter and Sue have been regular visitors to the Island for the past 14 years, usually staying with Roddy and Sue Barclay in Somerset, as they did this year. Roddy and Peter were fellow pipers in the Bermuda Pipe Band and have remained good friends ever since.
While on Island they celebrated Peter’s birthday along with Roddy and Sue Barclay’s 42nd wedding anniversary.

They also enjoyed a lovely BBQ at the McCreights. Peter and Ernie both attended the Scottish Police College back in 1969 and usually get together when the Browns return.
Peter is an active Rotarian in the UK and always makes a point of visiting Rotary Clubs when travelling. On this occasion he met up with another former BPS officer, John Harvey, who is a member of Sandys Rotary Club. Peter and Sue were also delighted to attend the 70th birthday party for Steve Shaw which was held at the PRC.
As a regular visitor Pete comments that the Island is generally still beautiful although they noticed more litter than usual on our beaches on this last trip.
Peter and Sue went on a tour of Australia last November during which time they visited Dick Coulthard in Adelaide. Unfortunately, Dick’s wife was unable to meet with them as she had undergone major surgery, but we understand that since then she has been making a good recovery.

For more information about Peter please see his article in our “Then and Now” column at

Dave Walker was back in UK from Thailand where he has a bar. He visits his elderly mother every year. Graham Blackshaw hails from up the road near Wigan. John Riordan and I are from Dewsbury in West Yorkshire and John Headey is from nearby Huddersfield in West Yorkshire. Graham runs his personal health and fitness business, John Riordan, since leaving employment with West Riding FA is doing stints of cover supervision at local schools. John Headey in between being retired, babysits in LA and other places whilst his daughter Lena is filming. Last but not least I am retired and a lot of time is taken up with babysitting four grandchildren.
We got round to remembering new things we forgot on the last two meetings. We had a few drinks and some nice food. We drank a toast to absent friend Frank Dowie, who is not too well at the moment.
Editors note - Many thanks for getting in touch with us Bob. Very sorry to hear Frank Dowie is not too well. Please give him our regards and let him know his old mates are thinking about him and wish him all the best. I note that Bob mentions babysitting his four grandchildren, while John Headey is almost a professional babysitter for his daughter Lena. I have to wonder how many of us have grandchildren and how are we involved in thei lives. We would be delighted to receive and publish photos of any and all of our old colleagues with the grandchildren.
Keith Hatfield - We just heard from Keith Hatfield, a Yorkshireman, who served in the Bermuda Police from 1962-1965, who celebrated his 77th birthday a few weeks ago. Keith vividly recalls arriving on Island with Mike Rickards, also from Yorkshire, and being picked up at the airport by Sgt Ken Morris. Keith was posted to St George’s where he served for the next 3 years while Mike went to Somerset.

Keith played a little cricket, and fondly remembers time spent at Admiralty House and Elbow Beach. While here he met his future wife, Nadine who was a nurse at King Edward Hospital and they married soon after returning to the UK where Keith worked as a Probation Officer then as an Independent Consultant in Child Protection, and latterly as a Magistrate for 10 years before he retired. Read more about Keith in his “Then and Now” article at
Keith has written to say, “Nadine and I are well - still travelling and have just got back from Russia. Last year we were hot air ballooning in Turkey but our long hauls are coming to a halt and we quite happily spend the majority of our time in our VW Camper travelling around Europe and the UK. London is still home and we use our free transport passes to good effect - there is always so much to see and do here. I am still a Tour Guide at Lord’s Cricket Ground and also do quite a bit of voluntary work with the Chelsea Pensioners and the Blind Veterans.”
Keith added that he likes to keep up with the news on our website although, sadly, “I keep seeing the obituaries of people who were in Bermuda during my time there. I guess we have to make the best of life whilst we can.”
Editors note - As Keith says, we post obituaries of our old friend and colleagues, but we far prefer hearing good news, so if you feel like putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, please drop us a line – and send a recent photo,

