We just heard from Bob Kinnon who paid a recent visit to Bermuda as the guest of David Smith’s in the Mid Ocean Founders competition which is an Invitational golf competition for guests from overseas.
We wrote to ask Bob about his visit and he replied, “If I told you that I arrived on Sunday evening and I was playing golf every day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I flew back to UK on the Sunday I think you’ll understand why I didn’t have much time to myself. I thoroughly enjoyed my week back in Bermuda and love coming back every time.
“I bumped into Gerry Lyons on Church Street, managed to call in and see Bob Railton at his beautiful house on South Shore, Frankie Foggo at Rubis and it was great to see Dave Cook again. He called in for a chat at Dave’s house on Trimingham Hill. I didn’t manage to get up the PRC as I was attending a party for golfers taking part in the competition on the Thursday. I was aware that a few of my old mates were in Florida golfing at the time ie Norman, Moby, Cass etc.
Editors note - I had sent Bob an article written by George Rose about a major narcotics case investigated by Bob and Billy Henry - see article at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/articles/650-two-detectives-commended The article includes a photo of Bob and Billy receiving a commendation from Acting Commissioner Fred ‘Penny” Bean and asked Bob for permission to publish the article.

Bob mentioned that he received a number of commendations whilst in Bermuda. He wrote, “Not long after I arrived in 1973 Larry Smith and I arrested two men breaking into an electrical shop at the junction of Court and Reid Street, one was called Sidney Carl Pitt and at the time they had the gun in their possession which had been used in the Murders of the COP, the Governor and Supermarket manager.
Another commendation was with Gerry Benson when we kept observations throughout several nights in the Pitts Bay Road area as there had been a large number of break-ins in that area. We subsequently arrested Edward Hamilton Bartrum Richardson who received a lengthy prison sentence.
It would be nice to hear from George Rose again so please pass on my e mail address and thank him for his kind comments in his e mail to you. . Also I don't know if you know where Billy Henry is or if you have a contact for him. I think the last I heard he was a crane driver in New York!!!! It would be great to touch base with him again.
Editors note - We would be delighted to hear from Billy Henry or from anyone who might know how we can contact him.
Bob joined the Bermuda Police Service in October 1973, and served for about 18 months in Central Division (Hamilton) before being transferred to the CID Murder Room in March 1975, He transferred to Central CID in November 1975, and was posted to Narcotics in 1979. He decided to return to the UK and resigned in 1980 after two very busy years in Narcotics where he was considered to be an excellent investigator.
Bob was a keen golfer while in Bermuda, so much so that just prior to leaving her presented the Police Golf Section with a mug for an annual award to be presented following the Commissioner's Cup Tournament. Tne first recipient of the award was Gerry Lyons.

Since his latest visit to Bermuda we asked Bob how he’s doing these days and he wrote to says, “I’m thoroughly enjoying my retirement playing lots of Golf. I am the senior Captain of my local golf club in Huddersfield called Woodsome Hall. It’s a lovely golf club with an amazing Jacobean club house.
Helen is still working part time as a teaching assistant at a local school. We have one son Matthew who you met at the PRC summer bar b que some years ago. He's 21 now and at Manchester University doing business and IT. He’s on his 3rd year placement with Bentley the car people and is going to Oman next week with them for the launch of the new Bentley Continental car.

I have another son Steven to my first wife and he’s in the police in Leeds and he has two beautiful twin girls who are six year old.
Helen and I enjoy our holidays. We were in Tenerife in February, Berlin in March, we are going to Paris next week for 4 days, Portugal in June where Matt and I will play a few rounds of golf and then we ‘e going to Crete in July/August and back to Tenerife in October so all in all life is pretty good in the Kinnon household. I’m also a season ticket holder at Leeds United and love going with my two sons but unfortunately the football isn’t too good.
After I retired from the Police I was asked if I would like to go and work in Northern Ireland as an SIO reviewing deaths of people that were killed in the troubles in the 70s. I worked over there for 4 years and found the work and the place fascinating. I worked in Lisburn and lived in Hillsborough.
I don’t think there’s much else to tell you. I keep in touch with Roger Needham (Shoes), Paul Deans, Gerry Benson and a several others via facebook which is a great way of finding out what ex colleagues are up to and where.
Gerry Benson is due to come to Bermuda later this month for 3 weeks staying with Roland Lines in Fairylands. I’m sure he’lll be making contact with you.