Assistant Commissioner Antoine Daniels


The Royal Gazette published an article (27 March 2024) about gun crime in which it was reported that there have been 294 confirmed firearms incidents since May 2009 — almost two incidents every month — resulting in 51 deaths and a further 128 victims being injured.

Antoine Daniels, the Assistant Commissioner of Police, said that there were several factors to cause sudden surges in gun crime, including opportunity, access to weapons, feuds between rival organisations, and the drive to commit crimes when a gang is running low on assets such as drugs and money.

He added that another element at play was a so-called “changing of the guard” when younger members of a gang wish to make their mark and challenge the leaders.

Mr Daniels said: “Another key factor is the move away from traditional gang behaviour, where previously there was a clear delineation involving members of rival gangs targeting each other.”

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article in which ACOP Daniels outlines how the  police were devising strategies “to target and dismantle those criminal enterprises that create the greatest risk to community safety”.

He also urged that any persons with any information on crime activirty, whether they believe it is important or not, should contact police, Crime Stoppers, or speak with a police officer you know.

“To ignore or believe this behaviour will not, or cannot impact you or your loved ones is unwise, particularly in an island the small size of Bermuda, where one firearms incident can negatively impact an entire family, place of business or neighbourhood.”