Request to make contact with Judy Woodward - We had a request a couple of days ago from Alan Coates (through a mutual friend) who asked if we could puthim in touch with Judy Woodward following the death of her husband Jimmy. (see Latest News at We did as Alan requested and have now received this reply.
“I’m very grateful to John White and yourself for finding me the Email address of Judy Woodward.
I had explained to John that we lost touch with Jimmy and Judy after they returned to the UK and then ‘disappeared’. Our understanding was that they intended to return to Richmond in north Yorkshire and re-establish themselves in an area they knew well. We think they must then have decided that it was not going to turn out well and although they sent us an Email address it proved incorrect. We even thought that Jimmy may have developed a health problem.
You may or may not know that Jimmy was one of three brothers who all joined the North Yorkshire Constabulary with their Headquarters in Northallerton – not far from Richmond. Sadly one of the brothers died ‘young’.
For Brenda and myself, we found Jim and Judy exceptionally helpful when I was considering applying to the Bermuda Police, and, subsequently they were very good to us when we arrived. Partially, and as a result we are God Parents to one of their sons. In any case, we have now written to Judy. and thank you again for having the information available.
Apart from the above, we have little to report other than the UK’s major decision, as a result of the referendum, to ‘leave’ the European Union – both politically and economically. We are not happy about this despite all the problems with the Union. Perhaps you too have political problems - whether on the Island or with the thoughts of Donald Trump!
I doubt we will have another holiday in Bermuda but should you happen to be over in the UK, we would be very pleased to meet you. I remain interested in ‘how things are’ in Bermuda, first hand,and as I have said before, it is a very beautiful and special place. (We are long established in leafy West Berkshire with the boundary with Hampshire only a mile away – although Yorkshire have a better cricket team!)
Best regards to all and please mention me to David Cook.

Those who made it to the lunch are Harry Messham, Ian Ackroyd, Norman Rennie, our Police Rugby Team scrum half in the 70’s, and Colin Mackenzie.
Colin says, "Those who could not make it this year, and this was the second attempt to get as many of us together, were Paul Hendrick, Ian Ganson, Jeff Baker, Tony “Tinker” Taylor, Colin Fairbairn, Dave Parsons, Dave Needham, Robin Glenny, Peter McNulty, Neil Morgan (“Irish.”), Bill McCormack, Alfie Fox (1964 time), William “Bill” Smith (59-66) and Ian Kittle.
Colin assures us that the “young lads” who met yesterday had a great time sharing their stories about the good old days in Bermuda. He added that, “The four of us are well and we send our best wishes to those of you who remember us. We will plan this again next year.”
Many thanks to Colin for keeping us posted.

Ralph is keen to meet up with old friends during his stay and a quick check of his fellow recruits from 1966 reveals that several are still on Island, such as Steve Dean, Vendal Bridgeman, Gertie Barker, John McConnie, and Clyde “Tango” Burgess. He also hopes to see some of the guys he worked with during his time in Bermuda.
We normally recommend that our visiting colleagues come up to the Police Club at Prospect on a Thursday afternoon around 5pm where a group of former officers tend to gather, but the only Thursday when Ralph and Jennifer are here also happens to be the first day of Cup Match. It’s a great time of year to be here but not sure how many would be at the PRC that afternoon. Anyone who would like to meet up with Ralph and Jennifer can contact our website at or get in touch with Vendal Bridgeman or Gertie Barker.

Peter Edney - We were deeply saddened to hear that our old friend Peter Edney passed away here in Bermuda on 4th July at the age of 87. Peter was born in London, England in 1928 and as a young man he served for 4 years in the Royal Ordinance Service Corps before joining the Hampshire Police as a Constable. He served there from 1949-1955 before coming out to Bermuda to join our Police Force in 1955. Peter served in the Bermuda Police for 8 years, and was initially posted to Hamilton Police Station, but his mechanical talents were quickly recognized and he spent most of his service in the Police Garage where he was promoted to Sergeant in 1960. He left the Force in April 1964, and worked here locally before moving out to Australia. After the passing of his first wife, June, he eventually returned to Bermuda and married his second wife, Julie.
The last time we saw Peter and Julie was at a reception held at the Senior Officers Mess in memory of the Late Arthur Rose.

