Men From the East
We recently received this group photo from former P.C. Ian Kittle who has written an excellent article for our "Then and Now" column which you can view at
Ian sent us a great selection of great photos, in fact too many for us to include them all in his article, so we decided to post this one in our "Who, Where and When" column for two reasons. The first is that we want to include as many photos as possible on our ExPo website for historic reasons, and secondly we want to test your collective memories to see if between us we can identify everyone in this photograph.
We knew for certain that anyone viewing it would immediately know where it was taken (outside the St. George Police Club) , and you will of course see Ian Kittle in there. But we wanted to know if you could recognize all the others and also confirm when it was taken. We have heard from John Headey that he left the Island in 1976, and he believes this photo was taken in the year he left, so unless we hear otherwise we will settle on 1976.
As of 22nd July 2018 we appear to have successfully identified everyone unless we've made any mistakes!
We also posted another of Ian's group photos in our "Who, Where and When" column this last week titled "A Dangerous Group" which you can view at
Now that we also have an ExPo Facebook page we have posted both of these photos on it in hopes that it will reach a wider audience of our Bermuda Ex-Police Officers. You can view our Facebook page at
Just one extra note if you are a former member of the Bermuda Police we are always interested in receiving old photos and in hearing from our old colleagues so please feel free to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and get in touch with us.