There's no doubt that this can be a crippling game to play, as evidenced by two of the guys in the photo. We wanted to know is what sport it is which was a really easy start! We also wanted to know if you can identify everyone in it, including the two with crutches, and also tell us where and when was it taken. Did the team have a good season?
We received the following comprehensive answer from our good friend Maurice "Moby" Pett, who surprisingly wasn't in this particular photo despite having been a stalwart of our Police Rugby Team for many years.
Moby wrote the following:- BPRFC taken on PRC patio. Back row l-r Paul Davis, Mike Ross, John Balsden, Bob Massey, Barry Higham, Keith Cassidy, Alex Arnfield, Dave Lunn Jr. Nick DeChenu, Peter Stubbs. Middle row Bob Borland, Eric Boardman, Ivan Davies, Paul Field, John Lynch-Wade, Dave Lunn, Phil Every, Jeff Baker, John Williams. Front row Pat O'Riordon, Ron Beech, Tommy Gallagher, Bill Butterworth, John Price, Pat Hamlett, Phil Taylor.
This is an unusual photo as many of the usual suspects are missing such as Colin Mackenzie, Maurice Pett, Paul Nethery, Derek Richardson, Dave Mawhinney & Norman Rennie. Also Phil Taylor still has hair !! Best guess is around 1979.
EDITORS NOTE - Moby is 100% correct except this is apparently taken during the 1975- 1976 season according to a caption provided by Keith Cassidy. Thanks to Moby for mentioning those who were not included in the photo for unknown reasons. Judging by the number of guys on crutches could it be that others were also injured!