Peter had not been well for some time. He is survived by his wife Julie, and we understand that one of his sons, Bruce, who normally reasides in Australia, is on Island at the moment.
We send our sincere condolences to Julie and her family. We understand there will be a Mewmorial Service for Peter at St. Anne's Church in Southampton with a date to be announced.
Jimmy Woodward - We are deeply saddened to report that former Sergeant Jimmy Woodward died on July 1st at his home in Vero Beach, Florida. A Yorkshireman, Jimmy had served in the North Riding Constabulary, and in the Royal Military Police prior to coming to Bermuda as a police constable in 1957 where he served in Central Division, Hamilton, in Prosecutions, Parishes, and at Police Headquarters. He was promoted to Sergeant in 1961.
Jimmy married his wife Judy in 1957, and they had two children, Edward and Peter who were both born here in Bermuda.

After 10 years in the Bermuda Police, Jimmy took up a position as General Manager of the Rosebank Theatre, and remained in Bermuda for some years until he and Judy and their family settled in Florida.
Jimmy was always a very popular, cheerful and enthusiastic officer who was well liked by all who knew him.
We send our sincere condolences to Judy and the Woodward family. The family celebrated his life on 2nd July, and in accordance with his wishes, Jimmy’s body was donated to medicine. As Judy so aptly says, “He keeps on giving as he has all his life”.
Which Vincent? - On 23rd May, Mike Caulkett sent us an email along with the photo below of a young Bermuda policeman in summer uniform. Mike’s son, Ben, who is a Senior (Civilian) Crime Scene Investigator with the Sussex Police had spotted a twitter entry about a policeman named “Vincent” who was just about to retire from the Police in the UK. It particularly drew his attention because the young constable looked very similar to his dad.

Mike had served here in the Bermuda Police from 1964-1970 but couldn’t remember anyone by the name of Vincent, and he wondered if we might be able to identify the young man. The photo was not the clearest but a quick check of our records indicated that Mark Vincent had served here from 1985 – 1993. Our records also showed that Mark had attended the same Basic Training Course as three officers who are still serving officers in the BPS - Gary Staines, Paul Towlson and Paul Wright.
An email with the photo attached was sent to Deputy Commissioner Paul Wright and he confirmed that it was Mark who had served for several years in SB while in Bermuda and had eventually joined the Lincolnshire Police after returning to the UK. As a bonus, Paul had Mark’s email address.
After writing to Mark he wrote back to confirm that he was the subject of the Twitter Feed and that he was retiring from the Lincolnshire Police. His last working day was 20th May, and his official retirement date is 31st May 2016 at which time he will have completed 36 years of continuous police service. On behalf of all Mark’s old friends and colleagues in the Bermuda Police we wish him a long and happy retirement. We have posted an article in our “Then and Now” column about Mark which can be found at
As a postscript, Mark is planning to visit Bermuda in August of this year with his family, and is looking for a rental property for their stay. If anyone knows of a suitable home or accommodation in a good location and with good acilities we would be delighted to pass it on to Mark.
Peter Moore - We have reported on details of the funeral service held on 23rd May for Cyril “Sidge” Plant (CLICK ON for details) One of the attendees was former P.C. Peter Moore who has written to say, “I served in Bermuda from May 1969 to May 1972. I lived at Hoardley Cottage just down from Prospect from 1970 to 1971 with Cyril and Les Tomlinson. Many happy memories but could not keep up with Cyril and his “social” happenings.
I was playing rugby/training and in my dingy – oh and work at Central then Cycle Squad. When I returned to England I joined Hampshire Police and was sent to the Isle of Wight! One island to another. I married Norma (still am) who was a nurse at A&E KEMH . She went to Bermuda with a Maureen Smith who married Reece Bartley (please give him our regards – we went to their wedding). I retired in 1998.
One regret I did have was not thanking Cyril or Les for allowing me to join them at Hoardley Cottage. I do not know where Les is now.
The other regret was not getting to know the other person living in the other cottage in the garden of Hoadley House (owner Archie Brown) was a man called Alan Ganley. He was the musical director at the Bermuda Princess. He was a professional drummer and became quite famous back in the UK working a great deal in the jazz and big band world with the likes of Sir John Dankworth and Cleo Lane. Alan is not with us any more.
We gave Cyril a good send off with 6 smart ex Bermuda lads present. I knew Barry Higham (played rugby with him) Davie or course and John Eve but do not know the others. Editors note - The lady is Cyril’s wife, Pauline.

