Perhaps partly because of our strategic mid-Atlantic location, the Bermuda Police Service has been exceptionally fortunate to have been invited over the years to send our police officers on a wide variety of overseas specialised training courses in the U.S.A. in Canada, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, and elsewhere.
Our archives reveal that the first such invitation came from the New York City Police Department way back in 1924, when two of our officers, Charles Edward “D.O” Simons and W.N.T. Williams, were invited to travel to New York to study the then revolutionary new science of fingerprinting. “D.O” Simons had already made history when he was appointed as our first ever detective in 1919 and he went on to head CID until his retirement in 1935. CLICK HERE to view our Hall of Fame article on Charles Edward “D.O.” Simons.
Since then we have sent our officers abroad for training in a wide variety of police-related subjects, and none have been more beneficial to increasing the professionalism of the Bermuda Police than the opportunities provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for our officers to attend the FBI National Academy in Virginia. As of this writing we have had nine of our Bermuda police officers attend and graduate from the National Academy. The first officer to do so was then Detective Inspector George Rose in 1982, and the latest officer was Chief Inspector Arthur Glasford who graduated from the Academy 41 years later – in 2023.
1. Mr George Rose – Session 130 Year 1982
2. Mr Wayne Perinchief – Session 139 – Year 1984
3. Mr Victor Richmond – Session 161 – Year 1990
4. Mr Sinclair White – Session 189 – Year 1997
5. Mrs Roseanda Jones – Session 205 – Year 2001
6. Mr Michael Desilva – Session 220 – Year 2005
7. Mr Nicholas Pedro – Session 251- Year 2012
8. Mrs Na’imah Astwood – Session 273 – Year 2018
9. Mr Arthur Glasford – Session 286 – Year 2023

1982 - George Rose
Our first BPS officer to attend the FBI National Academy was then Detective Inspector George Rose, who attended the Academy in 1982 for an eleven week management level training course with a curriculum designed “to meet the needs of contemporary law enforcement in such disciplines as management, law, forensic sciences, education and communication arts, and the behavioural sciences. The course was attended by officers from 48 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands as well as eight foreign countries, five military organizations and five federal civilian organizations. The eight foreign countries represented were: Australia, Bermuda, Egypt, England, Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, Peru and the Republic of Singapore.
At that time the FBI would annually invite 1,000 law enforcement officers from throughout the United States and the free world to participate in the FBI National Academy program.
George had joined the Bermuda Police in 1965 after serving in the Birmingham City Police for 2 1/2 years. His first posting was to Central Division (Hamilton) and he went on to serve in Beach Squad, in Cycle Squad, and he must be one of only a few detectives who has served in Central CID, Western CID and in Eastern CID. He was promoted to Sergeant in June 1971 whilst in Central CID, and went on to serve for several years in the Murder Room. He transferred to Narcotics in May 1978 and shortly thereafter was promoted to Detective Inspector and Officer-in-Charge in Narcotics.
Whilst attending the FBI National Academy / University of Virginia, George completed 16 semester-hours of specialized undergraduate courses in Criminal Justice Administration in Directed Study, Crime Scene Search, Stress Management, International Terrorism, Effective Communications and Management for Law Enforcement. He also completed a hands-on firearms course and qualified as a Marksman.

George’s only involvement with firearms prior to this course was when he took over Narcotics in 1978. He explains, “When I took over Narcotics I had to sign for a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver and a box of ammo. For safety reasons and because I was then a total novice about firearms I elected not to keep the gun or ammo in my desk but to secure them in the drug vault. I was told by Harold Moniz that if and when I had reason to go with the men on a drug search when it was believed a firearm might be involved then I should take the gun and fend off any shooter until Inspector 'Gunsmoke' Les Waddell or additional lads arrived. I carried the weapon three times and was not pleased to have had to do so.”
By the Autumn of 1984 George had added an additional 15 semester hours with a GPA of 3.80 with studies at the University of Maryland (Bermuda Campus) and he was placed on the Dean's List. Those courses had included studies in Contemporary Moral Issues, Sociology, Collective Behaviour, Ecology & Mankind.
As an FBI graduate George attended the first of two retraining sessions on foreign shores, in Sepember 1984, held at Polizei-Führungsakademie-Hiltrup, Münster, Federal Republic of Germany.
When asked about the impact of his FBI training had on his career, George felt that the impressive standard of professionalism he found all around him remained with him throughout the remainder of his career which soon included a successful criminal investigation enquiry over a 10 day period in London, England in early December 1984 on behalf of the Bermuda Government.
George was promoted to the rank of Chief Inspector on his 41st birthday, December 27, 1984 and to Superintendent in March 1988.
In April 1989 he attended his second FBI retraining session held at St. Michael, Barbados with the theme “Cooperation: The Backbone to Law Enforcement.”
He continued frequent investigative assignments on high profile matters until his retirement as Detective Superintendent in December 1995 due to the reorganization of the Service. His conduct during the period of his Service was described as “Exemplary”.
Editors note - George continues his close ties with the BPS as an active member of ExPo and also as a prolific contributor of crime and police-related articles, including this one, for our ExPo website.
1984 - Wayne Perinchief

