We held our annual ExPo BBQ at the Police Recreation Club on Saturday 22nd July 2023, with no thanks to the weather! Unfortunately, we endured very heavy rain during the day so our event had to be moved into the Main Hall of the PRC.
ExPo President Cal Smith with Lisa Rivas

The event was well attended but without some of our regular attendees, a few of whom were on summer vacation, which seemed to include a few taking holidays on cruise ships! We should start an ExPo blog where our cruise ship ‘experts’ can pass on advice and critiques for the benefit of those who have yet to take the plunge!

Those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the evening, the food, and the camaraderie. Sadly, we were missing our good friend and very long-term member of our ExPo Committee, Reese Bartley, who had been assisting in organizing our social functions for many years. It was good to see that Reese’s wife Gilda was in attendance and we hope to see her for many more.

Also in attendance from abroad was our good friend, and cricketer, Adrian King, who had served in the BPS for 5 years from 1978 - 1983. Adrian will long be remembered as an outstanding cricketer who played for our Police team, in Cup Match for St. George’s, and for Bermuda in the ICC Trophy in 1982.
Young P.C. Adrian King
Adrian had previously played for the Windward Islands in the West Indies, and one of the highlights of his career was playing against the touring Australians in 1978, just before he came to Bermuda, when he took a ten-wicket haul of 6 for 50 in the first innings, and 4 for 34 in the 2nd innings.
Why mention this in our report on our BBQ? Well, we were sitting around with a group of ardent cricket fans including Roger Marshall, Othneal Haynes and Frank Dublin discussing the state of cricket these days, especially in the West Indies where their team used to dominate world cricket.
Someone mentioned how much better paid cricketers are these days, and Adrian recalled that when he played against the Australians his pay for the match – was zero - and the most he was ever paid for playing international cricket was $80! By contrast, Ben Stokes, the highest paid cricketer this year, is paid over $18,000 per test match (of course it's chicken feed compared with football players!)
CLICK HERE for an excellent article on “Cup Match legends: Adrian King” published in the Royal Gazette.
During his address at the BBQ ExPo President, Cal Smith asked us for a few moments of silence to remember those of our members who passed away during this past year. He advised that this year's Police Week will commence on Saturday 30th September with the Gymkhana being held at the Police Sports Field. The Annual Memorial Service is scheduled from 4pm-5pm at the Police Cemetery at Prospect, followed by a Reception at the Police Recreation Club hosted by Commissioner Darrin Simons.
CLICK HERE for our Photo Gallery for this event. Just scroll down to ExPo BBQ 2023 and click on it.