We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of former Commandant of the Bermuda Reserve Police, John Moore, who would be well known by many of the police officers who knew him years ago as Captain John Moore. Captain Moore's wife, Elizabeth, is the daughter of the Late Inspector Doug " Red" Hebberd.
Unfortunately we do not keep records of the Bermuda Reserve Police, but we are indebted to the present Commandant, Ron-Michel E. Davis, FCMI, who kindly provided us with this obituary of Captain Moore..
It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the passing of retired Commandant, Capt. John Moore late last week. Commandant Moore was in his 85th year.
Captain John Willard Moore assumed command of what was then the Bermuda Reserve organization on 9th July 1987, becoming the fourth Commandant of the organization.
Commandant Moore had a broad vision of the role that Reserve officers should perform and set about acting on his vision in short order.
With the approval of former Commissioner of Police, Mr. Frederick Bean, Commandant Moore established the Reserve Executive Committee and immediately set about reforming the organization. Some of the biggest changes in the forty-year history of the Bermuda Reserve Constabulary happened under his administration.
Many of the current operational standards and processes that guide the Bermuda Reserve Police today can be credited to Commandant Moore’s tenacity to increase the numbers and to also ensure the upgrading and the delivery of more professional training for his officers, to bring it in line with that of the Bermuda Police Service. These include establishing a 16-week basic training course, driver training, and station duty training. Later during his tenure, members were further integrated with career officers and performed duty in CID, Narcotics, and other specialist departments. Membership in the Bermuda Reserve Constabulary was at a low of 84 when Commandant Moore assumed command. This number increased to 102 by 1996 and to 135 by the end of his tour in 1999.
In 1992, undertaking the first of its kind, Commandant Moore lead a group of reserve officers on an overseas tour to a visit with the Metropolitan Police Auxiliaries in Toronto, the Royal Mounted Police and the Ottawa Police. One of the hallmarks of Commandant Moore’s time overseeing the organization occurred in 1995 when he and his committee sought to change the name of the organization from the Bermuda Reserve Constabulary to the Bermuda Reserve Police. The then Commissioner of Police, Mr. Coxall, approved this name change, in addition to approving a change in uniform so that it was identical to that of the Bermuda Police Service.
Commandant Moore was awarded the Colonial Police Medal in 1992. We are indebted to him for his many years of stewardship and his progressive vision for the Reserves. May he rest in peace.
While there will be no formal home-going service, arrangements are being made to host a celebration of life on the dock at the Biological Station as Commandant Moore was very active in that community upon retiring from the BRP. At present, a tentative date of April 23rd, 2024 has been set and once confirmed, further details will be shared.
We offer our sincere condolences to Commandant Moore’s wife, Elizabeth, and to his entire family during this time.
Ron-Michel E. Davis, FCMI
Bermuda Reserve Police
EDITORS NOTE - We also extend our sincere condolences to Elizabeth and their family.