We were deeply saddened to hear the news that our good friend Ron Robinson, affectionately known as “JC,” passed away yesterday evening, Wednesday 19th July 2017. Ron was a familiar sight at the Police Recreation Club and a keen supporter and member of the Police Boxing Section for many years.
Ron was a regular attendee at the PRC on Thursday lunchtimes socialising with his close friends, Jimmy Costello, Gerry Lyons, Brian Malpas and Keith Lovell.
The news of Ron’s passing came from the Bermuda Sailors Home where he had been a member for nearly fifty years and had served on their board. He had also been working at the Cathedral for many years.
We offer our sincere condolences to Ron’s family and his many friends. We understand that his funeral will be held at the Anglican Cathedral next week and will publish details as soon as they are announced.
21st July
An obituary for Ron has been published in the Royal Gazetteand can be viewed at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/theroyalgazette/obituary.aspx?n=ronald-robinson&pid=186149215
It is reported that the funeral is being planned for next Tuesday 25th July. Further details to follow.