When I arrived in Bermuda on 29th May 1964, Admiralty House was no longer being used by the Police to house single men but we still had access to the entire grounds, the beach and the dock. Having arrived at the airport after dark I had seen nothing of the Island until the next morning which happened to be overcast and cloudy with no sign of sun. Our small group of Frank Thompson, John Charlewood and myself were dropped off at Admiralty House in a kombie to relax and swim, and it was as though we had died and gone to heaven! There must have been at least a dozen bikini clad young ladies, all nurses, stretching out along the dock, and the water was so warm and inviting.
It all seemed like a perfect introduction to Bermuda as we sat on the dock for hours chatting to the nurses. What a shock I had though after returning to Henderson Block at Prospect and taking a shower, only to make the agonizing discovery that I was suffering from the worst sunburn across my shoulders that I will ever have!
Even after that painful experience I was one of dozens of young policemen who spent many happy hours enjoying the company and the ambiance of Admiralty House, and at that time most of us would slather ourselves in Johnson's baby oil with a touch of iodine in the false belief we could quickly build up a tan - with no side effects!

Mike went on to describe conditions at Admiralty House. "The old house was falling down even then, and we were soon re-housed in the renovated building downhill from the main house. It had 10 or 12 rooms, communal showers, a big refrigerator in the hall, and a Maytag wringer washer which we could use to do our laundry, should we so wish.
Laundry dried outside on clotheslines, and I became skilled in stretching bedsheets tightly so no ironing was required after drying. I understand this building, which I believe was called Cypher Block, later became the Bermuda HQ of the British Sub Aqua Club after police personnel were relocated to Prospect. "
CLICK HERE to view Mike's article in our "Then and Now" column.
Mike enquired if anyone knew what happened to Adrian Brindle (served from 1961-1966), Ray Hackett (served from May 1961-August 1964) and Maurice Winston Thorne (served from May 1961- May 1964), after they left Bermuda, but we have no information about any of them after then.

Editors note - According to brief records in the Police Register at Prospect, Adrian Brindle returned to Wiltshire, and Ray Hackett returned to London.
Mike was also interested in a guy believed to be named Lew Dunkley who Mike says wore regular Bermuda Police uniform, ate at the Mess, stayed at Cypher Block, and to all appearances was one of the lads who would drink at the Police Club, but as Mike remembers it, Lew said he was “seconded” to Bermuda from the Met. Mike saw him once after he left Bermuda when he appeared on a TV broadcast with Princess Margaret at a refugee camp and was clearly identifiable as the same Lew Dunkley who spent a short time here although his name was not mentioned in the video.
Strangely, there is absolutely no record at all of a Lew Dunkley ever having served in the Bermuda Police, and I wondered if anyone might recall him and perhaps know what he did while here. I gather that Mike has also made an enquiry at the Met but had not received a reply.
I decided to make some enquiries about the guys who were in the Police Force at the time Mike was here and asked them for their recollections of singlemen’s quarters at Admiralty House. I received the following responses:-
P.C. Dave Gillery
Dave Gillery - Dave recalls, "I came out to Bermuda on a BOAC Britannia via Gander in October 1959 together with John (“Extra”) Brennan and Frank Thompson. John was a really nice chap, partial to a drop of scotch which led him into trouble with our Hamilton watch sergeant, John Cribbin!
I was posted to Central Division, Hamilton, and I was only in the barracks at Prospect a couple of weeks before being offered the alternative of moving to Admiralty House which I accepted as did Frank Thompson.
Admiralty House, as most us who ever stayed there will recollect, was a superb location above Admiralty Cove with a jetty and statue of Neptune.
Neptune stands guard over the nurses!
The beach on the other side of the cove was great for picnics, and the swimming and snorkelling was brilliant (apart from the moray eels living in the rocks).
The Signal block or Cypher block was on the right hand side of the drive to the house but I think it was being renovated when I arrived.
To the best of my recollection Admiralty House was populated at that time by the following:- Downstairs - Bob Woolley - Hamilton Central, Bill Freeman - CID, Ian “Crash” Kane - CID, Ian Morrison - CID. Upstairs were Jack Shaughnessy - Traffic, and Mike Kelly - CID.
I moved into the room down the corridor from Jack, and Frank moved into a room on the left up a further flight of stairs. Harvey Fothergill, Keith Lovell and Fred Beard, who also arrived in October, became occupants of the Cypher Quarters. They were followed by Bob Stewart who moved in next to Mike Kelly and George Hammond who moved in next to Frank Thompson.
A highlight for any visitor to Admiralty House was a quick visit to Mike Kelly's famous chest of drawers. The drawers in this fine antique piece of furniture contained an enormous array of ladies lingerie to rival Victoria’s Secret. This fine collection was acquired by Mike (as gifts) from various ladies who arrived on the island on cruise ships, during college weeks or hotel visits.
Dave and Margaret at Forty Thieves with Mike Kelly & (first wife) Mary
George Hammond joined the Bermuda Police Pipe band which was formed about 1960. This resulted in the atrocious sound of George practicing on his bagpipes at all hours of the day and night - an Englishman’s worst nightmare! I seem to remember that Bill Pratt and John Allen also spent some time there at this early period. Bob Woolley and Bill Freeman both resigned in early 1960. Bill went back to England and Bob Woolley went to New York where I understand he joined the NYPD.
“Cynical” Syd Gregory moved into Woolley’s room and I think Bill Elliot may have replaced Bill Freeman. Bob Irons and Bill Elliott were great drinking buddies and together with Joe Colton spent a lot of time at every place on the island which served rum! However, I don’t think Bob Irons actually lived permanently at Admiralty House during my time there. "Pip" Carter may have lived there but I seem to recall he was married. Jack Shaughnessy got married and Colin Finnegan moved in there for a while prior to co-habiting with Alistair “Shakey” Johnson.
I think the residency list at Admiralty House stayed fairly constant during the early 1960's subject to a few changes due to resignations and marriages. The arrival of Scottish officers like Andy Heggie and Andy Dryburgh, required the local “Diddleybops” to learn a second language other than English, while Jim Lyons, Ken Norman, George Garrod, Ron Mullan and Alan Wyatt lifted the quality of the soccer team, but I don’t recall any residing at Admiralty House.
CLICK HERE to read Dave's excellent article in our "Then and Now" column.

