On behalf of our ExPo President, Cal Smith, along with our Committee members, we would like to send best wishes to all of our members and friends during this Festive Season. We are certainly living in the most trying times and feeling “festive” might be a challenge for many of us as we face an uncertain future during this ongoing pandemic.
During this last year we have experienced several serious problems with our Expo website, not the least of which was having to remove the “comments” column from articles because we were being inundated with scam emails through the comments system which closed down our website for several months. Fortunately, we now have a new system and I will be sending out individual emails advising how you can continue to submit your comments by using our logging in system.
A vital part of our website is our “Keeping in Touch” column where we try to keep you in touch with old friends and colleagues. To do so we need to hear from YOU and I would invite you to write and let us know where you are and what you’re doing these days, and maybe how you’re coping with the pandemic. You can contact me through our website email address at info@expobermuda.com, or through my personal email.
I will be off Island over the Christmas holidays and not able access the website, but look forward to getting it up and running again early in the New Year, and I encourage you to consider writing to us about yourselves, and to get in touch with us so we can keep you in touch with each other.
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2022. Please stay safe.