What a nice surprise this morning (27th March 2018) opening the Royal Gazette to find an excellent article on Dave Garland which you can view at http://www.royalgazette.com/lifestyle/article/20180327/bermuda-beat-my-island-love-affair

The article is in a section of the Royal Gazette devoted to senior citizens who have made a valuable contribution to the community here in Bermuda, and Dave more than qualifies to be featured this week.
The article tells how Dave arrived in Bermuda in 1961 to join the Police Force and immediately fell in love with the Island. He describes how he was present on the morning of February 1965 during the BELCO riot and was one of the 17 police officers who were injured that morning.
There is also mention of the fact that Dave and fellow Yorkshireman, Derek Jenkinson, realized the need for a police boat to assist Police in investigating marine related crimes, and the two young constables first sought permission from Commissioner, George Robins, and then together built our first ever Police Boat. You can read more about the first police boat on our website at http://expobermuda.com/index.php/articles/10-first-boat

Dave served in the Bermuda Police for 15 years before taking up life as a civvy, and he was recently honoured by the Bermuda College for having taught their Pilot Licensing Course and other marine related courses at the college for the past 40 years.
He turned 80 in 2017, and Dave has not been in the best of health for a while. In fact, we reported yesterday that he was admitted to KEMH a couple of weeks ago having suffered a minor heart attack, but his wife Sue has assured us that he is recovering from his latest illness. In fact we have just received the good news from Sue that Dave is now out of hospital and resting comfortably at home. We wish him a speedy recovery and all the best.

I should mention that we have been bugging Dave to write an article for our "Then and Now" column which should include the fact that he has represented the Police in at least three sports that we know of - football, rugby and hockey - in all of which he excelled. We will know he's feeling better when he turns up again to play golf with the Senior Golfer's Association. Senior golf seems almost quiet without our Dave!
If you are reading this article and you're not familiar with the workings of our website if you go to our Home page you will see a "Search" engine in the top right corner of your screen. Just type in "Garland" and press search and you can view all articles which include Dave. You can use the search engine to check on anyone else who you think might be mentioned on our website, including yourself if you are a former Bermuda police officer.