Ten Uniformed Police Officers
This photo was provided to us by the son of one of the officers sitting on the front row – Sergeant Douglas "Red" Hebberd. We have had a few problems identifying some of the men although we believe we have at least 8 out of 10 as listed in the photo caption below. There were several suggestions as to the identity of the officer on the back row left, immediately behind Ken Morris, but we are now sure that it is Robert "Bob" Smith who went on to become Head of Security at the Southampton Princess for many years. We have so far not been able to identify the officer on the back row between Sean Sheehan and Melvin Dickinson. Dudley Proctor, who is in the photo 2nd from left on the front row, has a copy of this photo and he believes that the officer on the right end of front row was named Frank. It is probably Frank Robinson but we would prefer someone to confirm this. *
Regarding where and when the photo was taken and why, we believe it was taken in front of the Police Recreation Club before it was renovated, and that it was a group attending a Refresher Course. The most likely date is June 1958 because Sean Sheehan's record indicates that he attended a course at that time. "Red" Hebbard was a Sergeant from 1956 - 1960 and Melvin Dickinson left the Force in 1962 after serving for 10 years.
* 19th November 2014 - With regard to identifying P.C. Frank Robinson, we were delighted to hear from his son Adam Robinson who wrote to us on 14/11/14 to confirmed that it is definitely his father Frank. Adam and his brother Mark are also keen to hear from anyone who knew Frank and who might be able to provide any further interesting information about him.
19th November 2014 - We have just heard from former P.C. John McCulloch wrote the following:-
18th November 2014
Editor's note - Several guys have suggested that the officer at top row right might be Lawrence "Mincy" Rawlins, but we have checked with "Mincy" who says it is definitely not him. He is also sure that this photo was taken at Prospect, not in Somerset, and he also believes that the officer at top left above Ken Morris is Bob Smith who spent many years working at the Southampton Princess after leaving the Force.
21st November 2014
Editor's note - Although there was some question about whether the above photo was taken outside Somerset Police Station or at Prospect, we have checked our archives and found several group photos that were clearly taken in front of the PRC before it underwent renovations to enclose the front patio. The pillars, doors and windows are identical to those in the background on the above photo. For example the photo below was taken circa 1955 of Bermuda Police Officers and Sergeants in front of the same verandah and it also show the large palm tree that would not have been planted in front of Somerset Police Station.
If anyone would like to identify the police officers in this second photo please feel free to do so. Three people who may be able to assist are Tony Saunders (top row left) , Howard Dill (top row 3rd from right) and John Cafferky (top row 2nd from right).