Detective Inspector Wayne Perinchief was the second Bermuda police officer to attend and graduate from the FBI National Academy in 1984. He attended West Pembroke School, and Berkeley Institute prior to joining the Bermuda Police in July 1964. Wayne attended Basic Training Course #5 in 1964.

He was then posted initially to Central Division (Hamilton). He was one of the first officers to serve in the newly formed Beach Squad, and also served in Cycle Squad and in Operations (Traffic) where he was promoted to Sergeant in May 1973 after which he spent two years in Central as a Uniform Sergeant.This was followed by spells in CID, as Officer in Charge of Central Parishes, as an instuctor in Training School, and in Prosecutions. He was promoted to Detective Inspector in 1979 and transferred to CID which is where he was serving at the time he was selected to attend the FBI Academy.
Following graduation from the FBI Academy Wayne continued to progress through the ranks of the Police Service rising to the rank of Assistant Commissioner. He attended training courses with West Yorkshire Metropolitan Police, Canadian Police College, Ontario Provincial Police, and the British Police Staff College at Bramshill in the UK. Outside his police training he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology at Queens University in Canada, followed by a Master of Arts Degree in Management and Human resources at Webster University in the United States.
1990 - Victor "Vic" Richmond

Victor “Vic” Richmond had joined the Bermuda Police in September 1966 after serving in the Stirling Police in Scotland for 2 years. He spent 5 years in Central Division prior to his transfer to Prosecutions where he was promoted to Sergeant and established a reputation as an excellent prosecutor. Vic was OIC Cycle Squad in the late 1970’s, and in 1982 he was transferred to Central CID where he really came into his own and spent the rest of his 35 year career as a Detective. He was promoted to Inspector in 1985, and was in that position when he attended the FBI Academy in 1990. CLICK HERE to read more about Vic in our Hall of Fame. Sadly, Vic passed away in March 2015.
1997 - Sinclair White

Then Chief Inspector Sinclair White attended and graduated from the 189th session of the FBI National Academy in 1997. Sinclair joined the BPS in October 1973, and after attending Recruit Foundation Course #17 he was initially posted to Central Division (Hamilton).
After just a year in uniform he was transferred to CID (Murder Room) where he remained until 1979. Following a number of other attachments to various specialist units, Sinclair was transferred to CID in 1980 before joining the Police Training School staff as an Instructor until his promotion to Inspector in 1991 following which he served in a number of roles in CID. In 1976 he was promoted to Chief Inspector and was appointed OIC the Major Incident Room, and was serving in that role when he attended the FBI Academy in 1997.
Following graduation from the FBI Academy Sinclair continued his police career rising to the rank of Superintendent, and he retired in October 2007 after 34 years service. CLICK HERE to read more about Sinclair in our Hall of Fame. Sadly, Sinclair also passed away in 2023.
2001 - Roseanda Jones

In 2001, then Superintendent Roseanda Jones made history when she graduated from the FBI National Academy making her the first Bermudian female officer to achieve this honor.
Roseanda Young (Jones) is a remarkable trailblazer in Bermuda’s law enforcement history. She joined the Bermuda Police Force in May 1978 as part of Basic Training Course #23 and graduated with the prestigious “Baton of Honour” award, recognizing her as the best all-round recruit. Throughout her thirty-year career, she achieved several groundbreaking milestones:
- First Female Officer in Cycle Squad - Roseanda made her mark as the first female officer in Cycle Squad;
- Community Media Relations - She became the first female officer in charge of Community Media Relations;
- Narcotics Division - Roseanda was the first female officer to be named second in charge of the Narcotics Division;
- Intelligence and Special Branch Division - She also became the first female to head up the Intelligence and Special Branch Division;
- FBI National Academy - Roseanda attended the FBI National Academy, where she received her Certificate in Police Management, making her the first Bermudian female officer to achieve this honor. During her FBI course Roseanda was also the recipient of the “Yellow Brick” for meeting the stringent physical standard.
In December 2005, Roseanda reached another historic milestone by becoming Bermuda’s first female Deputy Commissioner of Police. Her contributions were recognized with awards, including Her Majesty the Queen’s Certificate and Badge of Honour, the Queen’s Long Service and Merit Award, three Commissioner’s Commendations, and several Letters of Good Work.

