Our ExPo Annual Reception was held at the Police Recreation Club on Saturday 24th February 2024. Despite appalling weather we had a fairly good turnout.
The reception was preceded by our AGM and we will likely be publishing the minutes quite soon, but here are several matters that came before the members.
Update on possible Pension increases - Our ExPo President, Cal Smith, gave a brief update on the debate in the House regarding possible increases in our Police pensions. The Senate has apparently agreed in principle to an increase in our pensions, but the House of Assembly will likely be debating the issue on Friday 1st March. It’s possible we will be getting an increase but it’s unlikely to be in any way substantial.
New ExPo Committee - The current slate of Committee members had all agreed to stand again, together with Dave Cart offering to stand as Treasurer, and Kevin Christopher kindly agreeing to join the Committee.
The following members were elected:-
Vice President - Terrence Maxwell
Treasurer - David Cart
Secretary - Gail Correia
Past President - Roger Sherratt
Committee Member - Carlton Adams
Committee Member - John Skinner
Committee Member - Beverly Pitt
Maintaining Website - One other issue discussed related to the Treasurers report that although the Association tries to break even each year, there were costs associated with the maintenance of the website which gave us a negative balance for the year. Roger explained that the usual cost for maintaining the website is $75 per month (plus conversion to Canadian dollars because our webmaster resides in Canada). There had recently been extra costs for the necessary software and associated work required to install a new system which has now allowed us to publish all the copies of our Police magazines dating back to 1955, in a format that is very easy to read by flipping through the pages of each magazine (see our website Home page under the heading BPS MAGAZINES. The website also requires a substantialr update costing a few hundred dollars.
Increasing ExPo Revenue - There was some discussion about how the Association can increase its revenue, including selling sponsorship on the website, and also increasing the number of ExPo members paying dues. It was pointed out that several years ago we stopped requiring overseas members to pay dues because the bank and conversion charges for doing so were excessive. It was felt that we have a considerable number of members around the world who would be willing to pay a small annual fee to support ExPo. It was agreed that the Committee should look into these matters.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances the hall did not have any tables for the reception, and the equipment for operating our annual slideshow was not available, but those in attendance had an enjoyable evening sharing past experiences and current “gossip” and we were delighted to be joined by two of our former colleagues, Stuart Donaldson who was over from the UK, and Colin King who is now living in the Canary Islands. It was a pleasure to have them join us.

Tentative Dates for ExPo Functions - For our friends and former colleagues who live off Island, we have set dates for the following social functions this year:-
- Annual Summer BBQ- scheduled for Saturday 13th July at the PRC, and
- Annual Memorial Service- scheduled for Sunday 3rd October.
Treasurer Gail Correia handing over to Dave Cart

Editors note - Apologies to those attendees who I missed with my camera