Christmas lunch at Mad Hatters

Our Ex-Bobbies annual pre-Christmas lunch was held at Mad Hatters restaurant in the Mariner’s Club on Tuesday 5th December 2024, thanks to the organizational skills of stalwarts Bill Butterworth and Dave Cooper.  

The dining room was packed to the gills with a total of some 45 former bobbies, including three from “abroad” (more about them in a moment).  There’s always a “buzz” at these events which have been going on for as long as anyone present could remember.  And judging from the atmosphere, the camaraderie, the excellent menu, and top-class service thanks to Ed Barnes and his staff, a good time was had by all.

Gerry Lyons, Phil Scarcliffe and Wayne Perinchief

Roger Brydon, Geoff Piggott and Dave Cooper

This year we had three “attendees” from overseas.  Two of our former colleagues, Roger Brydon and Phil Scarcliffe, joined us at the lunch. Roger was on one of his regular visits to the Island  while Phil has recently re-domiciled back here.  

Ray Bell, Joe Tildesley and Bill Butterworth

Our third overseas attendee was a visitor from the West Midlands Police - retired Inspector Joe Tildesley who is Secretary of the Birmingham Branch of the National Association of Retired Police Officers which has over 2,000 members. Joe and his wife, Joan, who is also a retired West Midlands police officer, are presently visiting their daughter who lives here, and Joe is planning to write an article about his Bermuda visit for the Birmingham Branch NARPO newsletter. CLICK HERE to see a previous article we have published about Joe’s visit in our Latest News column.  

Wayne Perinchief, Paul Singh and Vendal Bridgeman
John Dale, Oliver Bain, Dave Purcell and Stan Francis
Neil Halliday, Pat Hamlett and Rex Osborne
George Rose, Paul Towlson and Kevin Knight
Terry Spencer, Carlton Adams and John Skinner

Joe chatted to quite a few of the guys at our lunch and was interested to know many of us had previously served in other Police departments elsewhere.  For that reason we’ve produced below a quick list of our attendees together with their previous police service, or country of origin which might also be of interest to our own colleagues.

Louis Griffith and Ken Shillingford
Andy Wright, Norman Wilson and Larry Fox
Roger Kendall and Mike Chlebek
Ernie McCreight, Roger Sherratt, Roddy Barclay and Charlie Mooney
Ian McMillan and Mark Bothello
Keith Cassidy and Mike Shaw
Mike Shaw, Peter Borland and Scott Pacheco
Dave Cooper, Ernie McCreight, Roddy Barclay,
Charlie Mooney, Moby Pett and Pete Shaw

On a sad note, Bill asked for a moment of silence for those of our colleagues who passed away during the past 12 months. They are Steve Dunleavy, Mike Cherry, Graham Alderson, Braxton Stowe, Tony Smith and Darren Marcano.

On a more positive note, Bill pointed out that although we wouldn’t be entertained this year by “Fast Eddie” Davies who revels in joke-telling when he happens to be on Island for this gathering, but we were about to be treated to a musical interlude by our good friend John Dale.  

John  Dale in full voice

John gave a moving rendition of “Let there be Peace on Earth”, after which he serenaded Joe Tildesley with a rendition of “Bermuda is Another World” accompanied, with a little encouragement, by some of our attendees who had been members of the Police Choir, although it has to be said the accompaniment also included voices that clearly had never sang in a choir of any description!   

John serenades Joe Tildesley with
"Bermuda is Another World"

When asked about this year’s event Bill said, “I think it went off smoothly, it‘s always good to see former colleagues that you don’t come across in the normal course of your day. Our thanks to Ed Barnes and the rest of the staff at Mad Hatters,  the food was really good and service good as usual.  Also thanks to John Dale for the impromptu concert. ”

Bill pointed out that our two elder statesmen at the lunch were Wayne Perinchief and Stan Francis who were both born 83  years ago in 1941.


Here’s our list of attendees with their former police forces or countries of origin.  Experienced police officers recruited abroad – from either the UK or the West Indies would normally undertake a two week Familiarisation Course on arrival in Bermuda.  Overseas recruits with no prior police experience, together with Bermudian recruits would attend  3 month Basic Training Courses along very similar lines to those in the UK. 

Carlton Adams          Bermuda Police
Oliver Bain                 Royal Grenada Police Force
Roddy Barclay          Edinburgh City Police
Ray Bell                     Durham Constabulary
Peter Borland            recruited from UK Liverpool
Mark Bothello            Bermuda Police
Vendal Bridgeman    recruited from WI Barbados
Roger Brydon           Northumberland
Bill Butterworth         Sunderlamd Boro, Durham County Police
Keith Cassidy            Liverpool Police
Mike Chlebek            recruited from UK Bolton
Dave Cooper             Hampshire Police
John Dale                  Salford City and Manchester Police
Larry Fox                   Merseyside Police
Stanley Francis         Grenada Police Force
Louis Griffiths            recruited from WI Barbados
Neil Halliday              recruited from UK Wales
Patrick Hamlett         recruited from WI St. Vincent
Roger Kendall           Leics and Rutland Police
Kevin Knights            Suffolk Police
Gerry Lyons               recruited from UK Bonny Scotland
Ernie McCreight        Glasgow Police – ardent Rangers fan!
Ian McMillan              Strathclyde Police
Charles Mooney        recruited from UK Scotland
Rex Osbourne          Gloucestershire Constabulary
Scott Pacheco          Bermuda Civilian
Wayne Perinchief      Bermuda Police
“Moby” Pett              Staffs County Police
Geoff Piggott            Cambridgeshire Police
Dave Purcell              recruited from WI Grenada
George Rose             Birmingham City Police
Phil Scarcliffe            Lincolnshire Police
Mike Shaw                recruited from UK ex Royal Navy
Peter Shaw               Thames Valley Police
Roger Sherratt          Staffs County Police
Ken Shillingford         recruited from WI Dominica
Paul Singh                 recruited from WI Trinidad
John Skinner             East Sussex Police
Terry Spencer            Bermuda Police 
Joe Tildesley             West Midland Police (Vaitor)
Paul Towlson             Nottinghamshire Constabulary
Norman Wilson         recruited from NI County Antrim