Even after her retirement in May 2008, Roseanda remains connected to the Bermuda Police Service through her membership in the BPS Ex-Police Officers Association. She is also an active member of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and continues to lead a fulfilling life, engaging in missionary work and spending quality time with family and friends.
2005 - Michael DeSilva
Michael DeSilva
Our sixth officer from the Bermuda Police Service to graduate from the FBI National Academy as a member of the 220th session, was then Chief Inspector Michael DeSilva.
Michael joined the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) in 1985 as a police cadet. He attended Training Course #38 following which he was first posted to Central Division (Hamilton), then Western Division (Somerset).

He also gained experience working in Marine Section; as an Outward Bound instructor; and in Training School where he was promoted to Sergeant. Michael spent several years as OIC Cycle Squad, and was promoted to Inspector in 1998 at which time he transferred to Narcotics Department. In 2001 he was promoted to Chief Inspector in charge of the newly created Community Beat Officers Department, and it was as a Chief Inspector he was chosen to attend the FBI National Academy in 2005.
Michael found the Academy experience to be challenging, rewarding, and relevant to his work at home. He undertook five academic courses with the University of Virginia as part of the FBI programme, including leadership, communication, tackling criminal gangs, forensic science and the psychology of crisis negotiation. Michael described the communication class as, “the best training I ever received in my career.” He went on to explain, “Our instructor was a retired Air Force Colonel, and I expected he might have some old-fashioned views of communicating. Instead, he energized the class by examining communications from every angle: interpersonal relationships, organizational leadership, change management and, prophetically, how to manage the media to build trust and support with the community.” Michael said the media training particularly paid off early in his post as Commissioner, when the gang culture in Bermuda suddenly exploded into waves of gun violence in 2009 and 2010. The key, he said, was engaging the media in an open, honest and transparent manner to inspire the community to support law enforcement efforts to tackle gang crime.

With over 250 students on the course - 35 from outside the USA - Michael made many lasting friendships over the 10-week programme. Michael’s roommate, Captain William "Billy" Evans from the Boston Police Department, went on to become that department’s Commissioner of Police. In 2013, Michael and ‘Billy’ brought their senior teams together in a collaboration to help form part of the BPS strategy to reduce gang crimes in Bermuda. Boston Police Department is home to the original “Operation Ceasefire,” a problem-oriented policing initiative aimed at reducing gun violence in large American cities.
Within 5 years of graduating from the FBI Academy, Michael was appointed as Commissioner of Police in 2009. During his tenure as Commissioner he was president of the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police (ACCP) and Chair of the Caribbean Region of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). In 2011 he received the Colonial Police Medal for meritorious service, and in 2017 he was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for distinguished service. Michael retired from the BPS in 2018, after nearly 9 years as Commissioner and 33 years of service.
Michael holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree and a post-graduate diploma in strategic management. He is a Chartered Manager and Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. As mentioned, he is a graduate of the FBI’s National Academy, and also the FBI’s National Executive Institute, and the UK College of Policing.
In March 2022, Michael was appointed by Her Excellency the Governor, Ms. Rena Lalgie, as Ombudsman for Bermuda.
2012 - Nicholas "Nick"Pedro
The seventh officer of the Bermuda Police Service to graduate as a member of the 251thsession of the FBI National Academy in 2012 was Chief Inspector Nicholas “Nick” Pedro.