The things I remember clearly are:
- Lots of space and great views of the North Shore. I had a room that looked right along the shore, and the other side was a view across Spanish Point and a little bit of the harbor;
- The ballroom which always impressed first-time girlfriends from the States who were convinced that those who lived there were millionaires
- The tennis court which was used a lot by the police and others - including the Colonial Secretary, John Sykes. who often called me up for a game
- The gigantic washing machine which I used when I could not get anyone to do my laundry;
- The gardener who woke us up when we were on days. I don't recall his name but he was a delightful person who kept the grounds in great shape;
- The 2 beaches which were like private swimming pools
- The endless parties - usually after midnight;
- “Shakey” Johnson and George Hammond fighting on the ballroom floor after we came off evening shift;
- A reduced mess bill because we missed many meals because of the distance we had to travel to the mess at Prospect.
- The anger when John Patton as Minister of Public Works who, somewhere around 1975, had the whole house demolished.
It was a great place to live for young and single policemen and I always have happy memories when I pass it on the way to Spanish Point.
On Lew Dunkerley I recall him vaguely but he was never a friend or on my watch. Ray Hackett became a lawyer and returned to the UK around 1964.
CLICK HERE to read more about Bob Stewart in our "Then and Now" column.

JEFF PAYNE - I think Maurice Thorne went back to the Gloucester Police. and Adrian Brindle also went back to the UK. He was good mates with P.C. Robert (“Bob”) Bates (Served from Jan 1961-March 1963) and Carol Royer who worked in Traffic at that time. He came back a few times on visits.

NICK HALL - I remember them but have no information on them. Always ask after Somerset’s Colin Vincent* who used to attend my USC machine gun shoots at what is now Dockyard’s prime beach.
PS I once met Ian Davies at Farnborough Air Show in 1970s,
• Editors note - According to the Police Register P.C. Roger Colin Vincent served here from February 1962 - December 1963 and was stationed in Western Division.

George Hammond - I remember the person you are mentioning although I believe the surname is spelled “Dunkerley” or “Dunkerly”and his first name was spelled “Lewerley”. He came out here from the Met with Gerry Stiles in the early sixties. I’m not sure if the spelling is correct but I remember him well.

