Ken Van Thal has written to ask if anyone might know where his old friend, Phillip Lupson is these days. Ken says, “He and I along with Steve Rollin and Phil Every and others shared a lovely pad in Riddles Bay called La Mer. Coincidentally after I left the Rock in 1973 I later bought his mother’s house in Barnet UK. That was 1985 and that was the last time we met.”
Phil served here in the Bermuda Police from 1971-1976, and prior to his arrival here he had served in the Metropolitan Police first as a Cadet and then as a P.C. from 1964-1971.
While here on Island Phil worked in Central Uniform, on Mobile Patrol, in Western Uniform and in Operations (Traffic).
If anyone has contact details or any idea how we might get in touch with Phil please let us know either through the Comments section below or email us at info@expobermuda.com
UPDATE - 30th July 2018
We’ve received word from Ken Van Thal that he’s finally managed to get in touch with Phil Lupson who is keeping well and enjoying retirement. Phil apparently does a lot of travelling and presently has house guests. He’s promised to call Ken back when they have left.
Phil fondly remembers Bermuda and recalled the occasion of having to down a ‘yard of ale’ at Somerset. It was a "quadrathon" and the yard of ale was the final leg. He apparently won the challenge.
Ken says next time he speaks to Phil he’ll ask him to do an update of his life since he left the Rock. He had the impression Phil doesn’t spend much, if any, time on the computer and is probably not aware of the existence of our ExPo website (I have to wonder how many of our former colleagues are in that category!). Phil lives about forty miles from Davie Kerr and they occasionally chat.