We have received the following excellent account from Chief Inspector Nicholas “Nick” Pedro about his experiences attending the FBI National Academy:-
I was selected to attend the FBI National Academy between September & December, 2012.
Not knowing what to expect at the time, I arrived at Quantico, Virginia, in a taxi from the airport, somewhat bewildered at the challenges in finding the remote facility, and the layers of security as the Academy itself sits within an active U.S. Marines military base.
I quickly found that everyone was incredibly welcoming, especially upon learning that I was from Bermuda.
Whether there was a lapse in communication at the time or not, I unexpectedly began to learn the rigours of life in this both academically and really physically challenging programme.
We had to enrol and participate in:
- 5 University or Graduate level courses via the University of Virginia, all of which were facilitated by accredited lecturers who were also sometimes active FBI Agents, or tenured professors;
- Four sessions per week of strenuous physical exercise with you allocated syndicates. All students had to track weight, waist size, and other wellness factors;
- Mandatory wellness inputs on nutrition and lifestyle;
- Considerable elective physical activities such as the ‘blue brick’ which simulated swimming the distance from Washington D.C. to Quantico, Virginia, which I also selected.
I enrolled in, and obtained grades of A+ or A in all of the following:
- Conflict Resolution for Law Enforcement Executives
- Leadership, Ethics, & Decision Making
- Intelligence Theory & Application
- Strategies in Statement Analysis
- Psychosocial Behaviours & Trends in Criminal Gangs
- Fitness in Law Enforcement
As an international student, I had the honour to be selected as the representative for all the international students, which required me to give a speech at the Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington D.C., in honour of the fallen. The event is organized to remember the nearly 20,000 officers in the United States that have been killed in the line of duty.

My three months at the Academy allowed me to make many lifelong friendships that persist to this day.
Weekly inputs on leadership, such as those from a former Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton, to Mike Durant the famous helicopter pilot shot down in Mogadishu – featured in the hit movie “Black hawk Down” - added to the immense sense of pride that an attendee obtains from having the privileged access to such great and notable speakers.

I completed the Yellow Brick Road (six mile US Marine Corps obstacle course) plus an optional 34 mile swim that represents the distance between Quantico & Washington DC.
I received my diploma from FBI Director Robert Mueller III who was the principal speaker at the graduation ceremony held on 14 December, 2012.

This opportunity was definitely the highlight of my Police training career, where I made many lasting friendships.
2018 - Na'imah Astood
The eight officer of the Bermuda Police Service to graduate as a member of the 273rd session of the FBI National Academy in 2018 was Superintendent Na’imah Astwood.

We have received he following fascinating account from Na'imah about her unforgettable life-changing experience at the FBI National Academy:-
In early 2018, I received the life-changing call that I had been selected to attend the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. I must admit, my emotions were a mix of excitement, apprehension, and wonder. As a wife, mother, and leader within the Bermuda Police Service (BPS), I knew this opportunity would require me to balance many responsibilities while embarking on a significant journey of personal and professional growth.
I vividly remember arriving at the FBI grounds on the first day. The reality of the moment struck me as I thought to myself, “This is real. It’s all happening. This will be my home for the next 10 weeks.” On that very first day, I met Chief Superintendent Sam de Reya from the UK. This encounter marked the beginning of a lasting friendship and a vital support system throughout the program.

During my time at the Academy, I enrolled in graduate-level courses through the University of Virginia. These classes covered topics such as wellness, public speaking, leadership, and academic research. Alongside these academic pursuits, physical fitness played a significant role in the program. Strength training, endurance exercises, and team-building activities were integral components. Reflecting on these fitness sessions, I realize that they provided some of the most valuable leadership insights. The challenges and camaraderie fostered during these activities highlighted the importance of resilience, teamwork, and determination.

One of my proudest moments in the fitness program was successfully completing the iconic “Yellow Brick Road” challenge. This gruelling course included a 6.1-mile run through rugged terrain, obstacles, and various physical challenges. Upon completing it, I was awarded the coveted yellow brick, a symbol of perseverance and strength that I will always cherish.

The Academy also emphasized networking and cross-cultural understanding. One memorable event was International Night, where participants showcased their cultures through food and traditions. Representing Bermuda, I proudly shared Bermuda Barritt’s Ginger Beer and Bermuda Pepper Jelly with my peers. These experiences deepened my appreciation for the diverse approaches to policing and leadership worldwide.

Beyond the classroom, we had the privilege of visiting iconic locations, including the Pentagon, which offered unique perspectives and invaluable learning opportunities that would not have been accessible otherwise.
Graduation: A Moment of Pride
Graduation day was a moment of immense pride and accomplishment. I had the honor of receiving my diploma from FBI Director Christopher Wray, a highlight that underscored the significance of the journey I had undertaken. What made the occasion even more special was having one of my daughters, along with my sister and brother-in-law, attend the ceremony. Sharing this milestone with them was deeply meaningful, as their presence reminded me of the love and support that had carried me through the 10 weeks of hard work.