Norma and I, along with our 16 year old daughter Sara came to Bermuda for a holiday in 1994. We were looking after an apartment in St George for Jennie Robins (ex nurse at KEMH). 20 years after I had left I went down to the Department of Transport and they renewed my Bermuda driving licence! I was able to use Jennie’s car for our stay – what luck.
We would like to come back again to watch England regain the America’s Cup in 2017 – what a thrill that would be. Also to see PRC at Prospect where Norma and I first met – a dance there. If you know of any property that needs looking after – I am your man.
19th May
Don visits Mike Chlebec - No sooner had we posted the entry below about Don Urquart having lunch with Steve and 'Shoes' in London, than we received a further email from Don saying he had steamed up to Bolton and met up with Mike Chlebek who was visiting his mother. Mike is usually wandering the golf course at Riddell's Bay these days but the sad news is that Riddell's went into liquidation a few weeks ago! There is some possibility that it will be taken over by new owners but if they leave it much longer they will need a harvester to mow the fairways.

Don Urquart, Steve Peterson and Roger "Shoes" Needham - We have just received an email from Don Urquart to say that he and his tribe are currently visiting the UK from Australia, and on 17th May he met up with Steve Peterson and Roger "Shoes" Needham for lunch in London (opposite Harrod's according to the photo attached), and ejoyed a good laugh and reminscences about their time in Bermuda. Don was then heading up to Manchester and was due to catch up with Andrew Fielding and Mike Chlebec yesterday. We suspect that some of the group meeting in Manchester might also be planning on watching Manchester United playing in the F.A. Cup Final.

Returning for Visits - Mike Ross and Geoff Hunt - We have two former colleagues paying visits to the Island soon. Mike Ross who served from 1975 - 1986 will be returning from 1st May - 13th June, along with his wife, Rosemary and daughter Catherine, and he plans to bring them along to the PRC on Thursday 2nd June for a get together with old friends.

Former Sergeant Geoff Hunt will also be paying us a visit, along with his wife Olive and their two sons. They are staying at the Swifts and will be here from 3th - 9th July befre heading off to their son's wedding in Annapolis.
17th May
Cyril Plant - We are deey saddened to hear of the passing of our good friend, retired Sergeant Cyril Plant who died earlier today. Cyril had been suffering from Alzheimers and had been in a nursing home just outside Manchester since last September.

Cyril came to Bermuda in July 1967 and attended Basic Training Course #9. Following his training course Cyril served for several years in Central Division at Hamilton Police Station before being transferred to Prosecutions. He also served for 3 years in Operations (Traffic), but spent most of his Police career in Prosecutions Department where he was promoted to Sergeant in December 1985.
Cyril was always a very popular officer and a great asset to Prosecutions. He served in the Bermuda Police for 29 years, and was awarded the Colonial Police Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct in 1985.
After retiring from the Service Cyril and his wife, Pauline, settled back in Worsley just outside Manchester in the UK.
We extend our sincere condolences to Pauline, to their daughter Julie, grandson Sam and to the family, and will provide details of Cyril’s funeral arrangements as soon as we know them.
UPDATE - We have been advised that Cyril’s ‘Humanitarian Service’ will be held at Agecroft Cemetery, Langley Rd, Pendlebury, Salford. M27 8SS, phone 0161-6867290; on Monday 23rd May 2016 at 10am.
15th May
First of all my apologies for the lack of recent entries in this column. I was off Island for several weeks visiting my 97 year old mum in North Staffordfshire and had great difficulty accessing the website administration site. Hopefully I can now get back to normal, and would appreciate you letting us know about your own activities.
John "Coco" Eve - While in England I paid a visit to retired Inspector "Coco" Eve and his partner, Kath, at their lovely home just outside Leek, and as some of you may know this was just a few weeks before their arrival for a vacation in Bermuda.

