I wonder how many of our readers around the globe still like to read the Royal Gazette on the internet to see “what’s happnin” here in Bermuda. If you are one of them you’re probably tearing your hair out (if you still have hair) trying to open up articles because you are now restricted to reading no more than 3 free articles in a month.
The Royal Gazette, like many newspapers, is finding it difficult to survive these days, especially when their circulation is down here in Bermuda due to so many people simply choosing to read it for free on the internet rather than paying $2.50 for a daily copy of the newspaper. I must confess to being one of those who more often than not will sit at home reading the RG online rather than walk down to our neighborhood store to obtain a hard copy or to have one delivered to my door.
A few days ago I spotted an advert from the Royal Gazette offering unlimited access via internet at a Daily rate of $1.50 per day, Monthly at $5.99 per month, or Yearly at $49.99 per year. CLICK HERE to view the advert and application information.
All three of these options provide you with unlimited website access as in the past, but also access through their digital edition which is much easier to read and beautifully laid out, plus access to the RG archives, and will soon include Daily News Summaries.
After much thought I decided to go with the annual subscription of $49.99 and I’m delighted with the result. I must add that I needed some assistance in setting it all up and it takes a little time to get to know the system, but all in all I’m finding it to be a great system and better in many ways than reading a hard copy because it’s very easy to expand the size of the print for anyone who has eyesight problems, plus there’s no problem getting printers ink on your hands!
A couple of pointers re filling in the subscription details and sifting through the system itself:-
- When entering your details on the application form it requires your “Zipcode”- here in Bermuda that means your postal code. It also asks for your “State” - you can leave that blank. Finally it asks for “City” and for some reason you have to fill that in, even if you live in St. David’s - so if you live anywhere in Bermuda you just insert “Hamilton”.
- If you’re using a regular computer such as a Mac you don’t need The Royal Gazette app , but if you want to view it on an Iphone or Ipad you will need to download “The Royal Gazette” app from the App Store (this is free if you are an RG subscriber).
- Final advice – if you are anywhere near my age I strongly recommend that you obtain technical advice from someone much younger than we are. Grandkids seem to have no problem with this technology.
Gone are the days when we had four newspapers in Bermuda – the Royal Gazette, the Mid Ocean News, the Bermuda Sun, and The Recorder. The times they are a’changing and we have to try to change with them.
EDITORS NOTE - We would be interested in knowing how many of our ExPo members still read the Royal Gazette from time to time, and where you are in the world when you do so. You can contact us at info@expobermuda.com