• Editors note - Although there is no record of a “Lew Dunkley” in the official police registers, I checked in the Winter 1961 edition of the Police Magazine, and discovered his name recorded under “Attestations” as Constable L.S. Dunkerley who joined on 3rd January 1961.
Mike Cherry - Although I joined the BPS in 1959 I do not recall any of the names mentioned. I did not have the fortune of being billeted at Admiralty House, as I was one of the first to take up residence at Prospect in July 1959 in one of the recently renovated rooms in the two-story block opposite HQ.
We did spend a lot of time at Admiralty House though due to the beach and boating and it was a regular venue for parties.
I moved out of Prospect in late 1961 after getting married, and also was transferred to Traffic, so did not get to know the guys on the beat too well.
Some of the guys that I recall staying at Admiralty House were Ian Kane, Bob Irons, Jack Shaughnessy, ‘Pip’ Carter, Dave Gillery, and I will think of others.
Best regards
Editors note - Mike wrote a lovely article for out Then and Now column. CLICK HERE to view it.

Terry Bawden - I landed at Bermuda sometime in February 1962 and it was night-time when I landed. I was met by a Sergeant and taken directly to Admiralty House. I was only there for couple of weeks before being posted to St George’s barracks, so I don’t have too much knowledge of the place.
At that time the police inmates seem to have been on the first floor and the Bermuda Rifles were using the ground floor although I don’t really know what their function was there. On the first morning there I awoke, and it was of course the first view I had of Bermuda in daylight, and having left England in winter where all was drab and grey, I think it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen, with all the houses in pastel shades and white roofs.
To me the houses looked a bit like child’s dolls houses, but I soon got used to seeing them everywhere. Within a few days I became very homesick, it being the first time I had ever left my family or even England, but once I was moved to St Georges’ and had a close circle of colleagues around me, I soon grew out of that and settled down to happy days. That’s all I can really say about Admiralty House.
We also have an excellent article about Peter “Pip” Carter in our Hall of Fame column (CLICK HERE to view it) which was kindly written by his wife Diane “Dee” Carter. GEOFF HUNT - Adrian Brindle was an usher at John Swift's wedding but I think John lost contact a long time ago. Ray Hackett took an external law degree and became a barrister. Maurice Thorne came from Gloucester - managed to save £3000 in his 3 year contract and left abruptly!
DAVE GARLAND - Adrian Brindle was a nice quiet fellow - he was not a police type. I remember him taking part in an athletics meet in 1962 when D.J. Williams challenged the Police to compete in a competition against the pick of Bermuda’s athletes. The meet was held at BAA Field.

The Police team was Adrian Brindle - 100yds, Jack Rouse - shot and javelin Dave Garland - long jump. Tony Harper 220 yards and 400 yards, Jeff Payne – one mile and 2 mile races.

P.C. Anthony "Tony" Harper
Adrian Brindle - 2nd to John Morbey
Dave Garland - 2nd to John Morbey
• Please note that John Morbey was a brilliant athlete who won a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games and ran the 100 yards in 10 seconds.
Jack Rouse won both shot put and javelin
Tony Harper won both 220 yards and 400 yds
Jeff Payne won both 1 mile and 2 miles against David Saul in both his events
Police finished up easy winners of this athletic meet, and I believe it was another clear indication of the depth of talent we had then in the Police Force.
We never received another challenge but D.J. Williams then coached Tony Harper and Jeff Payne who qualified for the Olympic Games. To reach the required times to qualify for the Olympics l used to run with Tony Harper half laps when training. Because they set their times on grass they were allowed time off times set on laid tracks. Both Tony and Jeff were superb athletes.
Editors note - I have to fully agree with Dave Garland about the depth of talent we have had in the Bermuda Police in such a wide variety of sports and other activities. In fact we recently published an article on the History of the Police Drama Group which was very active during the mid-1960's. CLICK HERE to view it.
Conclusion - Without doubt, we've had lots of young police officers who have spent many happy hours enjoying the facilities at Admiralty House whether they were billeted there, or they spent time swimming and sun bathing, messing around with boats, and attending social functions. Those were indeed the days!
If you have memories of time spent at Admiralty House or if you have any photos we would be delighted to hear from you.