I just watched this nostalgic 28 minute film on You Tube and what a revelation it was to see Bermuda as it was in the 1960’s. There are lots of quotes from Mark Twain and clips of Bermuda’s history, but what I really enjoyed were the shots of the Island at the time when I first arrived here in 1964, especially scenes of Front Street which includes a very smart young police constable directing traffic in the birdcage, and helping out a lovely young tourist get her livery cycle started. I know who he is but I wonder how many of our readers will also be able to recognize him! If so, let’s hear from you in the Comments section below.
What is most surprising in the LACK of traffic in Hamilton back then. There are sequences taken on the Island’s beautiful beaches, aerial views, and underwater scenes.
For those of you who know Mike there is no problem picking him out as he re-enacts one duty that unfortunately was no longer required when I arrived in 1964, and that was the issuing of “Green Tickets” to visiting young ladies wearing short shorts.
I heartily recommend that you watch this film and take a trip down memory lane. It concludes with the immortal words of Mark Twain, “You go to heaven if you want to. I’d rather stay here … in Bermuda!”
I had no idea how many videos there are available on You Tube about Bermuda going back way further that the 1960’s, and up to today.
Two in particular that caught my eye are “Passage to Bermuda 1963” with great scenes of the Island and commentary by the well known American comedian, Jonathan Winters, at
And a somewhat similar video to “The Island Nobody Wanted” filmed By Pathe Film in 1968, at
We would be interested in hearing about any other old films or videos that would be of interest to our readers. For this reason you will find a new article in our Interesting Articles column headed "Looking Back in Time". Please feel free to add your own comments and point us in the direction of any other interesting old films on You Tube or elsewhere that capture Bermuda while you were serving here in the Bermuda Police.
14th April
The Jents visit Coco in North Staffordshire - Mike and Carole Jent just travelled from their home in Wiltshire up to North Staffordshire last weekend to visit Coco Eve and Kath at their home in Leek, and while there they paid a visit to the famous Biddulph Grange Gardens.

By coincidence, I will be arriving in Biddulph - my family home - tomorrow for a 2 week holiday with my 97 year old mother, and hope to catch Stoke playing Spurs at Brittania Stadium next week in what could be a crucial game for Spurs as the season draws to a close. Coco and Kath will be visiting Bermuda from 9th-18th May, and they will be up at the Police Club at 4.30pm on Thursday 12th May, hoping to meet up with old friends and colleagues.
28th March
Wanted - Information on Raimondo Harrison! - Don Urquhardt has contacted us to enquire if we know how to contact his old mate Raimondo "Rai" Harrison. Rai visited Bermuda in 2011 and was in fighting shape - still boxing would you believe - and we had his email address and phone number, but neither seem to be working. If you know how to conact Rai please let us know.

Davie and Jean Kerr - Davie and his wife Jean are planning to visit the Island from late October - late November for our annual Police Week celebrations and also to be here on the 50th Anniversary of Davie's contingent first arriving in Bermuda on 14th November 1966. These new recruits included Barrie Mancell, Gerry Ardism Malcolm Smith, Davie, and the late George Rushe and Dave "Bones" Fraser. Not sure what they are planning on that date.

Davie and Jean are looking for somewhere to house sit during their visit. They are more than willing to look after pets of all kinds. If you know of somewhere please contact me at or by telephone.
15th March
Remembering Vanders - RHADC was packed last night for the Memorial Remembrance Reception for our good friend and colleague John Van de Weg. Although everyone present sincerely mourned John's loss, this event turned out to be a true celebration of his life and accomplishments over what at times were almost insurmountable odds regarding his health issues. John was never one to dwell on the negative, and all present agreed that he would have thoroughly enjoyed the evening! His son, Simon, did an excellent job in recounting John's history and describing what a great husband he had been for Mary, a great father to his children, Simon, Rachel and Nicholas, and what a proud grandparent he was to his lovely grandchildren, Lily and Eve.

Tributes were given by a number of people including by Billy Butterworth who extolled John's abilities and inspiration on the rugby field as Captain of the Police Team when it was sweeping all the silverware, what a great mate he was both on and off the rugby field, and revealing what John always stored in his rugby shorts for half-time!

Good News Needed! We are only 11 days into March and we have already reported on the passing of no less that half a dozen of our former Bermuda Police Officers since the start of the year. They are listed here but you can find out more about them by checking on our Latest News column.
We would like to strike a balance and also report on good news stories relating to our members both locally and abroad. We hope to hear from anyone who has positive news about themselves, such as celebrating wedding anniversaries, getting together with grandchildren, interesting trips, getting together with former colleagues, or even retirement after many years of working. We look forward to hearing from you
And now for the list of our members who have passed on since the start of the year:-

3rd March
Howard Dill - We hadn't heard too much recently about Howard Dill who served in the Bermuda Police from May 1955 - May 1980 but I spoke with him a few of days ago and he had just celebrated his 84th birthday (25th February). Howard and is wife, Ruth, still reside on Camp Hill. They had three boys, one of whom has since passed away, and they now have a total of 7 grandchildren, 4 of whom live abroad, and two great-grandchildren, one of whom is here and one living abroad.