A Defining Moment
My time at the FBI National Academy was undoubtedly one of the most defining moments of my career. It was an experience filled with growth, challenge, and inspiration. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity, as it not only enhanced my leadership skills but also reaffirmed the importance of faith, perseverance, and pushing boundaries.
Being the second female from the Bermuda Police Service to attend this iconic program made the experience all the more meaningful. It reminded me of the importance of paving the way for others and demonstrating to my daughters, Amani and Madinah, that women can achieve incredible success when they remain faithful to the Lord Most High and push themselves beyond their perceived limits.
This chapter of my journey will always hold a special place in my heart, as it marked both a professional milestone and a personal triumph.
2023 - Arthur Glasford

In June 2023, Detective Chief Inspector Arthur Glasford successfully graduated from the FBI National Academy, becoming the ninth member of the Bermuda Police Service, spanning over 40 years to attend and graduate from the FBI Academy.
Chief Inspector Glasford’s graduation took place at the National Academy in Quantico, Virginia on June 8, 2023. In the United States. Fewer than one percent of officers have the opportunity to attend the program. Internationally known for its academic excellence, the FBI National Academy offers ten weeks of advanced communication, leadership, and fitness training. Participants must have proven records as professionals within their agencies to attend. On average, these officers have 21 years of law enforcement experience and usually return to their agencies to serve in executive-level positions. The 286th session consisted of two hundred and thirty-eight law enforcement officers from 47 states and the District of Columbia. The class included members of law enforcement agencies from 25 countries, five military organizations, and six federal civilian organizations.
On his return to Bermuda the U.S. Consul General Karen Grissette and Police Commissioner Darrin Simons congratulated Detective Chief Inspector Glasford on graduating as a member of the 286th session of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) National Academy.
Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons expressed his gratitude at the ongoing opportunity for high level law enforcement training with the FBI, and delight at Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Arthur Glasford’s achievement. “I am grateful that the tradition continues of Bermuda police officers being offered the opportunity to participate in first class training at the FBI National Academy and wholeheartedly congratulate DCI Glasford once again on successfully completing the rigorous curriculum.”
U.S. Consul General Karen Grissette offered her congratulations as follows:- “Congratulations to Detective Chief Inspector Arthur Glasford for successfully representing the Bermuda Police Service and completing this intensive training provided by the United States through the FBI. This professional course of study with the FBI helps to build even stronger relationships with our Bermudian partners, further strengthening our cooperation on a range of law enforcement issues. Thank you to the Bermuda Police Service for your partnership and interest in professional training opportunities provided by the United States. I am proud and honored to increase law enforcement and security cooperation between the United States and Bermuda."

Arthur joined the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) as a Cadet in 1989 and graduated from Basic Training Course #44 in November 1990, following which he was first posted to Eastern Division, St. George’s. 34 years later he has benefitted from a well-rounded policing career. He has worked in the Roads Policing Unit, the Emergency Response Team, the Underwater Search and Rescue Team, and has held the post of Government Security Officer whilst in Special Branch.

Arthur married his lovely wife, Pandora In 2008, and has stayed fit and active with cycling, softball, squash, weightlifting - and traveling!

DCI Glasford has also worked on joint investigation teams in Anguilla, as well as Jamaica, and has completed overseas police training courses in the U.K., United States, and the Caribbean.
Currently head of the BPS Professional Standards Department (PSD), DCI Glasford has interacted with very diverse groups of people while on duty – from Governors, Premiers, dignitaries, and members of Royal Families hailing from the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Malaysia, Monaco and Jordan – to regular visitors and residents of Bermuda.
With patrol experience, plus years spent working in specialist units, DCI Glasford is a certified Search and Rescue Diver, and Close Protection Officer.
In November 2018, DCI Glasford had the honour and privilege to perform the duty of Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, during Bermuda’s Convening of Parliament Ceremony.
As of this writing Arthur is Acting Superintendent OIC of the Tactical Support Division.
CONCLUSION - Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons said it best when he expressed his gratitude that the tradition continues of Bermuda police officers being offered the opportunity to participate in the first class training at the FBI National Academy. There is no question that all of the nine Bermuda police officers who were provided with the opportunity to attend the FBI Academy benefitted greatly from the experience as did the Bermuda Police Service and the people of Bermuda. May it long continue.