Out latest 'Who, Where and When' photo shows a group of young men cooling out in a pool, and we wanted to know who they all are, where are they, and what were they doing there?
Sadly, we came into possession of this photo in August 2024 following the sad death of our good friend retired Inspector Tony Smith who is one of the guys in this photo. The photo was taken when our Police Running Team organised by Jeff Payne, who had been instrumental in encouraging our colleagues to take up running as a means of keeping fit. were on a trip out west in Canada. We're not sure who exactly came up with the idea, but our Police runners started sending a team to the annual Jasper to Banff running event in Canada. Tim Stukes remembers that he was the slowest runner on the team, but even so he says the team won the Police Trophy. Ideally, it would be great to have a more in depth article about the involvement of our Police runners in the Jasper to Banff run.

We had quite a few replies to this photo and now have most of the names of those in it except for two guys, and they are the young msn at top right in the corner, behind Neil Halliday, and the guy with black hair at the very front of the photo between Jeff Payne and John Tartaglia.
Tim Stuckes wrote to say it was taken during the 1984 Jasper - Banff run, and he thinks the photo was taken at Sulphur Mountain hot springs, Tim says he scraped into the team and was the slowest amongst some great runners, but that the team went on to win the police team trophy.
Davie Kerr wrote to point out that it was Neil Halliday, not Neil Anderson, and of course there was no denying that mistake. Our friend Neil Anderson had other talents but running was not one of them! Dave also gave fair warning that he is planning, if possible, to make the trip out to Bermuda next September/October in time to celebrate his 80th birthday. We look forward to seeing him during Police Week.
November 2024