We have just received this great photo of the VI 80's reunion of our guys in Bristol in April. We understand that it was organized by Kev Buxton & Stuart Mason, and that a good time was had by all. You can also view the photo on our ExPo website page. If you can provide any more information about the get together we would be delighted to hear from you. You can view the photo and comments on our ExPo Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157238264824275&set=a.10150387726969275&type=3&theater
Standing from L:- Steve Parkinson, Keith Senior, Kev Buxton, Brian Howard,
We wrote to Keith Senior who attended this reunion to ask about how the group gets together, and he sent us the following:-
This year marks the sixth reunion year. Each year some make it some don’t, some new faces also appear as the group grows, thanks to social media.
We all had our individual stories and service levels in Bermuda, and all have their stories which are shared over a beer.
The event is open to anyone who ever served during the 80's. It is usually organized by Kevin Buxton along with Stuart Mason. Organizing usually entails setting a date and venue and that’s pretty much it!
Because of the numbers now involved, a few sub-groups get together, Divisional colleagues etc. It’s never a problem and everyone just has a laugh and shares stories of what they are doing now as well as Bermuda stories.
Many lads enjoy the expo site as it gives an insight as to what Bermudian and Caribbean ex-colleagues are up to. Everyone asks after Cliff and send regards. A few are coming to Bermuda in September, as will I to visit my grandaughter.
Did you know my son Tommy is PC 2529?! (Editors note – No, I didn’t, but will try to contact Tommy to ask what he’s doing and where he’s posted.)
I think Kevin has sent you a photo of the group with names. There were two newbies this time. Steve Tully and Brian Howard. Both said how they were a little apprehensive of the get-together after all these years, but both also said how glad they were to have attended and met up and shared time together.
To a man, everyone said how they enjoyed their time and service in Bermuda, and getting together with old frields over a ‘dark and stormy’ was a great way to spend a couple days.
Julie and I are kept busy day to day, and we enjoy travelling in Europe, as well as caravanning.
Warmest regards to all in Bermuda.
Editors note - If you were one of the attendees we would love to hear from you, either in the comments section below or via email at our ExPo website at info@expobermuda.com. Let us know where you are these days and what you're doing, family, work, hobbies etc., a little about your time in Bermuda, and maybe a couple of photos of you back then - and now.