Howard is not able to get out and about these days because of prostate problems but we chatted about the good old days when he worked in Warwick Parish, and as he says, in those days the Parish Constables knew just about everybody - and where to find them. Click on the following to see a photo of Howard and his fellow Parish Constables and Sergeant in our Who, When and Where column
2nd March
Ian and Maggie Graham - We just heard from Ian and Maggie who returned home recently after a holiday in Hong Kong and Australia where they visited Melbourne for the Australian Open. Tennis of course because Ian and Maggie must be honorary members of the tennis equivalent of cricket’s “Balmy Army”!!

They are super keen tennis fans, especially now that fellow Scotsman Andy Murray is playing so brilliantly. They had tickets for both days of the quarter-finals where they saw all of the top players with the exception of Nadal who had been knocked out in the first round.

These photos were taken in the Rod Laver arena where they saw Andy triumph against David Ferrer of Spain. He went on to win his semi-final match before facing Novak Djokovic in the final. Djokovic must surely now be considered one of the greatest tennis players of all time and he won their final in emphatic style.

Ian says it’s doubtful that he and Maggie will be visiting Bermuda this year though he has clearly been a big influence on his siblings because he has one brother bringing his family to the Islands in late June, and another brother and family visiting in mid-July.
1st March
Mel Gibbons - We are delighted to report meeting up with Mel Gibbons and his lovely wife, Carolyn, in City Hall where they were visiting their grandaughter in the Arts Society Gallery. You may recall that Mel underwent a 10 hour bypass operation last June that was not without its complications, and he spent some time recuperating in the New England Rehabilitation Hospital before returning home. Mel served in the Bermuda Police from 1960 - 1985 before retiring and taking up a position working in the Supreme Court which he held for many years.

Mel says he has had to slow down and has his ups and downs but he looked great and still gets out with Carolyn.
14th February
Peter Blogg - We just received an email from Ken Van Thal who had received a message on his Facebook page from Ian Blogg, Peter's brother who lives in Australia. Ken had apparently written to Ian asking if he could provide any further information about the circumstances surrounding Peter's death. For anyone who knew Peter - and his sense of humour - there is no doubting the genetic link between the two brothers when reading Ian's comments!
"Good to hear from friends of Peter but I am also in the dark as to how he died as I live in Australia and I only have correspondence with the British consulate in Ghana and all they can tell me is that he died of natural causes. I sent them the cost of the funeral so that he had a good dignified funeral (not a stew pot) and I was told that he only got buried in January this year and they said someone from the consulate would attend to make sure all went accordingly and take photos and send them to me along with the death certificate but I am still waiting. I have a good photo of Peter along with two local policemen in Bermuda from the early 70's I think you would like to see so ..... I'll send it off to you."
Best Regards
Ian Blogg
As Ken so rightly says, "Ian obviously shares Bloggy's sense of humour"!
1st February
Jim Woodward - Following publication of our photos under the heading “Fitness Fanatics” in our ‘Who, When and Where’ column we have just heard from our good friend, former Sgt Edward “Jim” Woodward who was standing in the background of one of the photos, and who, it turned out was the main organizer of the event being held in 1980 – a 24 hour team marathon.
Jim was a member of Rotary at the time and had been asked to organize an event to raise funds for charity. The team marathon was very successful, raising some $17,000 for charity. See our “Fitness Fanatics” article at for more information about the 24hour marathon.
Jim had joined the Bermuda Police in 1957 after serving in the North Riding Constabulary in the UK and in the Royal Military Police. Whilst in the Force he served in Central Division, including as Parish Sergeant, and also in “B” Department and ‘A” Department, latterly as P.I. Officer.
He left the Force in 1967 and worked for 10 years as General Manager of the Rosebank Theatre, then several other jobs here before leaving Bermuda in 1994 for North Carolina, with his wife Judy. They finally settled in Vero Beach in October 2007 by which time their second son, Peter and his wife had two sons.

