Are you one of the 78 from 73?!
According to our records, 1973 was a bumper year for young men and women to join the Bermuda Police, with a total of 78 being recruited during the year as listed below.
Looking through our Training School Course photos we found two Basic Training Course photos, for Course #16 held between June and August 1973, and Course #17 held between October 1973 and January 1974.
Editors note - We are currently in the process of publishing all of the photos of Basic Training Courses, more recently called Recruitment Foundation Courses, on our website in the "Training Course" column. CLICK HERE to see our list which includes all courses from Basic Training Course #1 to Basic Training Course #40 together with several short training courses held prior to 1964, along with a few Localisation Courses. We will try to publish all the courses from Course #40 in 1988 upto Course #71 in 2009
Unfortunately, photos were seldom taken of Localisation Courses held at Training School, and to the best of our knowledge none were taken of the Localisation Course group who arrived on 1st and 3rd May 1973. This group comprised Neil Anderson, Roger Brydon, Paul Collins, Angus Craig, Donald “Howard” Cutts, John Dale, Stuart Donaldson, Andrew “Andy” Donaldson, Roger Hanley, John Harper, Stuart Innes, Richard “Rocky” Ironmonger, Anthony “Tony” Laughton, Malcom Martin, Iain Morrison, Christopher Moyse, Andrew Smith, David Smith, Francis “Frank” Thom, and John Walsh.
We’re aware that some of those who joined in 1973 are no longer with us, and these include Norman and Wayne Ingemann, Alf Morris, Ray Needham,Chris Moyse, Damian Wilcocks who died under tragic circumstances, and the Late Inspector Stuart Innes who passed away recently. CLICK HERE for an article about Stuart in our Hall of Fame.
Quite a few of the 1973 intakes stayed and made their careers in the BPS, including both local and overseas recruits. These included Neil Anderson 1973-1990, Barbara Clarke 1973-1994, Howard Cutts 1973-2004, Stuart Donaldson 1973-1998, Frank Dublin 1973-2003, Jim Fullerton 1973-1996, Donald Grant 1973-2005, Archie Husbands 1973-1999, George Jackson 1973-2009, Ken James 1973-2003, Earl Kirby 1973-2003, June Pitt 1973- 1997, and Sinclair White 1973-2011. CLICK HERE to obtain more details from our List of Police Officers 1879-1979.
But many of these officers listed below worked for a shorter time and in many cases left Bermuda and settled elsewhere. Of this group we do have some contact addresses (CLICK HERE for List of Names of Colleagues for whom we have contact details). However, in many cases we have completely lost contact with them. If you happen to have details of anyone who is not on our contact list we would be delighted if you could let us know who they are, and either let us have their contact details, or ask then to get in touch with us directly at
Colleagues who joined BPS in 1973
1st May - Francis “Frank” Thom, Andrew Smith, Malcom Martin, Stuart Innes*, John Harper, Anthony “Tony” Laughton, Donald “Howard” Cutts, Stuart Donaldson, Neil Anderson, Angus Craig
3rd May - John Walsh, Richard “Rocky” Ironmonger, Christopher Moyse, Paul Collins, Andrew “Andy” Donaldson, Roger Hanley, David Smith, Roger Brydon, Iain Morrison, John Dale.
28th May - Norman Ingemann
1st June - Ronald Smith
6th June - Lyndon Lewis, Stanley Gough, Nicholas “Nicky” Bolton, Peter O’Sullivan, James “Jim” Fullerton, Gerald “Gerry” Lyons
7th June - Theodore “Theo” Providence, Roderick Toppin, Kenrick “Ken” James, George Jackson, Archibald Husbands, Leonard Lenny” Crichton, Anslem “Earl” Kirby
8th June - Wayne Ingemann*
9th June - Albert Evans
12th June - Frank Dublin
15th June - Christopher Keen
1st July - William Saints, Calvin Carvell
1st October - James White,
2nd October - Colin Hopkins, Christopher Pearce, Frank Donald, Paul Deans, David Lunn, Martin Connor, George Readings
3rd October - Christopher Bowerman, Paul Davis, Robert “Bob” Kinnon, Damian Wilcocks, Ian Graham, Francis “Frank” Wood, Donald Grant
22nd October - Alfred “Alf” Morris
23rd October - John McKay, Harry Messham, Allen Pugh, John Latoszek, Keith Melville, Lincoln Pratt, Michael Scully, John Stewart, Raymond Needham
26th October - Ralph Trott, Barbara Clarke, Sinclair White, June Pitt, Vaughan Stovell, Joanna Eastern, Reginald Emery, Philip Bailey
1st November - Wilton Lee (Cadet), William Nolan, Susan Brien, Maureen Connor/Taylor
For all of the above former colleagues who are still “wertical” as we say in Bermuda, we would first wish you a Happy 50th Anniversary since you became a Bermuda police officer, and to wish you a Healthy and Covid free 2023. We would also love to hear from you during the year especially around the time of your 50th Anniversary since putting on the Bermuda Police uniform.