The annual Police Week Memorial Service was held at the Police Cemetery, Prospect, at 4.00pm on 6th October 2024, followed by a reception for retired and former police officers and their families and guests, which was held this year at Cedarbridge Cafeteria at Prospect due to the fact that the Police Recreation Club is being renovated. Master of Ceremonies for the service was Retired Chief Inspector Calvin Smith, President of the Bermuda Ex-Police Officers Association.

CLICK HERE for a live video of the ceremony on the Bermuda Police Service official Facebook page.
This year's Memorial Service, hosted by Acting Commissioner Na'imah Astwood, was held on a beautiful afternoon, and was attended by Her Excellency the Governor, Ms. Rena Lalgie, Minister of National Security, The Hon Michael Weekes JP, MP, U.S. Consul General James Sally, C.O. Royal Bermuda Regiment Lt. Col Duncan Simons, Commandant Reserve Police Mr. Ron-Michel Davis, H.R. Representative Sharon David-King, and Police Chaplain Dr. Kevin Santucci.

The Bermuda Police Service Colour Party led the procession into the cemetery grounds where former police officers along with families and friends had gathered to watch the ceremony.

Acting Commissioner of Police Na'imah Astwood welcomed those present to the annual service. This was followed by a Moment of Silence and the playing of the Last Post by Lt. Sheldon Fox, Band Officer for the Royal Bermuda Regiment.

Retired Commissioner of Police, Michael DeSilva, read out the following Roll Call of 48 former police officers, 3 Reserve police officers, and 6 members of BPS staff, who have died during the past 2 years.*

This was followed by the Laying of Wreaths led by Her Excellency, Ms. Rena Lalgie, Acting Commissioner Na'imah Astwood, Lt Col. Duncan Simons, Commandant Ron-Michel Davis, and family members of those who have lost their loved ones. The laying of wreaths was accompanied by Pipe Major Aidan Stones of the Bermuda Islands Pipe Band.
At the conclusuon of the service attendees were invited to a reception at the Cafeteria at Cedarbridge Academy (due to renovations taking place at the Police Recreation Club).
* It is a customary during our Annual Memorial Service to read out an Honour Roll of those of our colleagues who have died in the two years preceding the Annual Service, and we rely on our members and friends to advise us when our former colleagues who no longer reside in Bermuda have passed away. There are occasions when we hear of former colleagues who have died more than 2 years ago, and we always include these in the next Honour Roll List.
CLICK HERE to viewed our List of our Deceased Colleagues on our ExPo website. If you know of anyone who has not been included please contact us at
* EDITORS NOTE - Following closure of the Prospect Garrison and the subsequent takeover of the garrison properties by the Bermuda Police, a portion of the Military Cemetery at Prospect was assigned for use by the Police for the burial of those of our colleagues who died whilst in service in cases where they did not have an affiliation with our local churches. In more recent years we have received requests from family members of those of our colleagues who have died either here in Bermuda or abroad, to have their ashes buried here, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Police.