Magnificent sunset on the PRC patio

Our annual ExPo Summer BBQ was held at the PRC on Saturday 27th July on the patio of the PRC overlooking Hamilton and the North Shore.

A Happy Gathering 
View overlooking the Police Field 

ExPo President, Cal Smith, reports that almost 50 of our faithful ExPo members and friends were in attendance. Cal says, “It was good to see everyone again on a beautiful evening, where we had the privilege of witnesssing a magnificent Bermuda sunset while enjoying our buffet feast catered by Roy’s Fine Foods.”

Gail Correia, Cal Smith and Linda Perry 
Proud grandfathers -  Roger Kendall and Carlton Adams

ln his welcoming remarks Cal asked for a moment of silence for those who have recently passed, followed by congratulatory remarks to Roger Kendall regarding his grandson who recently passed out of Police Training School and was awarded the Baton of Honour.  This was the second course in a row where the Baton of Honour was awarded to the grandson of a member of ExPo. At the last course the baton of honour was won by James Adams, the grandson of retired ACOP Carlton Adams.  I guess it could be said that “apples don’t fall far from trees.”  Congratulations to Roger and Carlton and both of their grandsons.

Cal also commented that it was a great night, thoroughy enjoyed by all and that ExPo looks forward to our next social event.

Norman Wilson, Moby Pett,  Scott Pacheco, Mike Shaw, & Ernie McCreight
John and Betty Dale with Nadine and Robin Henagulph 
Beverly Pitt  and Oliver Bain 
Debbie and Ray Bell 
Pat Hamlet and Partner 

Rosie Pearman and Clara Saunders 

Ann Morgan and John Skinner
Paul and Lorna Singh 
Roger and Lita Kendall 
Cal Smith and Michael DeSilva

Editors note - Unfortunately I was off the Island for the BBQ  but I’ve been provided with the attached photos taken by our good friend John Skinner.  We do have more photos and I will post them in a separate album in the next few days.