We are deeply saddened to have heard two pieces of sad news yesterday. John “Barry” Higham has written to friends with the sad news that his beloved Lynne passed away peacefully on 7th July 2022 at the Blackburn Royal Infirmary. Barry and Lynne were a deeply devoted couple and we send our sincere condolences to Barry at this very difficult time for him. The photo below was taken at a very successful Bermuda Reunion organized by Bill Nixon in Birmingham in 2014. CLICK HERE for our report on the reunion. CLICK HERE to view Barry’s excellent article in our “Then and Now” column.

Our second piece of sad news is from Australia where we hear that Richard “Dick” Coulthards lovely wife Jenny passed away recently after a long illness. Richard and Jenny met here in Bermuda over 50 years ago, and after leaving the Island in 1976 they settled in Australia where they have a large family. They were last here for a visit back in 2012. CLICK HERE for an excellent article Richard wrote for our “Then and Now” column.

We offer our sincere condolences to Richard and to the Coulthard family on their sad loss.