Welcome to the official website of the Bermuda Ex-Police Officer's Association, now known as "Bermie Ex-Po". Our intention is to provide former and retired members of the Bermuda Police Service with a means of keeping in touch with each other, to record our collective history, and to encourage you to sit down and write about your own personal experiences so they can be recorded for posterity
Our Committee (CLICK HERE for details) is determined to ensure that "Bermie Ex-Po" is inclusive for all those who have served in the BPS, and through our website we try to bring us all closer together, whether you are still living here in Bermuda or you are many thousands of miles away.
I feel sure that as you leaf through its pages, our website will hold many fond memories for you, and will hopefully encourage you to let us hear from you. Please feel free to let us have your comments and suggestions via our website email address at
The Robins Era
We are currently publishing a series of articles, written by George Rose, on the Bermuda Police during the tenure of George H. Robins as our Commissioner of Police, and we have just published the 2nd of 9 chapters covering each of the 9 years Mr. Robins was in office, all of which were during a time of major societal changes in Bermuda’s history. CLICK HERE for Commissioner George Robins second year – 1962.

CLICK HERE for our article on retired Chief Inspector Hilton Wingood who served from 1955 – 1986
Hall of Fame - This section is intended to honour the memories of former colleagues who are no longer with us. They are usually kindly submitted by family and friends, and we urge the families of our former colleagues to assist us in including their loved ones in our Hall of Fame.

We’re taking this opportunity to feature a fascinating history maker, Bermuda’s brilliant first detective, Charles Edward “D.O” Simons who first joined the Police Force in 1902 as a Rural Constable, and was appointed as our first detective in 1919. “D.O”(Detective Officer) Simons went on to head the CID and his abilities as a detective were legendary. We will soon be providing details of a major historic find regarding "D.O."Simons.
CLICK HERE for our article on the Late David “Dave” Cook who served in the BPS from 1966-1991,
CLICK HERE for our article on the Late James “JCP” “Jim” Hanlon who served in the BPS from 1952-1985.

CLICK HERE for our article about retired Inspector Mike Burke being interviewed recently on ITV Jersey, about his recollections of the bombing and invasion of Jersey by Germany in 1940 when he was 7 years old and the arrival of ship bringing lifesaving Red Cross food and supplies to the island at the height of the War in 1944.
CLICK HERE for the second in a series of nine articles on Commissioner George H. Robins' tenure in Bermuda, this one covering the year 1962. This chapter includes a special summary of Sports activities as reported in the two police magazines published during the year.
Who, Where and When - This column features photographs submitted to us by former colleagues in which we challenge you to tell us who is in the photograph, when was it taken, and where was it taken? We usually give you a couple of weeks to figure out the answers and we then publish the correct results - if known - based on our collective memories. Please either email your answers to us or type in your comments in the "Comments" section below the enlarged photo. Editors note - We are still having problems with our Comments at the bottom of each page, so if you would like to answer the above queries please forward your answers to or post them on our ExPo Facebook page.

Latest News and Press Releases - You will see the headings for both of these columns here on our home page, Latest News usually contains local news, often related to the BPS, that we believe will be of interest. Press Releases are usually about Police-related matters but we also try to bring your attention to other matters which may be of particular interest to you.
On behalf of the Bermie Ex-Po Committee we wish all the very best to you and your families, and we trust that our website will provide you with an opportunity to reminisce about the good times as you stroll down memory lane.
You do not need to be a paid up member of Bermie Ex-Po to be able to enjoy our website, but we would encourage all former members of the Bermuda Police normally resident in Bermuda to join our organization. The annual cost of membership is $40, and for persons over 70 it is $20. Widows and widowers of former officers are honorary members, as are retired civilian staff. We are most grateful to the Police Association for a generous donation that made the creation of this website possible, but we normally have to rely on membership fees to keep it active and up-to-date.