Now in his 87th year, Jim had a recent medical and had blood pressure of 112/60 and weighing 163 lbs. He says he has slowed down with his gardening work but his memory is still good, and Judy is kept busy with her two grandsons, helping with school runs, fixing meals and entertaining them during school holidays etc.
It was great to hear from Jim and Judy and we wish them well.
31st January
ExPo Annual Reception - We held our annual ExPo Reception at the new Officers Mess, Prospect, on Saturday 30th January, courtesy of Commissioner Michael DeSilva, and we had an excellent turnout of at least 65-70. We will be posting a photo album of the reception as soon as possible. If you check our latest "Who, Where and When" photo you will see some of the attendees and you may be able to figure out what all of the group have in common - in addtion to all being present of former police officers!
22nd January
Peter Blogg - As we reported in our "Latest News" column, we were deeply saddened to hear of the sudden death of our old friend and colleague, Peter Blogg, who died in Ghana where he had been working as a teacher. Peter died on 24th July 2015, but we did not receive the news until just a few days ago. For more information about Peter please go to our "Latest News" column.

Ray Sousa - We have heard from Ray Sousa twice in a couple of days. First he wrote to let us know about the devastating fires sweeping West Australia. As many of you will know, after leaving Bermuda Ray and his wife Pat settled in Western Australia where Ray has worked for many years as a Forest Ranger and has a great deal of experience fighting forest fires. We have posted Ray's account of the recent dreadful fires in our "Interesting Articles" section.
Ray also wrote expressing his condolences on hearing about the death of Peter Blogg. He wrote the following:-

10th January
Terry Cabral - We are relieved and delighted to hear directly from our good friend Terry that he is now home and is recovering from his recent heart surgery. We wish him a speedy recovery.

4th January
Ian Graham - We are always delighted to receive photos and information about what our colleagues are doing during the Festive Season, and our good friend Ian Graham has written to say that he and Maggie had a great time hosting a Hogmanay fancy dress dinner party at their home on the outskirts of Glasgow.

Dolly Parton (Maggie) and Elvis Presley (Ian)

Ian sent us these photos which includes two of his family members on the two ends, and in the middle (l-r) Florence Nightingale aka Sue Wale who many of us will remember from her days in the Emergency Department at KEMH; Dolly Parton who bears a remarkable resemblance to Maggie Graham, and there’s no doubting the lithe looks of the King of Rock n’ Roll, Elvis Presley aka Ian himself. Great photos and obviously a fabulous Hogmanay.
Ian sends very best wishes for 2016 to all of our members and myself.
1st January 2016
Davie Kerr - We had not heard from Davie Kerr for some time and wondered if he and Jean might have been impacted by the terrible floods in the UK. Here is his reply:-

I've been rather busy with other things so haven't been on the Former Fuzz website for a while, but will get back on to it once things settle down.
We've been lucky in Lochaber from a flooding point of view, chiefly (I suspect) because most of our area is so steep that the rain just scooshes right down the hillsides into the sea, but the Borders and the NE have been hammered this time. I'm about to e-mail Iain Morrison who lives over there, and see if he's survived unscathed.
We've had some flurries of snow, and there's currently a wee scliff of it on the hills just across the loch, but not much below the 2000' mark although I suspect we may get some lower down over the weekend: just as well we have a 4x4!
Sorry that various minor medical problems combined to prevent our usual Autumn visit to Bermuda this year, but we do plan on returning next year as it's the 50th anniversary of my crew joining the Police. IF (and I repeat IF!) all goes according to plan, we'll be over in time for Police Week and leave again after 14 November, the anniversary date, so please "pass de vurd" around for any house-sits for all or part of that period: assuming that Police Week is going to be the first full week of October - let's say 30 September through 16 November.
We did manage a couple of short trips to Europe earlier in the year (both by train, naturally!): the first was to Paris for Jean's birthday in April, and the second was over to Germany and Austria in August. Even since Jean was a teenager and heard the song "April in Paris", she's wanted to be kissed under the Eiffel Tower for her birthday, but she never thought she'd have to wait until she was 70 to have it done!
Eric (my older son) planned to be over here for my 70th in Sep, but then found out that I was supposed to be in Bermuda, so brought his trip forward and we were able to meet in Austria, which was (as the Irish would say) "good craic"! Jean had never been to Austria before, loved it, and wants to go back, so we'll see what can be done.
Anyway, all the very best to you, yours, and the Former Fuzz for 2016, and we hope to see you in October
Cheers. Davie & Jean.