We held our popular Annual Summer BBQ on a magnificent evening on the Police Club patio on Saturday 11th August 2012.

Guests included ACOP Paul Wright, along with former colleagues, Bob Kinnon and Ian Graham with their wives, Helen and Maggie, and Bob & Helen’s son who were on holiday in Bermuda. Also attending were The Rev David Addington and his wife Mary Ann who returned to Bermuda from the U.K. for a visit.

The food, music and ambiance were excellent and by all accounts the evening was an outstanding success.
Sincere thanks to our organizing committee which included Dave Cook with assistance from his wife Patsy, Eddie Davies, Corey Cross, Coralie Trott, Alan Kennedy, Reese Bartley and Brian Robinson (the latter two were unable to be there but still assisted with putting on this event).
This is a social gathering providing our members with an opportunity to get together with former colleagues and friends and share our collective experiences in familiar surroundings.

This year we held a quiz with tables competing against each other. We asked the following questions and asked each table to compile their answers while enjoying dessert:-
1. Compile a list of nicknames of Bermuda Police Officers.
2. How many former police officers can you name who have the first name “Michael”, “Mike” or ‘Mick”?
3. How many officers can you name who joined the Force in 1966 with the first batch of recruits from Barbados? And how many officers can you name from the West Indies who joined the Force prior to 1966
4. How many policewomen can you name who held the rank of Inspector or above before they retired?
5. How many families have had more than one member of their immediate family serve in the Force?
We will report on more results at a later time but for now, here is the list of nicknames compiled by just one table headed by Carlton Adams and Bob Kinnon:-
“Shag” Shaw, "Tango" Burgess, “Shakey” Johnson, “Spider” Mackenzie, “Jimmy the Wop” Costello, “Casper” Beech, “Shoes” Needham, “Tinker” Taylor, “Goat” or “Draino” Taylor, “Mutley” Deans, “Killer” Walgate, “Billy” Foggo, “Fast Eddie” Davies, “Boxhead” Foggo, “Chopper” or “Uncle Bob” Massey, “Secret Squirrel” Cox, “Stumpy” Kirkham, “Grim Jim” McNiven, Clive “Fury” Donald, “Spike” Jones, “Pudsey” Hay, “Mother” Burke, “Doc” Hall, “Red” Hebberd, “Cookie” Cook, “Nobby” Clark, “Moby” Pett, Charles “Stick-on” Mooney, “Jelly Bean” Wingood, Paul “Cranker” Cranage, “Penny” Bean, “Have Gun Will Travel” Waddell, “Merve the Swerve” Willey, “Smelly” Brown, and “Budgy” Lohan.
We had lots more answers from other groups and will be compiling a more comprehensive list in the near future, so please put on you thinking caps and let us have you own favourite nicknames. (You can add them to the comments column at the foot of this page)
Bob Kinnon was asked to explain why Phil Taylor came to be known as “Draino” and described how one evening while on duty patrolling Government House, Phil had decided to turn off a tap which inadvertently completely emptied the Government House pool!

More photos of the BBQ can be found in our Photo Gallery under the Main Menu. These include rare photos taken in the “birdcage” on the PRC patio.

As you can see, we even managed to squeeze Bob Kinnon and Ian Graham into the illuminated birdcage - quite an engineering feat!