We have just heard that for those under pension age in the UK who may be considering back paying their UK National Insurance Contributions, the UK has extended its deadline to backpay up to 16 years of contributions until the end of July.  It apparently requires 35 years of contributions for a full UK pension which is currently around 805 pounds per month.  It would be much appreciated if someone can confirm whether this is indeed the case – and let us know for the benefit of those of our ExPo members who are due to receive a UK pension.

CLICK HERE to read more about this apparent change to the back paying deadline, but we would stress that this is just our understanding at this point.


10th March 2023

EDITORS NOTES -   We've received an email from Ian Graham regarding the report about topping up of UK state pension contributions and the veracity of the informaton contained in the Money Saving Expert article produced by Martin Laws.   Ian has written to say,  "I have read the information and it seems accurate to me but I am not an expert;  however Martin Lewis is well respected in the UK and appears in an expert capacity on BBC finance programmes. If Martin says it is correct then it probably is!!!

CLICK HERE for the link forwarded to us by Roger Beschizza, to an advisory from the UK Government on deadlines for its National Insurance contributions.


13th March 2023 

STEVE PARKINSON comments taken from our ExPo Facebook page  -  I’m not sure that this is correct , unless its different for non residents. I have literally in the last few weeks been dealing with UK National Insurance and have backpaid six years worth of contributions , the maximum I was allowed to pay. It is true that you have to have a record which shows thirty five years worth of contributions , anything less and you will receive a pro rata rate upon reaching your retirement age. I believe there is also a minimum number of years that you have to pay in to receive a pension , which is something like ten years. At present it costs approximately £825 to repay one years worth of contributions. It has been calculated that you have to draw your pension for 2.5 years to recover that outlay , thereafter you are in profit so to speak. The cost of repaying contributions is not constant , it goes up year on year. As I said earlier it may be different if your still resident overseas but my dealings have been very recent. Hope this is helpful. 

Comment from Roger Sherratt in reply to Steve Parkinson  -   Hi Steve, Many thanks for your input. I will post your comment in the article on our ExPo website. Is it possible that the story about extending the deadline for backpay up to 16 years of contributions was made after you were dealing with the UK National Insurance people? Could you contact the person/s you were dealing with to see if the back-paying regulations have been extended since they dealt with you?