We are deeply saddened to report that our old friend and colleague, retired Inspector Eddie “Boxhead” Foggo has passed away. We have limited information at this point but many of you will know that Eddie has been suffering from severe Alzheimer’s for several years.

There is no doubt that “Boxhead” was known to, and was heard by everyone who worked in the Force during the time he was serving. He joined in September 1961 and served for 28 years until his retirement in May 1989. During that time he worked in Eastern Division, Operations, Marine Section, Mobile Patrol, I/C Motor Cycle Section, CID (Murder Room), and in Central Uniform. He will no doubt be best remembered as OIC of MCPS and as a longstanding member of the Police Motor Cycle Display Team.
Eddie was always extremely popular throughout the Force and in latter years he served on our Bermuda Ex-Po Committee and could always be relied on to help out at functions, along with his wife Tricia.
We send sincere condolences to Tricia, Bruce and Ian, and the Foggo family. We will publish further details of the funeral as soon as possible.
CLICK HERE to add your comments in the obituary published in the Royal Gazette on 15th September.