Colin MacKenzie "stars" on CBC

I wonder how many of our former colleagues happened to be watching the CBC television show Marketplace on 10th February (aired here in Bermuda on Channel 138 at 9pm on Fridays).  The show was about a Canadian company called Weed Man which had been the subject of hundreds of complaints  across Canada from people who had either not ordered their services at all or were having major issues with being charged for services that they never asked for.  Incidentally,  Marketplace is a great show and they do a very thorough job with their investigations.  During the programmne they interviewed the Lead Investigator from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs in Toronto who made it very clear that the company in question was breaking the law.  The Lead Investigator was our old friend and colleague, Colin MacKenzie,  who we understand has literally just retired from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.   The show focused on three people who were fighting their cases against Weed Man, and needless to say,  Colin was right on the money!  The show concluded with Weed Man sending formal apologies to the three complainants and cancelling their bills.    

Young P.C. Colin MacKenzie
His hair is now even longer - at the back!

We have no doubt that his training in the Bermuda Police Force, especially in SB,  stood Colin in good stead during his career with various law enforcement agencies in Canada!  Look out for an article on Colin to be published very soon in our THEN AND NOW column.

To watch the episode of Marketplace shown on 10th February by CBC just CLICK HERE.